Revaz Koxreidze
Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University
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Pre-Stages of the Formation 0f Ge3N4 on the Surface of Single-Crystal Germanium in Hydrazine Vapors | Irakli Nakhutsrishvili, Revaz Kokhreidze, Giorgi Kakhniashvili | article | Oriental Journal Of Chemistry, 2022, Vol.38, No.(1): Pg. 211-214 | ISSN: 0970-020X | http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/380128 | English | State Targeted Program | |
On the kinetics of oxidation of chromium doped with cerium | O.I.Mikadze, O.G.Tkeshelashvili, R.G.Kokhreidze, T.D.Medoidze, I.G.Nakhutsrishvili | article | Georgia Chemical Journal, 19(1), 2019 Pg. 97-100 | ISSN:1512-0686 | Russian | State Targeted Program | ||
Percolation and the Josephson effect in high-Tc superconducting composites based on yttrium ceramics | J. G. Sanikidze, R. G. Kokhreidze, and S. V. Odenov | article | Low Temperature Physics 32 (8), 846-848 (2006) | Impact Factor: Scopus-0,998 | ISSN:1063-777X | https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2219507 | English | State Targeted Program |
Influence of heat treatment conditions on the properties of superconducting ceramics of Bi (Pb) -Sr-Ca-Cu-O system | R. Kokhreidze, G. Mumladze, S. Odenov, N. Papunashvili, M. Chubabria | article | Proceedings of the Georgian Technical University # 4 (458), p. 100–103, 2005 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||
On the influence of magnetic and nonmagnetic impurities on the properties of yttrium-based high-Tc superconductors | J. G. Sanikidze, R G. Kokhreidze, A. N. Mestvirishvili, G. A. Mumladze, S. V. Odenov, N. A. Papunashvili, and M. Ya. Chubabria | article | Low Temperature Physics 31 (6), 486-489 (2005) | Impact Factor: Scopus-0,793 | ISSN:1063-777X | http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1943532 | English | State Targeted Program |
Influence of a boron oxide admixture on the magnetic and electrical properties of the high-Tc superconductor Bi1,7Pb0,3Sr2Ca2Cu4Oy | V. V. Jgamadze, R. G. Kokhreidze, N. G. Margiani, A. N. Mestvirishvili, S. V. Odenov, N. A. Papunashvili, G. A. Tsintsadze, and G. A. Shurgaia | article | Low Temperature Physics 29 (12), 1036-1037 (2003) | Impact Factor: Scopus-1,342 | ISSN:1063-777X | https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1630722 | English | State Targeted Program |
The Investigation of Flux Creep in the Bi-Based HTSC | S.Odenov, R.Kokhreidze, A.Mestvirishvili, G.Mumladze, N.Papunashvili | article | Proc of the Institute of Cybernetics, 2002, vol.2, №1-2, p.171-173 | ISSN 1512-1372 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
The Influence of Zn and Ni Addition on the Properties of Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-δ | R.Kokhreidze, A.Mestvirishvili, S.Odenov, N.Papunashvili, J.Sanikidze, M.Chubabria | article | Proc of the Institute of Cybernetics, 2002, vol.2, №1-2, p.164-170 | ISSN 1512-1372 | English | State Targeted Program |
Physics of the condensed state of matter at low temperatures | Kharkov, Ukraine | 2006 | 20–22 июня | National Scientific Center "Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology" | Influence of impurities on the physical properties of HTSCs based on Y and Bi | oral | As is known, various impurities can be located both in interstices (Ag) and replace atoms in the main lattice. For example, Cu is replaced by Zn, Ni, Co, Fe, and Ga atoms. Depending on this, in the case of Ag there is some change in the physical properties, which makes it possible to study percolation phenomena in these compounds. In the case of substitution, the fundamental properties of these substances change. UVa2CusO7 samples were fabricated with various amounts of impurities—Zn, Ni, Co, Fe, Ga, and Ag. For all samples, the following were measured: low-frequency susceptibility in crossed ac and dc fields, the magnitude of the superconducting fraction, and the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility in a weak magnetic field at various impurity concentrations. The experimental results show that non-magnetic impurities suppress superconductivity in U-HTSC more strongly than magnetic ones, which confirms the presence of pairs in them in the quantum d-state. The degree of suppression of superconductivity by magnetic impurities depends on the preferred localization of impurities in Cu(1) or Cu(2) cells. In the case of HTSC Bi2Ca2Sr2Cu30y, the suppression of superconductivity by nickel is greater than by zinc. At the same time, Zn acts weaker in Bi-HTSC than in Y-HTSC. This may indicate some difference in the quantum states of the pairs in these superconductors. | https://inis.iaea.org/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/39/023/39023539.pdf |
Web of Science: ციტირების ინდექსი-7, H ინდექსი-2 Scopus: ციტირების ინდექსი-5, H ინდექსი-2 Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-12, H ინდექსი-2 |
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