Tsitsana Basilashvili
Institute of Hydrometeorology
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Statistical Characteristics of Hurricane Winds over Georgia for the Period 1961-2022 | Elizbarashvili E., Varazanashvili O., Amiranashvili O., Fuchs S., Basilashvili Ts. | article | Published in the USA European Geographical Studies, Issued Since 2023, 10 (1): 8-18 | - | E-ISSN 2413-7197 | 10.13187/egs.2033.1.8 | English | Grant Project |
New Natural Hazard Event Database for the Republic of Georgia (GeNHs): Catalogs Compiling Principles and Results | Varazanashvili O., Gaprindashvili G., Elizbarashvili E., Amiranashvili A., Basilashvili Ts., Fuchs S. | conference proceedings | International Scientific Conference “Geophysical processes in the Earth and its Envelopes”, 2023, Proceedings, pp. 185-187 | - | ISBN 978-9941-36-147-0 | - | Georgian | Grant Project |
Spatio-Temporal Development of Floods of Georgian Rivers | Basilashvili Ts. | conference proceedings | International Scientific Conference "Geophysical Processes in the Earth and its Envelopes", 2023, November, Tbilisi, Iv. Javakhishvili State University, Institute of Geophysics, pp. 90-93 | - | ISBN 978-9941-36-147-0 | - | Georgian | Grant Project |
The First Natural Hazard Event Database for the Republic of Georgia (GeNHs) | Varazanashvili O., Gaprindashvili G., Elizbarashvili E., Basilashvili Ts., Amiranashvili A., Fuchs S. | monograph | Catalogue, 2023, 270 p. http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/23456789/10369 | - | - | 10.13140/RG.2.2.12474.57286 | English | Grant Project |
Catastrophic Floods in the Vicinity of Tbilsi | Amiranashvili A., Basilashvili Ts., Elizbarashvili E., Varazanashvili O. | article | Transactions IHM. GTU, Vol. 133, 2023, pp. 56-61 | - | - | org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | Grant Project |
Safety Issues in the Face of Increased Risk of Floods | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Science and Technologies, Technical University, Vol. 3 (743), 2023, pp. 26-31 | - | ISSN 0130-7061 | http://doi.org/10.36073/0130-7061 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Forest and Life on the Earth | Basilashvili Ts. | conference proceedings | - | - | ISBN 978-5-8064-3218-7; ISBN 978-5-8064-3220-0 | - | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Protective Functions of Forest Cover in Mountain Regions | Basilashvili Ts. | article | International Science Conference | - | ISSN 1512 - 1127 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Principles of natural hazards catalogs compiling and magnitude classification | Varazanashvili O., Gaprindashvili G., Elizbarashvili E., Basilashvili Ts., Amiranashvili A. | article | Journal of the Georgian Geophisical Society, 2022, Vol. 25, № 1 pp. 5–11 | - | E-ISSN 2667-9973, P-ISSN 1512-1127 | - | English | Grant Project |
Forest cover - a guarantee of life on Earth | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Tehcnical University, Science and Technologies, 2022, № 1 (738), pp. 16–72 | - | ISSN – 0130-7061 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Statistical analysis of the number of days with hail in Georgia according to meteorological stations data in 2006-2021 | Amiranashvili A., Basilashvili Ts., Elizbarashvili E., Gaprindashvili G., Varazanashvili O. | conference proceedings | International Conference of Young Scientist “Modern Problems of Sciences”, 2022, Proceedings pp. 164-168 | - | ISBN 978-9941-36-044-2 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Perennial Dynamics of Mountain River Water Runoff in Georgia | Basilashvili Tsisana | article | Tbilisi, Institute of Hydrometeorology, Scientific Reviewed Proceedings of the IHM, GTU, 2022, Vol. 132, pp. 12-16 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Water deficiency in East Georgia and recommendations for adaptation | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ Iv. Javakhishvili State University/ Natural Disasters in the 21st Century: Monitoring/ Prevention/ Mitigation (Proceedings)/ 2021/ 184 – 188 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 491 – 52 – 8 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9533 | English | State Targeted Program |
Forest cover – main protect from of various disasters in mountainous areas | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ Iv. Javakhishvili State University/Natural Disasters in the 21st Century: Monitoring/ Prevention/ Mitigation (Proceedings)/ 2021/ 189 – 193 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 491 – 52 – 8 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9533 | English | State Targeted Program |
Recommendations of mitigating damages caused by river flooding in Georgia | Basilashvili Ts. | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ Iv. Javakhishvili State University/Natural Disasters in the 21st Century: Monitoring/ Prevention/ Mitigation (Proceedings)/ 2021/ 194 – 198 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 491 – 52 – 8 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9533 | English | State Targeted Program |
Hydrographic network of the river Mtkvari in Tbilisi basin | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Technical University/ Science and Technologies/ 2021/ Vol. 3/ (737)/ 17-29 | - | ISSN 0130 – 7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/public_html_old/storage/archit/146/tituli-3737-mecniereba-da-teqnologiebi.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
The Mtkvari river as the main subject for founding and developing the city of Tbilisi | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Technical University/ Science and Technologies/ 2021/ Vol. 2/ (736)/ 31-40 | - | ISSN 0130 – 7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/public_html_old/storage/archit/143/tituli-1735-mecniereba-da-teqnologiebi.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Actual issues of environmental protection in Georgia | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Technical University/ Science and Technologies/ 2021/ Vol. 2/ (736)/ 17-23 | - | ISSN 0130 – 7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/public_html_old/storage/archit/143/tituli-1735-mecniereba-da-teqnologiebi.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Opportunities for development of ecologically clean and safe energy in Georgia | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Technical University/ Science and Technologies/ 2021/ Vol. 1/ (735)/ 38-44 | - | ISSN 0130 – 7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/public_html_old/storage/archit/144/tituli-2736-mecniereba-da-teqnologiebi.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Natural primordial hazards in Georgia | Basilashvili Ts. | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ Technical University/ Science and Technologies/ 2021/ Vol. 1/ (735)/ 28-37 | - | ISSN 0130 – 7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/public_html_old/storage/archit/144/tituli-2736-mecniereba-da-teqnologiebi.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Ecological situation in Georgia | Basilashvili Ts. | conference proceedings | Sankt-Peterburg/ (Russia)/ Geography: Development of science and education/ 2021/ Vol. II/ 19-22 | - | ISSN 978 - 5 - 8064 - 3045 - 9 | - | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Fresh water shortage is a major problem of modern times | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Scientific reviewed proceedings of the institute of hydrometeorology of the Georgian technical university/ 2021/ Vol. 131/ Pressing problems in hydrometeorology and ecology/ 12-16 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Forest is a factor of environmental safety | Ts. Basilashvili, N. Berdzenishvili | article | Tbilisi - Telavi/ Intern. Scient. Conf. Modern problems of ecology/ 2020/ proceedings - Vol. VII/ 60-63 | - | ISSN 1512 – 1976 | http://openlibrary.ge/handle/123456789/8770 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
The maximum stream flow of the Kura river and their changing | Ts. Basilashvili, N. Berdzenishvili | article | Tbilisi - Telavi/ Intern. Scient. Conf. Modern problems of ecology/ 2020/ proceedings - Vol. VII/ 84-86 | - | ISSN 1512 - 1976 | http://openlibrary.ge/handle/123456789/8770 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Formative factors of irrigation water resources and their dynamics in the region of Inner Kakheti | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Tbilisi/ Georgian Technical University/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology/ Pressing problems in hydrometeorology and ecology. 2020/ Vol. 129/ 21-29 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Current problems of fresh water and trends in the flow of water in the rivers of the South Caucasus in Georgia | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Academic Publishing House Researcher/ Slovakia/ European Geographical Studies/ 2020/ Vol. 7/ issue 1/ 68 – 77 | - | - | DOI: 10.13187/egs. 2020.1.68 | English | State Targeted Program |
Forest cover for the safety of biosphere and environment | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Academic Publishing House Researcher/ Slovakia/ European Geographical Studies/ 2020/ Vol. 7/ issue 1/ 57 – 67 | - | - | "DOI: 10.13187/egs. 2020.1.57" | English | State Targeted Program |
Spatial - temporal change of the maximum water expenditure of the mountain rivers of Georgia in the conditions of climate warming | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Technical University/ Science and Technologies/ 2019/ Vol. 3/ (732)/ 40-52 | - | ISSN 0130 – 7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/public_html_old/storage/archit/131/tituli-3732-mecniereba-da-teqnologiebi.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Ways of mitigation of negative consequences of high waters on rivers | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ Georgian Technical University/ Transactions inter. scient. conf. sustainable development and protection of environment/ 2019/ 90-92 | - | ISBN 978 - 9941 - 14 - 868 - 2 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Evaluation of maximum water discharges rivers of Georgia for water management calculations | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Georgian Technical University/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology/ Pressing problems in hydrometeorology and ecology. 2019/ Vol. 127/ 11-16 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Challenges of expected low water levels on the rivers of east Georgia and the ways of overcoming them | Basilashvili Ts. | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ Iv. Javakhishvili State University/ Proceedings intern. scient. Conf. "Natural disasters in Georgia: Monitoring/ prevention/ mitigation"/ 2019/ 70-73 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 13 – 899 – 7 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/8646 | State Targeted Program | |
The importance of Forest and the results of antropogenic impact on the mountainous areas | Basilashvili Ts. | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ State University/ Intern. Scient. Conf. “Actual Problems of Geography”/ 2019/ 123 – 125 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 13 – 885 – 0 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
On mitigation of the negative results of expected milover r. Alazani | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Georgian Technical University/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology/ 2019/ Vol. 125/ 21-26 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Irrigation water consumption and water safety in the territory of inland Kakheti | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Georgian Technical University/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology/ 2019/ Vol. 125/ 9-13 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Processes of aridity in Georgia | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Technical University/ Science and Technologies/ 2019/ Vol. 1/ (730)/ 33-45 | - | ISSN 0130 – 7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/public_html_old/storage/archit/125/mecniereba-da-teqnologiebi.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Trends of changing the maximum water expenditure of the mountainous rivers of Georgia in the conditions of climate warming | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Sankt-Peterburg (Russia)/ Herzen University/ Papers of the International Conference/ Natural and Cultural Heritage/ Prevention and Development/ 2019/ 38 - 42 | - | ISSN 978 – 5 – 8064 – 1927 – 2 | http://www.spsl.nsc.ru/FullText/konfe/GR1-2019.pdf | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Annual average wind speed and direction | Basilashvili Ts. Sukhishvili E. | article | Stuttgart/ Franz Steiner Verlog/ National Atlas of Georgia/ 2018/ 55 | - | ISSN 978.515.12057.9 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Territorial zonality by annual runoff | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Stuttgart/ Franz Steiner Verlog/ National Atlas of Georgia/ 2018/ 62 | - | ISSN 978.515.12057.9 | - | State Targeted Program | |
Flooding runoff | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Stuttgart/ Franz Steiner Verlog/ National Atlas of Georgia/ 2018/ 63 | - | ISSN 978.515.12057.9 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Energy of wind | Ts. Basilashvili, E. Sukhishvili | article | Tbilisi/ Palitra L/ Geographical Atlas of Georgia/ 2018/ 83 | - | ISSN 978–9941–24–984–6 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Expected trends of water flow of the river Alazani under global warming and climate change | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Technical University/ Science and Technologies/ 2018/ Vol. 1/ (727)/ 56-68 | - | ISSN 0130 – 7061 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Means to mitigate water supply problems in low water rivers | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Kutaisi/ Ak. Tsereteli State University/ Modern problems of ecology. 2018/ Vol. 6/ 33-37 | - | ISSN 1612 – 1976 | - | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Annual water flow and water distribution in the vegetation period in the basin of the river Alazani | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Georgian Technical University/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology/ 2017/ Vol. 124/ 17-21 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Parameters of river water flows for the river Alazani and its affluents | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Georgian Technical University/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology/ 2017/ Vol. 124/ 12-16 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Changes of water forming factors of the Alazani river and their expected importance in global warming | Ts. Basilashvili, I. Zarnadze | article | Tbilisi/ Technical University/ Science and Technologies/ 2017/ Vol. 3/ (726)/ 25-37 | - | ISSN 0130 – 7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/public_html_old/storage/archit/80/pdf-1512545433-y22B2zq5FC0BZYnKsD3DlxqA6FvqD4BG.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Peak discharge on mountain rivers of Georgia, their changes tendencies and the scope development | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ State University/ Proceedings of intern. conf. landscape dimensions of sustainable development: Science - Planning - Governance/ 2017/ 224-235 | - | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Long-term prognosis of high flows in the mountain rivers of Georgia | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Springer - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg/ Nato Science for Peace and Security Series/ C: Environmental Security/ 2016/ 207 – 213 | - | ISSN 1874 – 6519 | DOI: 10.1007/978 – 90 – 481 – 2344 – 5 – 23 | English | State Targeted Program |
Reservoirs on the mountain rivers and their safety | Basilashvili Ts. | article | www.journals.elsevier.com/annals-of-agrarian-science/ Annals of Agrarian Science/ 2016/ Vol. 14/ issue 2/ 61 – 63 | - | - | DOI: org/10.1016/j.aasci.2016.05.002 | English | State Targeted Program |
Geoecological estimation of water resources and ways to optimization of water consumption | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Sochi/ Academic Publishing House Researcher/ (Russia Federation)/ European Geographical Studies/ 2016/ (10)/ 2/ 32 – 37 | - | - | "DOI: 10.13187/egs. 2016.10.32" | English | State Targeted Program |
The role of forests in the development of the Biosphere in the context of Global Warming | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Scientific Reviewed Magazine Science and Technologies/ 2016/ Vol. 1 (721)/ 15 - 23 | - | ISSN 0130 – 7061 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Estimation of the minimum stream flow for the river Alazani and its affluents | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Georgian Technical University/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology/ 2016/ Vol. 123/ 72-76 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Modern challenges of biosphere safety | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Technical University/ Science and Technologies/ 2016/ № 3/ (723)/ 17-26 | - | ISSN 0130 – 7061 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Forming factors of renewable water resources and their current changes in Meskhet-Javakheti region | Ts. Basilashvili, M. Kaishauri, I. Zarnadze | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Proceedings of Science Conference/ Perspectives of the development in Meskhet-Javakheti region/ 2016/ 175 - 185 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 0 – 8627 – 4 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Impact of climate change on river resources flowing into mountain water reservoir and its forecast | Basilashvili Ts. | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ ICAE – 2015/ Proceedings International Conference Applied Ecology: Problems, Innovations/ 2015/ 70 – 74 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 0 – 7644 – 2 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Ways of mitigating the results of expected disastrous drought | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Sochi/ Russia/ Academy Publishing House Researcher/ European Geographical Studies/ 2015/ Vol. (6). issue 2/ 68 – 74 | - | - | DOI: 10.13187/egs. 2015.6.68 | English | State Targeted Program |
Hazardous events on the Black Sea rivers, their dynamics and regulation | Basilashvili Ts. | article | New-York/ David Publishing Company (USA)/ Journal of Earth Science and Engineering/ 2015/ Vol. 5/ № 2/ 130 – 133 | - | - | DOI: 10.17265/ 2159 - 581 - X/2015.01.005 | English | State Targeted Program |
Desertification risk in Kakheti region (East Georgia) | Basilashvili Ts. Machavariani L., Lagidze L. | article | Lucknow (India)/ Journal Environmental Biology/ 2015/ Vol. 36/ 33 – 36 | - | ISSN: 2394 – 0379 | Coden: JEBIDP | English | State Targeted Program |
Changes of Georgia mountainous rivers waterflows, problems and recommendations | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Science Publishing Group (USA)/ American Journal of Environmental Protection/ 2015/ Vol. 4/ № 3 – 1/ 38 – 43 | - | ISSN 2328 – 5699 | DOI: 10.11648/j.ajep.s.2015 040301.17 | English | State Targeted Program |
Forests and Problems Caused by Global Warming | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the International Scientific Conference/ Global Warming and Agrobiodiversity/ 2015/ 75 - 78 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 0 – 8178 – 1 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Forecast of the Aragvi river water flow for insuring optimal working regime and safety | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at the Georgian Technical University/ 2015/ Vol. 121/ 23 - 26 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Features of the waters flowing into Vartsikhe Reservoir for Its efficient exploitation | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at the Georgian Technical University/ 2015/ Vol. 121/ 19 - 22 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
The Forecast of the runoff of Georgian mountain rivers under conditions on the sparse observational network | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Cross Mark Allerton Press/ Journal Russian Meteorology and Hydrology/ 2014/ Vol. 39/ issue 6/ (Springer Link)/ 402 – 406 | - | - | DOI: 10.3103/s1068373 914060065 | English | State Targeted Program |
The characteristics of formation of inundations, spatial - temporary changes trends of Georgian rivers | T. Basilashvili, S. Gorgijanidze, G. Grigolia, G. Pipia | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at the Georgian Technical University/ 2014/ Vol. 120/ 69 - 72 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Long term forecasts of maximum discharge of Georgian rivers | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at the Georgian Technical University/ 2014/ Vol. 120/ 60 - 63 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Evaluation of water resources flowing into Zhinvali Water Reservoir and the trends of their changes for water utilization planning purposes | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the International Scientific Conference/ climate change and its influence on sustainable and safe agriculture development/ 2014/ 78 - 81 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 0 – 8178 – 1 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Forecast of the Alazani water flow with the view of its rational utilization and safety | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the International Scientific Conference/ Climate change and its influence on sustainable and safe agriculture development/ 2014/ 75 - 77 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 0 – 8178 – 1 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Forecasting of mountain river high water flows when having inadequate information | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the International Scientific - Technical Conference: Actual Problems of Geophysics/ 2014/ 65 - 69 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Dynamics of peak discharges on Georgian rivers and the scope of their development | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the International Scientific - Technical Conference Actual Problems of Geophysics/ 2014/ 58 - 64 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
The forecast of the runoff of Georgian mountain rivers under conditions of the sparse observational network | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Moscow (Russia)/Planeta/ Meteorology and Hydrology/ 2014/ Vol. 6/ 61 - 66 | - | ISSN 0130 – 2906 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Desertification risk in Kakheti region (East Georgia) | Basilashvili Ts. Machavariani L., Lagidze L. | conference proceedings | Istanbul (Turkey)/ The 3rd International Geography Symposium/ 2013/ 59 – 60 | - | ISBN 978 – 605 – 62253 – 7 – 6 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Utilization of mountain river water resources, problems and the ways of overcoming them | Basilashvili Ts. Machavariani L. | conference proceedings | Meta – Basim/ Izmir (Turkey)/ Proceedings Symposium on Human – Environment and Ecology of Mountain Ecosystem/ 2013/ 155 – 158 | - | ISBN 978 – 605 – 62253 – 6 – 9 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Floods on the Rivers of Georgia in 2005 Flood Control and Measures of Reducing their Disastrous Consequences | Ts. Basilashvili R. Meskhia | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Papers of the International Conference/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at the Georgian Technical University/ 2013/ Vol. 119/ 183 - 186 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Maximum stream flows on the Rivers of west Georgia, their dynamics and regulation | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Papers of the International Conference/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at the Georgian Technical University/ 2013/ Vol. 119/ 158 - 162 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Water resources and the basic questions of their use | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Workbook of the I International Conference/ Kolkhety Lowland Water Ecosystems – Protection and Efficient Use/ 2013/ 21 - 24 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 0 – 5792 – 2 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Forecasting maximum floods on the river of Rioni | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Workbook of the I International Conference/ Kolkhety Lowland Water Ecosystems – Protection and Efficient Use/ 2013/ 16 - 20 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 0 – 5792 – 2 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Water resources and problems of their management (South Caucasus) | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Sankt-Peterburg (Russia)/ Herzen University/ Papers of the International Conference/ Natural and Cultural Heritage/ Prevention and Development/ 2013/ 18 - 24 | - | ISBN 978 – 5 – 8064 – 1907 – 2 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Adaptation measures for processes draughts and desertification in Kakheti region | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Georgian National Academy of Science/ Science and Culture/ 2013/ Vol. II/ 59 - 63 | - | ISSN 978 – 9941 – 0 – 6127 – 1 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Multifactoral Statistical Methodology for Forecasting Floods-High Water Flows | Ts. Basilashvili | monograph | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Technical University/ 2013/ 180 | - | ISSN 978 – 9941 – 20 – 184 – 4 | Georgian | Grant Project | |
Forecasting Mountain River Flows when having Inadequate Information | Ts. Basilashvili | monograph | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Technical University/ 2013/ 148 | - | ISSN 978 – 9941 – 20 – 183 – 7 | Georgian | Grant Project | |
The dates of beginning of floods run-off | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Institute of Geography of Georgia/ National Atlas of Georgia/ 2012/ 86 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
The flood run-off | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Institute of Geography of Georgia/ National Atlas of Georgia/ 2012/ 86 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
The annual distribution of the river flow | Ts. Basilashvili | monograph | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Institute of Geography of Georgia/ National Atlas of Georgia/ 2012/ 85 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
The distribution of territories according by run-off | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Institute of Geography of Georgia/ National Atlas of Georgia/ 2012/ 84 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
The Velocity and Direction of the Wind, July | Ts. Basilashvili, E. Sukhishvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Institute of Geography of Georgia/ National Atlas of Georgia/ 2012/ 66 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
The Velocity and Direction of the Wind, January | Ts. Basilashvili, E. Sukhishvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Institute of Geography of Georgia/ National Atlas of Georgia/ 2012/ 66 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
The Winds | Ts. Basilashvili, E. Sukhishvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Institute of Geography of Georgia/ National Atlas of Georgia/ 2012/ 65 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
The numbers of wind days | Ts. Basilashvili, E. Sukhishvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Institute of Geography of Georgia/ National Atlas of Georgia/ 2012/ 64 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
The Velocity and direction of the wind | Ts. Basilashvili, E. Sukhishvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Institute of Geography of Georgia/ National Atlas of Georgia/ 2012/ 64 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
River water regulation under modern climate change conditions | Basilashvili Ts. Tabatadze J. Janelidze M. | article | Cambridge scholars publishing (United Kingdom)/ Environment and Ecology in Mediterranean Region/ Chapter Thirty One/ 2012/ 347 – 352 | - | - | DOI 1 – 4438 – 3757 – 1 | English | State Targeted Program |
Water resources and the problems of their use in Georgia | Basilashvili Ts. Begalishvili N. | article | Tbilisi/ Annals of Agrarian Science/ 2012/ Vol. 10/ № 3/ 84 – 86 | - | ISSN 1512 – 1887 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Catastrophic of flooding, mudflow and avalanches in Georgia and their safety | Ts. Basilashvili, M. Salukvadze, V. Comaia, G. Kherkheulidze | monograph | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Technical University/ 2012/ 243/ Part 1/ 18 - 109 | - | ISSN 978 – 9941 – 20 – 120 – 2 | Georgian | Grant Project | |
Problems posed by the changes in the vegetation period river flow and ways of overcoming them | Ts. Basilashvili G. Grigolia, S. Gorgijanidze | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the International Scientific Conference/ 2012/ Vol. I/ 22 - 26 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
High water and flood water disasters on the rivers of West Georgia | Ts. Basilashvili J. Tabatadze, M. Janelidze | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the International Scientific - Technical Conference/ 2011/ Vol. 117/ 56 - 59 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
High flood forecasts for the occupied regions of Inner Kartli (Shida Kartli). The reason - environmental safety | Ts. Basilashvili J. Tabatadze, M. Janelidze | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the International Scientific - Technical Conference/ 2011/ Vol. 117/ 16 - 19 | - | "ISSN 1512 – 0902" | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Zoning of the territory of Eastern Georgia according to high water flows | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at the Georgian Technical University/ 2011/ Vol. 116/51 - 54 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydromete-orology at the Georgian Technical University/ 2011/ Vol. 116/ 39 - 42 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Catastrophic events on the Black Sea rivers against the background of global climate change, their development tendentious and adaption activities | Basilashvili Ts. Tatishvili M. Elizbarashvili M. Elisbarashvili Sh. | conference proceedings | Istanbul/ “Geocataclysm – 2011”/ World Forum International Congress Natural cataclysms and global problems of the modern civilization/ 2011/ 104 – 105 | - | - | English | State Targeted Program | |
Vulnerability and Adaptation Measures for Mountainous Rivers of South Caucasus | Basilashvili Ts., Mahmudov R., Vardanian T., Tabatadze J., Janelidze M., Hakopian C. | conference proceedings | Dushanbe (Tajikistan)/ International Scientific Conference/ 2011/ 107 - 108 | - | ISSN 1512 - 0902 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Measures to be undertaken for eliminating the danger of water element in mountainous conditions | Ts. Basilashvili J. Tabatadze, M. Janelidze | conference proceedings | Sankt-Peterburg (Russia)/ Papers of the International Conference/ 2011/ 74 - 76 | - | ISBN 978 – 5 – 94856 – 807 – 2 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Disastrous High Water in Eastern Georgia | Ts. Basilashvili J. Tabatadze, M. Janelidze | conference proceedings | Tbilisi (Georgia)/ Proceedings of International Conference/ 2011/ № 3 (82)/ 241 - 246 | - | ISSN 2233 – 3347 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Prevention of high water floods of the mountainous rivers | Basilashvili Ts. Tabatadze J. Janelidze M. | conference proceedings | Kemer – Antalya/ Geomed 2010/ Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences/ 2011/ 580 – 585 | - | ISSN 1877 – 0428 | DOI: 10.1016/ j.sbspro.2011.05.172 | English | State Targeted Program |
Ways of alleviating disasters caused by mountainous rivers flooding | Basilashvili Ts. Tabatadze J. Janelidze M. | article | Tbilisi/ Universal/ Annals of Agrarian Science/ 2010/ Vol. 8/ № 4/ 54 – 56 | - | "ISSN 1512 – 1887" | English | State Targeted Program | |
Forecasting water flow into the Jvari reservoir for the safety and power efficiency of the Enguri hydroelectric power station | Ts. Basilashvili, J. Tabatadze, M. Janelidze | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ Georgian Technical University/ Transactions inter. science conf. sustainable development and protection of environment/ 2010/ 371-373 | - | ISBN 978 – 9941 – 14 – 868 – 2 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Long-term prognosis of high flows in the mountain rivers of Georgia | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Published in Cooperation with NATO Public Diplomacy Division/ Threats to Global Water Security/ Springer/ 2009/ 207 – 213 | - | - | English | State Targeted Program | |
Floods on the mountain rivers and their safety | Basilashvili Ts. Bolashvili N. Tabatadze J. Janelidze M. | conference proceedings | Baku/ International Ecoenergy Academy Gunesh/ Tenth Baku International Congress Energy/ Ecology/ Economy/ 2009/ 214 – 217 | - | - | English | State Targeted Program | |
Maximum discharges of the Mtkvari river and their forecasting for security of Tbilisi | Basilashvili Ts. Bolashvili N. | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ International Symposium on floods and modern methods of control measures/ 2009/ 37 – 45 | - | ISSN 1512 – 2344 | English | State Targeted Program | |
High waters on the river Mtkvari and their forecast with the view of rational use of water resource and maintaining the security of natural and economic systems | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Baku/ Azerbaijan Geographical Society/ Transaction of the Azerbaijan Geographical Society/ 2009/ Vol. XIV/ 342 - 346. | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Characteristics of the floods on the rivers of Georgia and Ways of their prevention | Ts. Basilashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ Institute of Hydrometeorology/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology/ 2008/ Vol. 115/ 313-321. | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Characteristics of rivers runoff in eastern regions of south Georgia | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Transactions of the Georgian Institute of Hydrometeorology/ 2007/ Vol. 111/ 75 - 81 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Prognosis of high-water flows in the rivers of Georgia in the conditions of existing information base | Ts. Basilashvili, G. Mamasakhlisi | article | Tbilisi/ Transactions of the Georgian Institute of Hydrometeorology/ 2007/ Vol. 111/ 30 - 36 | - | ISSN 1512 - 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Long-term prognosis of high waters on mountainous rivers | Basilashvili Ts. | conference proceedings | Erevan State University Press/ NATO advanced research workshop/ 2007/ 99 – 100 | - | - | English | State Targeted Program | |
Method of mountainous rivers water flows forecasts | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Tbilisi/ Universal/ Annals of Agrarian Science/ 2006/ Vol. 4/ № 1/ 75 – 80 | - | "ISSN 1512 – 1887" | English | State Targeted Program | |
Forecasting of mountainous rivers water flows under the limited operative information supply | Ts. Basilashvili, J. Mamasakhlisi | conference proceedings | St.Peterburg/ Hydrometeoizdat/ VI All-Russian Hydrological Congress/ 2004/ 55-56 | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Prognosis of high-water flow of mountainous rivers in Western Georgia | Ts. Basilashvili, J. Mamasakhlisi | article | Tbilisi/ Universal/ Annals of Agrarian science/ 2004/ № 4/ 75-78 | - | ISSN 1512 – 1887 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Hydrology, glaciology and snow avalanches | V. Tsomaia, Ts. Basilashvili, L. Kaldani | article | Tbilisi/ Institute of the Hydrometeorology/ 50 th anniversary of the Institute of the Hydrometeorology/ 2003/ 47-54. | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
The water content of rivers in vegetation period and its forecasting for the provision of main irrigation systems | Ts .Basilashvili, M. Kartashova, N. Kobakhidze | article | Tbilisi/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology/ 2002/ Vol. 107/ 139-146. | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
article | Tbilisi/ Problems of the sustainable development of the mountain regions/ 2002/ 124-125. | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||
Prognosing of water flow of mountain rivers (on the example of Georgia) | Ts. Basilashvili | monograph | Tbilisi/ Publishing House of Bakur Sulakauri/ 2002/ 103. | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Forecasting of water flow into the reservoirs under the limited information supply | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology/ 2001/ Vol. 106/ 170-175. | - | ISSN 1520 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Forecasting maximum floods on the rivers of Georgia under limited hydrological data conditions | Ts. Basilashvili | article | Tbilisi/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology/ 2001/ Vol. 106/ 97-106. | - | ISSN 1520 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Renovation of forecasts for river run-off under conditions of reduced information | Ts. Basilashvili, G. Tsomaia | article | Tbilisi/ Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology/ 2001/ Vol. 106/ 40-51. | - | ISSN 1520 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Estimation and prognosis of maximum high-flood expenditure | Ts. Basilashvili, J. Mamasakhlisi, N. Bolashvili | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ Transactions of international conference. Erosion-debris flows phenomena and some adjacent problems. 2001/ 25-29. | - | "ISBN 999 – 28 – 0 – 242 – 1" | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Prognosing of water flow in water reservoirs for the aim of its rational use in industry while having limited hydrometeorological information | Basilashvili Ts. | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ Foundation Caucasus environment/ I international conference on ecology and environmental management in Caucasus/ 2001/ 154 – 156 | - | - | English | State Targeted Program | |
Prognosis of maximal peak of the high water flows for prevention the loss caused by dangerous events | Basilashvili Ts. Bolashvili N. Mamasakhlisi Zh. | conference proceedings | Tbilisi/ Foundation Caucasus environment/ I international conference on ecology and environmental management in Caucasus/ 2001/ 156 – 159 | - | - | English | State Targeted Program | |
Exposure of soil erosion processes in the Kvirila river basin | Gogichaishvili G. Basilashvili Ts. | article | Tbilisi /Metsniereba/ Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences/ 2001/ Vol. 163/ number 3/ 507 – 509 | - | ISSN 0132 – 1447 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Forecasting of the river run-off without account of current hydrological information | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Tbilisi /Metsniereba/ Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences/ 2001/ Vol. 163/ number 3/ 498 – 500 | - | "ISSN 0132 – 1447" | English | State Targeted Program | |
The hydrological prognosis of vegetal period for the service of versatile water industrial units | Ts. Basilashvili, J. Mamasakhlisi, J. Panchulidze | article | Tbilisi - Baku/ Problems of Agrarian Sciences/ 2000/ XI/ 279-285. | - | ISSN 5 – 8120 – 0093 – X | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
The method of working-out hydrological prognosis in conditions of limited information | Basilashvili Ts. | article | Tbilisi/ Georgian Academy of Science/ Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences/ 2000/ Vol. 162/ number 1/ 110 – 112 | - | ISSN 0132 – 1447 | English | State Targeted Program |
International Scientific Conference: Geophysical Processes in the Earth and its Envelopes | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2023 | 16/11/2023 - 17/11/2023 | Iv. Javakhishvili State University | Spatio - Temporal Development of Floods of Georgian Rivers | poster | The paper deals with the current acute problem of water falls underscoring that the natural conditions in Georgia (location, terrain hydrometeorology, etc.) are favorable for high water floods, which is facilitated by the heavy rains caused by the humid air of the Black Sea. Because of this, floods in West Georgia are higher and more frequent than in the East. Floods are especially small and rare in its southern part. A map of flood regions compiled according to the magnitudes of their maximum costs is provided. | - |
International Scientific Conference: Geophysical Processes in the Earth and its Envelopes | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2023 | 16/11/2023 - 17/11/2023 | Iv. Javakhishvili State University | New Natural Hazard Event Database for the Republic of Georgia (GeNHs): Catalogs Compiling Principles and Results | poster | New database of natural hazard events for the republic of Georgia is presented and the results of zoning necessary for interpreting the compilated data are shown | - |
12th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management & Circular Economy and IPLA Global Forum | Andhra Pradesh, India | 2022 | 20/12/2022 - 22/12/2022 | - | Forest Cover - for Climate Change, Biosphere and Environment Security | poster | Along with the ongoing global warming on our planet, the number of catastrophic natural events has increased. However, today, reclaiming forest areas, cutting trees and fires lead to a decrease in the process of photosynthesis, which, in its turn, becomes the reason of the sun’s excess heat energy causing global warming, oxygen depletion, and the emergence of new viral, bacterial and chronic diseases. Nowadays, in order to mitigate the climate change, for the biosphere and the environmental safety, special attention should be paid to the forest cover protection and expansion across the world, reforestation and land cultivation should become everyone’s business. In the agricultural fields, windproof forest strips should be planted, which will help increase the yield. | - |
International Science Practical Conference of Geography: Development Science and Education | Sankt-Peterburg, Russia | 2022 | 06/04/2022 - 07/04/2022 | Herzen's University | Forest and Live on the Earth | poster | As a result of the development of the industries on the Earth, carbon dioxide increases by 20 million tons in the Earth atmosphere. The only thing that can absorb it is green plants. In order to regulate the climate and preserve biodiversity, it is necessary to study the forest and develop preventive and adapted measures for their protection and reproduction. | - |
International Conference of Young Scientists "Modern Problems of Earth Sciences" | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2022 | 14/10/2022 - 15/10/2022 | Iv. Javakhishvili State University | Statistical Analysis of the Number of Days with Hail in Georgia According to Meteorological Stations Data in 2006-2021 | oral | The climate change influence on the number of days with hail during the warm period has been studied. Comparison of the number of days with hail for 30 meteorological stations in 2006-2021 and 1941-1990 showed that in the second period of time, compared to the first period, the number of days with hail at the 18 stations decreased, at the 10 stations - did not change, and increased at only one station (Keda). | - |
International Scientific Conference "Modern Problems of Ecology" | Tbilisi - Batumi, Georgia | 2022 | 14/10/2022 - 15/10/2022 | Academy of Ecological Sciences of Georgia | Protective Functions of Forest Cover in Mountain RegionsI | oral | It is noted that forest cover in mountain areas is protects settlements, roads and fields from floods and mud streams, erosion processes, landslides and avalanches. Forest is regulating the water regime of mountain rivers curtaining floods and preventing them from drying up. It improves ground water quality and increases their debate. Therefore, in all mountainous regions, special attention should be paid to the protection and expansion of forest cover. | - |
International Scientific Conference - Natural Disasters in the 21st Century: Monitoring, Prevention, Mitigation | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 20/12/2021 - 22/12/2021 | Iv. Javakhishvili State University | Water deficiency in East Georgia and recommendations for adaptation | oral | The specification of river runoff long-range parameters and features of their anticipated change has serious practical importance for water management calculations in scientific. The implementation of recommended adaptation measures on the basic of river runoff projection will allow to slow down or stop desertification processes and avert the ecological peril. They are highly important and significant for the prevention of hazardous events at the background of progressing climate warming. | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/254 |
International Scientific Conference - Natural Disasters in the 21st Century: Monitoring, Prevention, Mitigation | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 20/12/2021 - 22/12/2021 | Iv. Javakhishvili State University | Forest cover – main protect from of various disasters in mountainous areas | oral | The mountain forest is the main factor that facilitates the transfer of atmospheric precipitation to the depth of the soil, thus regulating the liquid surface runoff improving the water balance and protecting the river from the drying. The main thing is that forests protect the inhabited areas and populations. | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/254 |
International Scientific Conference Natural Disasters in the 21st Century: Monitoring, Prevention, Mitigation | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 20/12/2021 - 22/12/2021 | Iv. Javakhishvili State University | Recommendations of mitigating damages caused by river flooding in Georgia | oral | For the water management calculations in order to present the water-related disasters of main rivers, the maximum discharge parameters are specified. To mitigate the hazards of floods a complex is proposed, in particular: purification of river beds, reinforcing and complete construction of river bank protecting edifices. With the use of the multifactorial model, we obtained the forecasts of floods and flooding in advance and accuracy level. | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/254 |
Межд. Научн. Практ. Конф. География: Развитие Науки и Образования | Sankt-Peterburg, Russia | 2021 | 21/04/2021 - 23/04/2021 | Herzen University | Ecological situation in Georgia | poster | Consider the existing difficult environmental circumstances in Georgia caused by both climate change and anthropogenic impact. The difficult ecological situation in the city of Tbilisi caused by air polution and contamination of the water river Mtkvari are investigated. In order to mitigate the negative phenomena from the ongoing processes corresponding measures have been recommended. | |
International Scientific Conference, Modern problems of ecology | Tbilisi - Telavi, Georgia | 2020 | 26/09/2020 - 28/09/2020 | Georgian Academy of Ecological Sciences | The maximum stream flow of the Kura river and their changing | oral | The rates of annual changes in the maximum discharge of rivers have been established. It has been revealed that floods intensive and maximum water discharges increase on the two rivers fed by glacial waters, while on the others the opposite trend has been observed - the deminish. The obtained evaluation on the river water flow change is of vital importance for planning the water management systems and for the environmental safety. | http://openlibrary.ge/handle/123456789/8770 |
International Scientific Conference, Modern problems of ecology | Telavi-Tbilisi, Georgia | 2020 | 26/09/2020 - 28/09/2020 | Georgian Academy of Ecological Sciences | Forest is a factor of environmental safety | oral | The forest absorbs carbon dioxide and releases large amounts of oxygen, regulates microclimate (humidity, temperature and wind). The forest is a powerful filter for cleaning air and water from harmful impurities. The forest also provides many types of food and medical products. Therefore, in all countries of the world, special attention should be paid to the protection and expansion of forest cover. | http://openlibrary.ge/handle/123456789/8770 |
Intern. Scient. Conf. Actual Problems of Geography | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2019 | 18/10/2019 - 18/10/2019 | Iv. Javakhishvili State University | The importance of Forest and the results of antropogenic impact on the mountainous areas | poster | The importance of forest cover in mountain regions is described. It is noted that despite a great benefit, humans are not caring for it and resulting from unsystematic felling forests are becoming sparse, are losing their protective functions. It is pointed out that for the present time the environment protection and rational use of forest resources is the global problem of paramount importance. | |
International Scientific Conference, Natural disasters in Georgia: Monitoring, prevention, mitigation | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2019 | 12/12/2019 - 14/12/2019 | Iv. Javakhishvili State University | Challenges of expected low water levels on the rivers of east Georgia and the ways of overcoming them | oral | In consequence of climate warming temperature rises, increase in evaporation and decrease in atmosphere precipitation and in the river water flows are anticipated in Eastern Georgia. Keeping it in with a view to mitigating anticipated negative consequences, a complex of adaptive measures has been developed, the implementation of which will ensure slowing down or preventing of the desertion process, safety of the environment, increase in crops and harvest and improving economic well-being of the population here. | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/8646 |
International Scientific Conference, sustainable development and protection of environment | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2019 | 11/11/2019 - 12/11/2019 | Georgian Technical University | Ways of mitigation of negative consequences of high waters on rivers | oral | The maximum discharge parameters, the scope of the expected developments and probable values have been ascertained. By taking into account the trends of their dynamic over the years, the values of their annual changes have been established. The obtained figures are of practical significance for designing constructions, carrying out economic activities properly and safety reasons. With a view to mitigating negative consequences of high waters, recommendations for avoiding huge material losses have been drawn. | |
International Scientific Conference, Natural and Cultural Heritage, Prevention and Development | Sankt-Peterburg, Russia | 2019 | 18/04/2019 - 21/04/2019 | Herzen University | Trends of changing the maximum water expenditure of the mountainous rivers of Georgia in the conditions of climate warming | poster | As a result of a study trends the rates of annual changes in the maximum discharges of rivers have been established. It has been revealed that floods intensify and maximum water discharges increase on the rivers fed by glacial waters, while on the others the opposite trend has been observed - they diminish. In order to mitigate the negative phenomena from the ongoing processes, measures for reduction the material damage have been recommended. | http://www.spsl.nsc.ru/FullText/konfe/GR1-2019.pdf |
International Scientific Conference Modern problems of ecology | Kutaisi, Georgia | 2018 | 21/09/2018 - 22/09/2018 | A. Tsereteli State University | Means to mitigate water supply problems in low water rivers | poster | In Eastern Georgia with vast arable lands evaporation and desertification are increasing, while the precipitation and river flow for irrigation are decreasing. As a result, the crops - the source of sustenance of the people here - are decreasing. Therefore, it is essential to build water reservoirs where water of high water flow periods can be conserved for irrigation purposes in summer. With the aim of regulating river flow and protecting the territory from disasters, the forest cover size should be expanded. In order to economize on water dripping irrigation with mulching films or using rain measuring aggregates is recommend. | |
Intern. Conf. Landscape dimensions of sustainable development: Science – Planning – Governance | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2017 | 04/10/2017 - 06/10/2017 | Iv. Javakhishvili State University | Peak discharge on mountain rivers of Georgia, their changes tendencies and the scope development | oral | The river maximal discharge parameters are specified, the trends of their changes over the years and probable significance of water discharge have been calculated. According tendency of dynamics the flooding strengthening has been revealed on rivers nourished by glaciers, on the contrary in other rivers they reduced, in some regions evaporation has been increased and desertification has been detected. For mitigation negative impacts of those processes the recommendations of prevention measures are drafted. | |
Scientific Conference Prospects of the Regional Development of Samtskhe-Dzhavakheti | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2016 | 17/02/2016 - 17/02/2016 | Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | Forming factors of renewable water resources and their current changes in Meskhet-Javakheti region | oral | Increase of air temperature and decrease of precipitation is expected in research area according to our investigation. This will cause reduction of the water resources. For this reason it is important to regulate river run-off and conduct prevention measurements: forestation, build up a small reservoirs, working out hydrological forecasts methods. | |
International conference -Applied Ecology: Problems, innovations | Tbilisi - Batumi, Georgia | 2015 | 07/05/2015 - 10/05/2015 | Iv. Javakhishvili State University | Changes of Georgia mountainous rivers waterflows, problems and recommendations | oral | In the long run, some of the glaciers will disappear, which will have a negative impact on water resources, water supply will lower and the country’s economic development will be halted. For protecting river waters from the elements, for their rational utilization and effective and safe exploitation having forecasts of water flows is vital. | https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=163&doi=10.11648/j.ajep.s.2015040301.17 |
International conference -Applied Ecology: Problems, innovations | Tbilisi - Batumi, Georgia | 2015 | 07/05/2015 - 10/05/2015 | Iv. Javakhishvili State University | Impact of climate change on river resources flowing into mountain water reservoir and its forecast | oral | Hydrological features of water resources flowing into the Zhinvali water reservoir have been ascertained for different seasons, trends of changes over the years have been identified, expected scope of changes has been determined and probable meanings of water discharge have been established. By applying multifactor statistical models methodology for forecasting water discharges. | http://icae-2015.tsu.ge/ |
International Scientific Conference - Global Warming and Agrobiodiversity | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2015 | 04/11/2015 - 06/11/2015 | Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences | Forests and Problems Caused by Global Warming | oral | The role of forests in the conditions of global warming is considered. The main cause of global warming is considered to be high level of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, which can only be absorbed by green plants through photosynthesis as a result of which oxygen is produced, which, in its turn, is a life source of all living beings on Earth. | www.gaas.dsl.ge |
International Scientific Conference - Climate change and its influence on sustainable and safety agriculture development | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2014 | 02/10/2014 - 04/10/2014 | Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences | Forecast of the Alazani water flow with the view of its rational utilization and safety | oral | By applying multifactoral model forecasting equations have been worked out for the Alazani water flow for the whole vegetation period The long-term prognosis allow rational and thorough planning of water resources utilization, which in its turn will boost crops and ensure safety in the second quarter characterized with high water flows and flooding. | www.gaas.dsl.ge |
International Scientific Conference Climate change and its influence on sustainable and safety agriculture development | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2014 | 02/10/2014 - 04/10/2014 | Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences | Evaluation of water resources flowing into Zhinvali Water Reservoir and the trends of their changes for water utilization planning purposes | oral | Hydrological qualities and characteristics of the waters flowing into the water reservoir have been ascertained for different seasons; the trends of their changes over the years have been established. The obtained results will allow planning how to rationally utilize and regulate water resources for irrigation, water supply and power generating purposes. | www.gaas.dsl.ge |
International Scientific – Technical Conference - Actual problems of Geophysics | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2014 | 24/11/2014 - 24/11/2014 | TSU, Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics | Dynamics of peak discharges on Georgian rivers and the scope of their development | oral | Probable indexes of maximum water expenditure of major rivers have been calculated and the trends of their changes over many years have been established. They significantly increase for the rivers feeding with glacier water while they decrease on all the others. | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/53480 |
International Scientific Conference - Climate change and its influence on sustainable and safety agriculture development | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2014 | 02/10/2014 - 04/10/2014 | Academy of Agrarian Science | Evaluation of water resources flowing into Zhinvali Water Reservoir and the trends of their changes for water utilization planning purposes | oral | Hydrological qualities and characteristics of the waters flowing into the water reservoir have been ascertained for different seasons; the trends of their changes over the years have been established. The obtained results will allow planning how to rationally utilize and regulate water resources for irrigation, water supply and power generating purposes. | http://www.gaas.dsl.ge/ |
International Scientific – Technical Conference - Actual problems of Geophysics | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2014 | 24/11/2014 - 24/11/2014 | TSU, Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics | Dynamics of peak discharges on Georgian rivers and the scope of their development | oral | Probable indexes of maximum water expenditure of major rivers have been calculated and the trends of their changes over many years have been established. They significantly increase for the rivers feeding with glacier water while they decrease on all the others. | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/53480 |
International Scientific – Technical Conference -Actual problems of Geophysics | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2014 | 24/11/2014 - 24/11/2014 | TSU, Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics | Forecasting of mountain river high water flows when having inadequate information | oral | Long-term (from 3 to 5 months) forecast methodology for high water periods of Georgian rivers have been worked out. The methodology can be used to make yearly and timely forecasts and be utilized by hydrological entities. | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/53480 |
2nd International Symposium on Human – Environment and Ecology of Mountain Ecosystem | Edremit - Balikesir, Turkey | 2013 | 02/05/2013 - 04/05/2013 | Balikesir University | Utilization of mountain river water resources, problems and the ways of overcoming them | oral | Main components of the existing in Georgia river water resources are: energy production, irrigation, water provision, recreation, tourism and sport. In Georgia abundant rains take place, thus causing catastrophic flooding on rivers. In summer and winter water amount decreases 10 times and irrigation, water provision and energy production is impeded. Those, the lack of water just like the excess amount of water causes damage. We have elaborated multiple - factor statistical model for a forecast, which by means of different mathematical criteria and methods can simultaneously research the increase of the timeliness of forecasts and the level of their precision. | |
The 3rd International Geography Symposium | Kemer - Antalya, Turkey | 2013 | 10/06/2013 - 13/06/2013 | GEOMED 2013 | Desertification risk in Kakheti region (East Georgia) | oral | In recent decades as a result of more frequent droughts in Kakheti region are already damaged hundreds of thousands hectares of fertile Lands. It is expected to increase of temperature and decrease of precipitation. In such conditions it is possible making danger of desertification. To mitigate the negative effects of desertification is recommended set of adaptation actives. | http://www.jeb.co.in/journal_issues/201501_jan15_supp/paper_05.pdf |
International Scientific – Technical Conference - Pressing problems in Hydrometeorology and Ecology | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 28/05/2013 | GTU, Institute of Hydrometeorology | Maximum stream flows on the Rivers of west Georgia, their dynamics and regulation | oral | According tendency of dynamics the flooding strengthening has been revealed on rivers nourished by glaciers, on the contrary in other rivers they reduced, in some regions, evaporation has been increased. For mitigation, negative impacts of those processes the recommendations of prevention measures are drafted. | http://ecohydmet.ge/119.pdf |
International Scientific – Technical Conference -Pressing problems in Hydrometeorology and Ecology | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 28/05/2013 - 28/05/2013 | GTU, Institute of Hydrometeorology | Floods on the Rivers of Georgia in 2005 Flood Control and Measures of Reducing their Disastrous Consequences | oral | Landscape and climate conditions of the mountainous rivers result into high and prolonged floods, which in their turn, lead to ecological deformation and do immeasurable harm to the environment as well as to the national economy. Complex measures are given to prevent existing and expected ecological troubles. | http://ecohydmet.ge/119.pdf |
II International Scientific and Practical Conference - Natural and Cultural Heritage | Sankt-Peterburg, Russia | 2013 | 23/10/2013 - 25/10/2013 | Herzen University | Water resources and problems of their management (South Caucasus) | poster | Analysis of main indices of natural potential and condition of using fresh water resources of South Caucasus is given in the article. | https://www.herzen.spb.ru/main/structure/fukultets/geo/ |
"I International Conference -Kolkhety Lowland Water Ecosystems – Protection and Efficient Use | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 22/07/2013 - 24/07/2013 | Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | Forecasting maximum floods on the river of Rioni | oral | Forecasts have been made for high water flows on Rioni river with their maximum short-term discharge. The forecasting methods can be useful for preventive measures against the damage caused by disastrous floods and high waters. | |
Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 22/07/2012 - 24/07/2012 | Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | Water resources and the basic questions of their use | oral | Clean fresh water resources as one of the most important factors of sustainable development of the country. Analysis of main indices of natural potential and condition of using fresh water resources of Georgia is given in the article. | ||
International Scientific Conference - Basic Paradigms in Science and Technology Development for the 21st Century | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2012 | 19/09/2012 - 21/09/2012 | Georgian Technical University | Problems posed by the changes in the vegetation period river flow and ways of overcoming them | oral | For the aim of mitigation of negative consequences of drought, a set of measures is recommended so as to slow down turning the territory into a desert, increase agricultural produce and improve economic well-being of the population. | |
International symposium on Kaz mountains and Edremit global change in the Mediterranean region | Edremit, Turkey | 2011 | 05/05/2011 - 07/05/2011 | Balikesir University | River water regulation under modern climate change conditions | poster | We consider that the existence of reservoirs in ravine, geologically and relief relevant places is necessary, that during flooding are protecting - regulating constructions to restrain high water flow, and during low waters - basic source of water resources. Under the seismic stable ravine conditions it is preferred to construct small reservoir cascade. | |
International Scientific Conference -Environment and Global Warming | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2011 | 15/09/2011 - 17/09/2011 | Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | Disastrous high water in Eastern Georgia | oral | The current global warming trend has increased the threat of dangerous hydrological calamities bringing about much damage. During the last 20 years massive calamities have taken place on the rivers of Georgia causing a grave harm to the economy of the country. Not only the disasters have been described but also the harm caused by them. | |
International Scientific – Technical Conference “Pressing problems in Hydrometeorology and Ecology” | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2011 | 27/09/2011 - 29/09/2011 | NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF GEORGIA, GEORGIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, INSTITUTE OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY | High flood forecasts for the occupied regions of Inner Kartli (Shida Kartli). The reason - environmental safety | oral | There have been determined maximum water expenditures and their probable values for the rivers: The Big Liakhvi, the Small Liakhvi and the Ksani. Certain recommendations have been put forward for carrying out emergency measures with the view of mitigating consequences of calamities. | http://ecohydmet.ge/117.pdf |
International Scientific – Technical Conference - Pressing problems in Hydrometeorology and Ecology | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2011 | 27/09/2011 - 29/09/2011 | NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF GEORGIA, GEORGIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, INSTITUTE OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY | High water and flood water disasters on the rivers of West Georgia | oral | There have been determined maximum water expenditures and their probable values for the rivers: The Big Liakhvi, the Small Liakhvi and the Ksani. Certain recommendations have been put forward for carrying out emergency measures with the view of mitigating consequences of calamities. | http://ecohydmet.ge/117.pdf |
International conference - Climate changes and natural hazards in mountain areas | Dushanbe, Tajikistan | 2011 | 19/09/2011 - 21/09/2011 | Mountain hazards 2011 | Vulnerability and adaptation measures for mountainous rivers of South Caucasus | poster | With the use of the statistical model, we obtained the forecast of floods and flooding in advance and accuracy level. The timely awareness about forthcoming high river runoff will give an opportunity to make respective preventive measures and safe human lives, as well as avoid damages. | |
International Scientific and Practical Conference - Geography: Problems of Science and Education | Sankt-Peterburg, Russia | 2011 | 21/04/2011 - 23/04/2011 | Herzen University | Measures to be undertaken for eliminating the danger of water element in mountainous conditions | poster | The main reasons of great damage in the past floods have been revealed and the set of activities to mitigate the risk of water elements have been planned, such as: cleaning and deepening of river beds, completion and strengthening of unfinished bank protection structures, construction of waste way channels, terracing the slopes, the expansion of forest cover and the construction of small water reservoirs. | |
World Forum International Congress - Natural cataclysms and global problems of the modern civilization | Istanbul, Turkey | 2011 | 19/09/2011 - 21/09/2011 | Geocataclysm – 2011 | Catastrophic events on the Black Sea rivers against the background of global climate change, their development tendencias and adaption activities | oral | Based on the conducted research including forecasting models the adaptation activities have been proposed for mitigation of negative impact of hydrological catastrophic events. In mountain river valleys it would be useful to construct small reservoirs. For this river valley caves or dry lake hollows may be used. | www.2011.geocataclysm.org |
International Scientific Conference Sustainable Development and Protection of Environment | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2010 | 10/11/2010 - 11/11/2010 | Georgian Technical University | Forecasting water flow into the Jvari reservoir for the safety and power efficiency of the Enguri hydroelectric power station | oral | Methods have been developed for forecasting quarterly, monthly, ten-day and daily flood runoff and for estimating maximum flood discharges and rain flood waters on the river of Enguri. | http://www.gtu.ge/publishinghouse/ |
The 2nd International Geography Symposium | Kemer - Antalya, Turkey | 2010 | 02/06/2010 - 05/06/2010 | GEOMED 2010 | Prevention of high water floods of the mountainous rivers | oral | As a result of the recent floods and high water the norms of maximum water discharge, its extreme and probable quantities with the recurrence from 10 to 10,000 years have been ascertained. By applying a multifactor statistical model, prognostic equations taking into account various factors, have been worked out for maximum water discharge 1 - 3 months beforehand and rain floods 1 - 2 days advance. The prognoses are ascertained constantly taking into account sediment, air temperature, liquid-water content of snow and of rivers. | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042811012870 |
Tenth Baku International Congress - Energy, Ecology, Economy | Baku, Azerbaijan | 2009 | 23/09/2009 - 25/09/2009 | International Ecoenergy Academy - Gunesh | Floods on the mountain rivers and their safety | oral | To prevent damage from flood, the constructed coastal protection structures are designed at certain values of the maximum discharge. Standarts for maximum discharge, their extreme value, variability, the date of passage and other characteristics where identified. The probability values of the maximum discharge of main tributaries of the Mtkvari river. The advance of forecast (1 - 3 months) makes it possible in anticipation of the high peaks, to implement timely all preventive measures that are necessary for safety of population and environment. | |
International Symposium on floods and modern methods of control measures | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2009 | 23/09/2009 - 28/09/2009 | Georgian Water Management Institute | Maximum discharges of the Mtkvari river and their forecasting for security of Tbilisi | oral | The maximum discharge on the river Mtkvari greatly exceeded the mean flow rate, causing considerable damage and some loss of life. According to the analysis of many year's data, there is a trend to higher values of maximum discharge, indicating that the probablity of a given flood discharge occurring or being exceeded is increasing. Equations with different data of standard observations are accepted for the forecasting of maximum discharges. All forecasts are of satisfaction quality by acceptable assessment. | |
International year of the Planet Earth -Climate, natural resources, natural disasters in the South Caucasus | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2008 | 18/11/2008 - 19/11/2008 | M.NODIA INSTITUTE OF GEOPHYSICS INSTITUTE OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY GEOPHYSICAL ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA | Characteristics of the floods on the rivers of Georgia and Ways of their prevention | oral | Statistical characteristics of the peak of floods for the most important rivers of Georgia have been calculated. May da June are the months to see the peak, as high waves of waters of rain and melted snow combine. In their turn, the characteristics are initial and essential data for designing and probable environmental disasters have been worked out. | http://ecohydmet.ge/115.pdf |
NATO advanced research workshop | Erevan, Armenia | 2007 | 18/10/2007 - 22/10/2007 | Erevan State University | Long-term prognosis of high waters on mountainous rivers | poster | The research reported here aims to provide a predictive framework to assist water management in the various mountainous regions of Georgia. Timely warning about an oncoming danger enables us to avoid material loss incurred by the element. Early forecasts (a few months in advance) save us from the above as it enables to take certain safety measures in time and to minimize the loss. | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-90-481-2344-5_23 |
VI All-Russian Hydrological Congress. | Sankt-Peterburg, Russia | 2004 | 28/10/2004 - 01/11/2004 | Institute of Hydrology | Forecasting of mountainous rivers water flows under the limited operative information supply | poster | Georgia is distinguished by its rich hydro resources, but due to their uneven discrimination, the demand on water frequently doesn't coincide with water provision. This causes acute deficit situation. Due to the global climate change it is expected that the fresh water amount will decrease in Georgia. We have elaborated multiple - factor statistical model for a forecast, which by means of different mathematical criteria and methods can simultaneously research the increase of the timeliness of forecasts and the level of their precision. We have obtained methodologies for short and long term forecasts of inflowing water properties in Georgia's main water reservoirs. | |
International conference. Erosion-debris flows phenomena and some adjacent problems | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2001 | 18/08/2001 - 20/09/2001 | Georgian Academy of Science Institute of Water Management and Engineering Ecology | Estimation and prognosis of maximum high-flood expenditure | oral | There are given expressions for estimation of maximum discharge of high-flood with 1 % providing. It's easy to estimate the discharge of the waters of uninvestigated rivers of western Georgia according to them, with one hundred year's repetition. On example of the river Tskhenistskali, there is given a method for prognosis of high-flood basing on multifactorial statistical model of the flow, talking into consideration standart information of hydrometeorological elements. Early prognosing (24 hours) enables to reduce considerable the material damage stemmed from high-floods. | |
I international conference on ecology and environmental management in Caucasus | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2001 | 06/09/2001 - 07/10/2001 | Foundation -Caucasus Environment | Prognosis of maximal peak of the high water flows for prevention the loss caused by dangerous events | oral | By applying statistical method of prognosing there have been worked out equations for calculating maximal water discharge of rain and snow-rain flows on hydroranges of the river Rioni and its tributaries, that enable to prognose 24-20 hours in advance before reaching the peak. By means of such information it is possible to decrease material loss caused by disastrous high waters. | |
I international conference on ecology and environmental management in Caucasus | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2001 | 06/10/2001 - 07/11/2001 | Foundation -Caucasus Environment | Prognosing of water flow in water reservoirs for the aim of its rational use in industry while having limited hydrometeorological information | oral | There is suggested statistical multifactoral model for prognosing water flow in the water reservoirs in condition of limited hydrometeorological information. This way there have been worked out long and short-term prognosis of water flow for diffef Dent periods of a year, average and maximum discharge of high water, vegetational, quarterly, monthly, decade, daily and maximal discharge of rain high-flood for the main tributaries of Djvari and Jhinvali water reservoirs. |
Web of Science: - Scopus: Scopus: citi 1; h - index 0 Google Scholar: Google scholar Citation index -27.00 h-index-3.00 |
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