Kakha Gorgadze
Doctor of Science
'Talga' Institute
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In 1988 Kakha Gorgadze graduated from the Faculty of Engineering and Physics of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute. He was awarded the qualification of Engineer-Physicist-Metallurgist in 2008. He defended his dissertation and was awarded the degree of Academic Doctor in Engineering Physics. He has published 38 scientific articles, 5 supporting manuals. 1987-1988 he worked Georgian Technical University, Department of Physics as a Senior Preparator. 1988-1988 - Georgian Technical University, Department of Physics, Teaching Master. 1988-2006 Georgian Technical University, Department of Physics, Head of Laboratory. 1998-2005 Central Military Hospital of the Ministry of Defense, Medical Equipment engineer. 2006-2009 - Georgian Technical University, Department of Physics, Laboratory Assistant. 2009-2013 Georgian Technical University, Department of Engineering Physics, Assistant Professor. 2013-present Georgian Technical University, Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems, Department of Engineering Physics, Associate Professor. 2012-present Georgian Technical University, Institute "Talga", Chief Researcher. Member of the Academic Council of the Georgian Technical University from 2019 to present.
Assess the risks posed by radon exposure In some districts of Tbilisi | S. Pagava, K. Gorgadze, Sh. Dekanosidze, M. Metskhvarishvili, I. Kalandadze, Sh. Khizanishvili, Kh. Lomsadze, I. Giorgadze, M. Rusetski. | article | Georgian Engineering News (GEN). #2, 2021, p. 86. | 0 | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Physics in Medcine | M. Metskhvarishvili, I. Kalandadze, M. Beridze, K. Gorgadze, Sh. Khizanishvili | article | Science and Technologies. No.1(735). 2021. pp. 9-16 | 0 | ISSN 0130-7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/ka/page/?page=page&slug=/ge/archive/techno | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Shape memory and superelastic effects of some Titanium alloys | K. Gorgadze, M. Metskhvarishvili, I. Giorgadze, I. Kalandadze, Sh. Khizanishvili, M. Beridze | article | Science and Technologies. No.1 (735). 2021. pp. 108-112 | 0 | ISSN 0130-7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/ka/page/?page=page&slug=/ge/archive/techno | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
A New Mechanism of the Nanoindentation Process | Gerasimov A., Vepxvadze M., Gorgadze K., Buachidze D., Chiradze G.,Metonidze M. | article | Journal of Materials Science & Nanotechnology, Volume 6 Issue 1,2018. pp. 1-6. | IF 3.9 | ISSN: 2348-9812 | https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/8c25/fcc95c48f799d78f4e107b2cba24a9073abc.pdf | English | State Targeted Program |
RADIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF ANASEULI SITE | article | GEORGIAN ENGINERING NEWS GEN №4(vol.88), 2018. გვ. 54-59 | 0 | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | English | State Targeted Program | |
PRELIMINARY RADIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF ANASEULI SITE | Nabakhtiani G.N., Gorgadze K.M., Tvaliashvili V.Z., Giorgadze I.S. and Khizanishvili Sh.M | article | GEORGIAN ENGINERING NEWS. №3(vol.87), 2018, p. 24-31 | 0 | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | English | State Targeted Program |
PROTECTION OF THE HUMAN HEALTH AND LIVING HABITATIONS FROM THE INFLUENCE OF THE RADON AND ITS DECAY PRODUCTS UNDER THE URBAN CONDITIONS OF TBILISI | Gorgadze K.M., Dekanosidze Sh.V., Pagava S.V., Japaridze G.Sh., Kalandadze I.G., Lomsadze Kh.A., Khizanishvili Sh.M., Metskhvarishvili M.R. and Rusetski V.T. | article | Georgian Engineering News (GEN). #4 (V. 88), 2018, p. 50. | 0 | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Vacuum-distillation automatized machine for making ethyl alcohol | Archil Chirakadze, Zakaria Buachidze, Nugzar Kavlashvili, Akaki Gigineishvili, Irina Khomeriki, Kakha Gorgadze, Levan Gvaramadze, Mikheil Taktakishvili | article | Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems, Georgian Technical University Proceedings №22, 2018. pp.43-46 | 0 | ISSN0135-0765 | https://gtu.ge/msi/Files/Pdf/Publications/jurnali_2018.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
THE PRELIMINARY LABORATOPY TESTING OF NEW NATURAL AND COMBINED INSECTICIDES FOR THE CONTROL OF BMSB (HALIOMORPINA HALYS) AND A SIMPLIFIED VERSION FOR USE IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOOL EDUCATION | M. Ambokadze, A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, K. Gorgadze, A. Lafperashvili, G. vardiashvili, M. Avagiani | article | Georgian chemical journal. vol.18 No.1 2018. p.192-198 | 0 | ISSN 1512-0686 | https://techinformi.ge/en/?page=content/main/qrja | English | State Targeted Program |
Mastering of the HALYOMORPHA HALYS monitoring methods of agricultural pest and expediency of establishing a public monitoring station on the territory of Mokhisi public school in Kareli municipality | M. Ambokadze A. Chirakadze Z. Buachidze K. Gorgadze G. Yankoshvili N. Tskvitishvili L. Zazadze A. Laperashvili A. Gigineishvili. | article | Georgian chemical journal. vol.18 No.1 2018. p.186-191 | 0 | ISSN 1512-0686 | https://techinformi.ge/en/?page=content/main/qrja | English | State Targeted Program |
Historical path of environmental education and modern priorities | M. Ambokadze A. Chirakadze Z. Buachidze K. Gorgadze L. Zazadze A. Laperashvili | article | Georgian chemical journal. vol.18 No.1 2018. p.182-185 | 0 | ISSN 1512-0686 | https://techinformi.ge/en/?page=content/main/qrja | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Mechanism of the Long –Range Action Effect Under Energy Impact | A. Gerasimov, K. Gorgadze, M. Vepkhvadze, M. Shengelia | article | BULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, vol 11, no.1,2017 | 0 | ISSN -0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/moambe/moambe-geo.html | English | State Targeted Program |
Treatment with radioactive waste. Considering their classification (case of Georgia). | C. Nabakhtiani, K. Gorgadze V. Tvaliashvili, I. Giorgadze, Sh. Khizanishvili | article | Georgian Engineering News. 2017 № 2. გვ.116-123. | 0 | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Calculation of high-frequency mouthpiece and spiral emitters for usage in agricultural pest control units | Archil Chirakadze, Akaki Gigineishvili, Nugzar Kavlashvili, Zakaria Buachidze, Kakha Gorgadze, Mikheil Taktakishvili | article | Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems, Georgian Technical University. Proceedings №21, 2017. pp.41-46 | 0 | ISSN0135-0765 | https://gtu.ge/msi/Files/Pdf/Publications/jurnali_2018.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
On the physical nature of the long-range effect in the processes of creation and growth of crystals | A. Gerasimov, M. Vepkhvadze, K. Gorgadze, M. Shengelia, Sh. Khizanishvili, G. Chiradze. | article | Georgian Engineering News. 2017 № 2. pp .111-115. | 0 | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | Russian | State Targeted Program |
On the physical mechanism of water heating in vortex electrohydropercussion heat generators. | A. Gerasimov, A. Prangishvili, M. Vepkhvadze, K. Gorgadze | article | Georgian Engineering News. 2017 № 2. pp .124-128. | 0 | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Physics Laboratory Practice. Part III (Optics and Atomic Physics) | N. Kukuladze, K. Gorgadze, L. Chakhvashvili, T. Chichua, M. Tsulukidze, L. Matsaberidze, A. Gigineishvili | textbook | Technical University. 2017. 186 p. | 0 | ISBN: 978-9941-20-403-6 (All parts)/ISBN: 978-9941-20-795-2 (Third Part). | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/ge/post/813 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
On Physical Nature of the Long-Range Effect During the Crystal Growth Through Boundary Layers | Gerasimov A., Vepxvadze M., Gorgadze K., Buachidze D., Chiradze G., Metonidze M. | article | Jurnal of Materials Science & Nanotechnology, Volume 5( Issue 2) 2017, pp.1-4 | IF 3.9 | ISSN:2348-9812 | https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f9d1/55d5d888c763a543b8943643025b5013d9f7.pdf | English | State Targeted Program |
Development of low temperature technology for the growth of wide band gap semiconductor nanowires | David Jishiashvili, Zeinab Shiolashvili, Archil Chirakadze, Alexander Jishiashvili, Nino Makhatadze, Kakha Gorgadze. | article | AIMS Materials Science, 2016, 3(2): p.470-485. | SJR 0.422 | ISSN 2372-0484 | doi: 10.3934/matersci.2016.2.470 | English | State Targeted Program |
Practical of Physics Laboratory. Electricity and Magnetism Physics. Part II | A. Gigineishvili, K. Gorgadze, A. Esakia, G. Kukuladze, L. Matsaberidze, M. Metskhvarishvili, I. Papava, L. Chakhvashvili, T. Chichua | textbook | Technical University. 2015. 200 p. | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-20-403-6 (All Parts), 978-9941-20-591-0 (Second Part) | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/ge/post/69 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Iveri Prangishvili on the Relationship between Religion and Science. | A. Gerasimov M. Vepkhvadze K. Gorgadze T. Ratian | article | Scientific-historical magazine "Svetitskhoveli". 2, 2015. Pp.33-38. Publishing House "Technical University". | 0 | ISSN 1987-6874 | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/155606/1/Sveticxoveli_2015_N2.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Iveri Prangishvili and the Crisis of Modern Physics | Gerasimov A. B., Vepkhvadze M. T., Gorgadze K.M. | article | GEORGIAN ENGINERNING NEWS ( GEN) 4, 2015. p.7-11 | 0 | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Practical of Physics Laboratory. Mechanical and Molecular Physics. Part I | K. Gorgadze, T. Bzhalava, A. Esakia, I. Lomidze, L. Matsaberidze, M. Metskhvarishvili, T. Chichua. | textbook | Technical University. 2014. 146 p. | 0 | ISBN:978-9941-20-403-6 (ყველა ნაწილი)/ISBN: 978-9941-20-404-3 (პირველინაწილი). | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/ge/post/318 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Formation of Titanium Alloys 3D Nanostructures | K.Gorgadze, T. BerberaSvili, G. Nabakhtiani, Sh. Khizanishvili, T. Berikashvili | article | Nano Studies. No.9, 2014. pp177-179 | 0 | ISNN 1987-8826 | https://inis.iaea.org/search/search.aspx?orig_q=RN:50065465 | English | State Targeted Program |
Basic physico-mechanical properties of titanium alloys. | Gorgadze K., Khizanishvili Sh., Nabakhtiani G. | article | "Ganatleba". 2 (18), 2013. Georgian Technical University. P. 157-161. | 0 | ISSN 2346-8300 | https://gtu.ge/Journals/newsletters/gamocemebi.htm | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Investigation of direct martensitic transformation of titanium alloys having metastable structure | Gapishvili N., Berberashvili T., Gorgadze K., Khechiashvili T., Khizanishvili Sh., Khutsishvili V. | article | “Nano Studies”. Biannual scientific journal published in Georgia. 2012,6. p.105-114. | 0 | ISSN 1987-8826 | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/140691/1/Nano_Studies_2012_N6.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Practical of Physics Laboratory (Magnetism and Optics). | Kukuladze N., Gorgadze K., Chakhvashvili L., Gigineishvili A., Matsaberidze L. | textbook | "Technical University" 2010. 112 p. | 0 | ISBN: 978-9941-14-805-7 (All Parts)/ISBN:978-9941-14-806-4(Second Part). | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/ge/post/624 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
INDUCED COMBINATORY SCATTERING OF LIGHT | Chikhladze G., Gorgadze K., Peradze T. | article | Application Appendix to the Journal “Newsletters” of Academy of education Sciences of Georgia. Works. 2(17). 2010. pp. 152-155 | 0 | ISSN #1512-102X | https://gtu.ge/Journals/newsletters/jurnali_N_2_17.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
On Combination Scattering of Light | Chikhladze G., Gorgadze K., Peradze T. | article | Application Appendix to the Journal “Newsletters” of Academy of education Sciences of Georgia. Works. 2010,1(16) pp. 104-106 | 0 | ISSN #1512-102X | https://gtu.ge/Journals/newsletters/jurnali_N_1_16.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
article | Georgian Engineering News.Tbilisi. 2009. №2.( vol. 50 ). p.126-128. | 0 | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | Russian | State Targeted Program | ||
Share-Memory Effect in Ti-Nb Alloys | Peradze T.,Berikashvili T., Chelidze T., Bochorishvili M., Gorgadze K., Taktakishvili M. | article | Georgian Engineering News.Tbilisi. 2009. №2. (vol. 50 ) p.116-121 | 0 | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | English | State Targeted Program |
The Influence of the Shock Wave on the Ti50WT.% Ta Alloy Possessing the Memory Effect | Chelidze T. Taktakishvili M. Gorgadze K. Peradze T. Berikashvili T. | article | Georgian Engineering News. Tbilisi. 2009. №2.( vol. 50 ) p.112-115. | 0 | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | English | State Targeted Program |
Physical methods of materials research | Chelidze T., Peradze T., Gorgadze K., Berikashvili T., Taktakishvili M. | article | ActaMaterialia. Journal published by Elsevier. 2009,vol.57, Issue 3, p.715-721 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-14-468-4 | http://opac.gtu.ge/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=4278 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Effect of hydrogen on internal friction and elastic modulus in titanium alloys. | Arabajian N., Serdobintsev V., Tavkhelidze V., Peradze T., Stamateli Yu., Gorgadze K. | article | ActaMaterialia. Journal published by Elsevier. 2009,vol.57, Issue 3, p.715-721 | IF 8.203 | ISSN: 1359-6454 | dpi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2008.10.013 | English | State Targeted Program |
Shape memory effect in Ti-Ta alloys. | Peradze T., Gorgadze K., Stamateli Yu., Berikashvili T., Chelidze T., Arabadzhyan N., Razov A., Resnina N. | article | Materialovedenie. Moscow. 2007, No. 2, p.28-31 | 0 | "ISSN: 1684-579X " | https://www.elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=33343828 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Inelastic Effects in Ti-Nb System Alloys | Peradze T., Stamateli Yu., Gorgadze K., Berikashvili T., Chelidze T., Serdobintsev V., Razov A., Resnina N. | article | Materialovedenie. Moscow. 2006, №11, с.27-30 | 0 | "ISSN: 1684-579X " | https://www.elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=33343274 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Shape memory effect in titanium-based multicomponent alloys. | Peradze T., Stamateli Yu., Gorgadze K., Berikashvili T., Chelidze T., Razov A. | article | „Materialovedenie“. Moscow. 2006, №10, с.20-22 | 0 | "ISSN: 1684-579X " | https://www.elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=33343273 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Shape memory effect in Ti-Ta-Zr alloys Applied Electromagneticsand Mechanics | Peradze T., Stamateli I., Cederstrom J., Berikashvili T. | article | Applied Electromagneticsand Mechanics. 2006, vol.23, Nos 1,2, p.39-44. | 0 | ISNN1383-5416 | DOI: 10.3233/JAE-2006-730 | English | State Targeted Program |
7th International Conference MTP-2021: Modern Trends in Physics | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი | BAKU STATE UNIVERSITY | GASEOUS PHASE SYNTHESIS OF BORON NITRIDE NANOSHEETS FOR MEDICAL AND TECHNICAL USE | poster | "Boron nitride (BN) volume and nano-sized materials can be used for many different urgent purposes - from creation of hypersonic civil aircraft (due to high stability and integrity at high temperatures) to the development of effective cancer treatment methods (due to high values of thermal neutron capture cross section of 10B isotope and high energy proton cross section of 11B isotope). Nanostructured hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is a highly prospective material for the tumor localized boron neutron and boron-proton capture therapy characterized by high biocompatibility and significant efforts have been made to reduce the conventional synthesis and annealing temperature and improve the crystalline structure. The most advanced methods of synthesis of the isotopic enriched h-BN nanoparticle require synthesis and annealing temperatures higher than 900-1000 OC and quite expensive precursor materials like amorphous boron powder. The newly developed method being reported, utilizes gaseous ammonia and boron trifluoride at synthesis temperatures up to 250 OC and easily available cheap raw materials: gaseous boron trifluoride, gaseous ammonia and potassium chloride. The synthesis by-product undergoes farther processing, finally yielding again in boron trifluoride and ammonia. Despite of the extremely low temperature of synthesis (150-200OC) samples of BN nanosheets and nanoparticles with a clearly defined hexagonal structure have been synthesized using cheap and easily available raw materials and a simple technological method." | http://mtp2021.bsu.edu.az/ABSTRACT_BOOK_MTP_2021.pdf | |
7th International Conference MTP-2021: Modern Trends in Physics | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი | BAKU STATE UNIVERSITY | PROTON THERAPY OF CANCER USING METAL AND ISOTOPE ENRICHED BORON NITRIDE NANOPARTICLES | poster | Cancer therapy using high energy charged particles (primary, proton beams) is the most adavanced modality for the treatment of several kinds of cancer successfully used in more than 110 medical centers around the world. Increasing of the biological efficacy and safety of proton (hadron) therapy is a crucially emerging problem of modern medicine and space astrobiology. One of the most productive approaches is the so - called localized combined therapy using various kinds of nano-based fluids and involving nuclear reactions. An optimal "ensemble" of the adjuvant therapeutic modalities must consist of Curie temperature controlled magnetic (in our case, boron nitride encapsulated Ni-Cu and Ag:LaMnO3 nanoparticles) and isotopic enriched boron nitride (10B, 11B) nanoparticles, which can provide the treatment synergistic to radiotherapy. Moreover, due to the boron-proton and boron-neutron capture reactions, isotopic enriched 10 B and 11 B nanoparticles with the appropriate optimal spatial distribution inside and at the tumor boundaries, as a result of nuclear reactions, can generate a sufficient concentration of alpha particles and bring to a drastical reduce of the number of protons and thermal/epithermal secondary neutrons affecting healthy cells. An optimized distribution of the isotopic enriched 10 B, 11 B nanoparticles and Li atoms can also improve the spatial distribution of the proton beam in body tissues. Mathematical simulation also showed that the enhanced proton therapy coud move close to 12C ion hadron therapy, but without its complications. | http://mtp2021.bsu.edu.az/ABSTRACT_BOOK_MTP_2021.pdf | |
7th International Conference MTP-2021: Modern Trends in Physics | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი | BAKU STATE UNIVERSITY | NANOPARTICLES ENHANCING RADIOTHRAPY OF CANCER AND THEIR ACUTE TOXICITY TO BIRD EMBRYOS | poster | Photon therapy is widely used in more than 110 medical centers around the world. The localized combined therapy using radiotherapy, mild hyperthermia, chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy ROS therapy a prospective tool to increase the biological effectiveness and safety of cancer therapy while the most advanced kind of the hyperthermia is the Curie temperature controlled localized hyperthermia (CTCLH) A principally new approach is the usage of the isotopic enriched 10B and 11B containing nanomaterials (both in the form of pure boron and boron nitride) nanoparticles and boron-neutron and boron-proton capture nuclear reaction products Novel microwave enhanced methods of synthesis magnetic metal nanoparticles, isotopic enriched hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanosheets and boron nitride encapsulated magnetic metal nanoparticles for the (CTCLH) and localized boron-neutron and boron-proton capture therapy were developed and their magnetic properties were tested. A novel ovoscopy method of testing the acute toxicity of the synthesized nanomaterials to avian embryos excluding the use of mammals and other living animals for drug testing was examined. | http://mtp2021.bsu.edu.az/ABSTRACT_BOOK_MTP_2021.pdf | |
5th International Conference "Nanotechnologies". Nano - 2018 | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2018 | 19-22 ნოემბერი | Georgian Technical University | PHIZICAL MECHANIZM OF HEAT CAPACITY OF NANOMATERIALS | poster | The physical nature of the increase in the heat capacity of nanomaterials with a decrease in the sizes of their constituent nanoparticles has so far not been clear. This is due to the fact that the existing heat capacity mechanisms are not perfect, since they are not only quantitative, but also from a qualitative point of view, unable to explain many experimental facts. We have proposed a new physical mechanism for the heat capacity of solids, based on the consideration of redistribution of the kinetic energy received by a solid body into a potential (deformation of chemical bonds) and the kinetic energy of the system (temperature) due to a change in the energy of chemical bonds. The less energy of chemical bonds, the more likely they are to deform. With increasing temperature, the decrease in the energy of chemical bonds is due to the growing concentration of the resulting antibonding quasiparticles (AQP), which weaken the chemical bonds between the atoms around which they appear during their chaotic motion. AQP are electrons in the antibonding zone and holes in the bonding zone. The transfer of an electron by heat from the bonding to the antibonding zone with the formation of a hole in the bonding zone means the appearance of an AQP. The greater the concentration of AQP the less the energy of chemical bonds, the more likely they are deformed and the larger the increase in the fraction of the change in the potential energy in the kinetic energy received by the solid body. An increase in the share of potential energy causes an increase in the amount of heat necessary for heating the body by one degree, i.е. its heat capacity. It is shown that as the size of nanoparticles decreases, the effective concentration of AQP increases, which leads to an increase in the probability of deformation of chemical bonds and, correspondingly, to an increase in the fraction of potential energy. Specific examples confirming the truth of the proposed mechanism are given. | https://gtu.ge/pdf/konf/Eng%20_%205th%20International%20%20Conference%20_Nanotechnologies.pdf |
ICANM 2017: International Conference and Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | 2017 | August 7 - 9 | ICANM is organized annually | The role of chemical bonds in nanophysics and nanotechnology | poster | https://10times.com/icanm-toronto | |
ICANM 2017: International Conference and Exhibition on Advanced &Nano Materials | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | 2017 | 7 - 9აგვისტო | ICANM is organized annually | A NEW MECHANISM OF THE "ANOMALIES" OF THE PHENOMENA ASSOCIATED WITH THE DISPLACEMENT OF ATOM IN NANO MATERIALS | poster | https://eventegg.com/icanm-2017/ | |
International Scientific Conference on Information and Computer Technologies, Modeling, Management Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of Academician Iveri Prangishvili. | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2015 | 3 - 5 ნოემბერი | Georgian Technical University | Advanced methods of utilization ofsecondary resources for energy production and accumulation | poster | http://ict-mc.gtu.ge/ge.html | |
International Conference | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2014 | 6-9 მარტი | Georgian Technical University | Nuclear Security Sistem in Georgia | poster | Georgia takes active steps for establishment of Radioactive Waste Management System (RWMS) in the country: –Based on the international support the Centralized radioactive waste Storage Facility (CSF) was constructed and commissioned; –Georgia joined to “Join Convention on the Safety of Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management”. The first country status report was sent to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at 2011; –IAEA experts reviewed draft Georgian law “On Radioactive Waste Management”; –The first radiological survey of disposal site was conducted together with Swedish experts at 2011; –EU Project “Survey and Strategic Assessment of Georgian Radwaste Interims Storage and Disposal Facilities” was conducted at 2012–2013; –EU Project “Aim Conducting of Safety Assessment of CSF and Disposal” was started at 2013. Generally speaking, RWMS should contain four major elements: legal basement, administrative structure, infrastructure for handling with radioactive waste, and financial system. Only some parts of above-mentioned elements are exist in Georgia now. RWMS should meet nine basic principles defined by IAEA. | https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm%3A978-94-017-7468-0%2F1.pdf |
International Conference “Nanosensory Systems and Nanomaterials” | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 6-9 ივნისი | Georgian Technical University | Development of Multi-Component Nickel Free Titanium Alloys | poster | https://gtu.ge/Eng/Conference/3237/ | |
International Conference “Nanosensory Systems and Nanomaterials” | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 6-9 ივნისი | Georgian Technical University | Non Simple Alloys Preparation by Laser Plasma Technologies | poster | https://gtu.ge/Eng/Conference/3237/ | |
International Scientific Conference “International Cooperation for Sustainable Development Through Science and Technology. Tbilisi“ | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 6-9 ივნისი | Georgian Technical University | Nonelastic Behavior of Multicomponent Titanium Allois | poster | https://gtu.ge/Eng/Conference/3237/ | |
International Scientific Conference "Actual Issues in Applied Physics" | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2011 | 30 მარტი | Georgian Technical University | Influence of the accelerating elements on the effect of shape memory and recovery temperature interval in Ti-Ta-Mo-V alloy. | poster | http://www.nplg.gov.ge/ec/ka/cart/catalog.html?pft=biblio&from=6759&rnum=10&udc=UE%3D%280 | |
International Scientific Conference "Actual Issues in Applied Physics" | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2011 | 30 მარტი | Georgian Technical University | Influence of the accelerating elements on the effect of shape memory and the degree of recovery. | poster | http://www.nplg.gov.ge/ec/ka/cart/catalog.html?pft=biblio&from=6759&rnum=10&udc=UE%3D%280 | |
Sixth International Conference “Materials and Coating for Extreme Performances: Investegations, Applications, Ecologically Safe Technologies for Their Production and Utilization | Big Yalta, Ponizovka Crimea, Ukraine | 2010 | 20-24 სექტემბერი | "Institute for Problems of Materials Science of NASU. Under auspices of Federation of European Materials Societies; Under auspices of EUREKA Secretariat; National Information Point of 7 Framework Program " | Shape Memory Effect in BT-22 Titanium Alloy After Isothermal Treatment Under The Load | poster | http://www.materials.kiev.ua/conferences/MEE2010/MEEeng1new.pdf | |
XLIV International Conference "Actual Problems of Strength" | Vologda, Russia | 2005 | 3 - 7 ოქტომბერი | Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Condensed Matter Physics. Physical-Technical Institute. A. F. Ioffe RAS Vologda State Technical University | Shape memory effect in alloys of the Ti-Ta system. | poster | Martensitic transformations and shape memory effects in the Ti–43.2 wt.% Ta, Ti–50 wt.% Ta, and Ti–59.8 wt.% Ta alloys were studied. The alloys were preliminarily quenched after one hour annealing at 1000°C. The phase composition in the initial state was controlled radiographically. In the case of Ti–43.2 wt.% Ta, this was a¢¢-martensite, for Ti–50 wt.% Ta - a¢¢+(β) and β + (a¢¢) for the Ti–59.8 wt.% alloy Ta. The character of phase transformations was studied by differential calorimetry. Preliminary deformation by torsion. The shape memory effect was studied after setting the preliminary deformation, which was carried out in two ways in the torsion mode. In the first case, the sample was loaded in the temperature range Ms < T < As, the sample was pinched, and cooled to room temperature in the pinched state. In the second case, cooling after isothermal loading in the temperature range Ms < T < As occurred under the action of a constant applied load. For all alloys, the degree of shape recovery at initial deformation up to 4–5% was not lower than 90–98%. The study of reactive strain was carried out during heating to 800 ºС of alloy samples rigidly fixed at both ends. The maximum value of reactive strain for various degrees of initial deformation was achieved in the temperature range of 400–500°C. Their value at a preliminary deformation of 8-10% reached 350-450 MPa. The superelasticity of the alloys at room temperature at a strain of 4–5% increased from 60–70–% to 97–100% after four–five loading–unloading cycles. The damping capacity Ψ = 2πQ-1 (Q-1 internal friction) in the temperature range of reverse martensitic transformation was 13-23% for hertz and ~6% for kilohertz oscillation frequencies.
| http://www.issp.ac.ru/ebooks/conf/Vologda-2005.pdf |
XLIV International Conference "Actual Problems of Strength" | Vologda, Russia | 2005 | 3 - 7 ოქტომბერი | Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Condensed Matter Physics. Physical-Technical Institute. A. F. Ioffe RAS Vologda State Technical University | Inelastic Effects in Ti-Nb System Alloys | poster | We studied inelastic effects in binary alloys Ti-25.9 wt.% Nb, Ti-29.8 wt.% Nb and Ti-33 wt.% Nb. The alloys were tempering after an hour of exposure at the temperature of the existence of β-austenite (950-1000 ° C) Tempering was fixing a¢¢- martensite in Ti–25.9 wt.%Nb, a¢¢+(β) in Ti–29.8 wt.%Nb and a¢¢+ β in Ti–33 wt.%Nb. The phase composition was controlled by X-ray diffraction by means of deformation. direct transformation - after isothermal loading of the sample at T > Ms, it was cooled to room temperature at a constant voltage. For strain values not exceeding 5%, the degree of shape recovery was not lower than 95-98%. Increasing of deformation wasreduced the rate of recovery. Measurement of reactive strain during heating (up to 800 °C) of specimens rigidly fixed at both ends showed maximum values of 400–450 MPa for all alloys at an initial strain degree of 8–10%. Superelasticity at room temperature after 5-6 cycles of loading-unloading increased (at a total deformation of about 4-5%) from 50 to 100% on average, for almost all alloys. The damping ability of the alloys associated with the occurrence of the reverse martensitic a¢¢→ β transformation was studied by the method of a direct pendulum and an acoustic spectrometer. In the range of hertz frequencies, damping of vibrations by alloys varied from 10% to 20% and amounted to ~3% for the frequency of forced vibrations in the kilohertz range.
| http://www.issp.ac.ru/ebooks/conf/Vologda-2005.pdf |
XLIV International Conference-"Actual Problems of Strength" | Vologda, Russia | 2005 | 3-7 ოქტომბერი | Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Condensed Matter Physics. Physical-Technical Institute. A. F. Ioffe RAS Vologda State Technical University | Shape Memory Effect in Multicomponent Titanium-Based Alloys | poster | loading the samples at a temperature Td > Ms and subsequent cooling to room temperature under the applied load. Samples were heated by passing an electric current. The temperature Td was reached either by heating the samples from room temperature or by cooling after preheating to T >> Af. SME for all alloys, except for Ti–9.9Nb–10.0V, took place only upon cooling to Td from high temperatures. Upon heating from room temperature to Td, the SME in these alloys was weakly pronounced. The process of deformation and shape recovery for the Ti–5.1Ta–4.9Mo–4.9V alloy is shown in Fig. 1 (recording on a two-coordinate recorder). The obtained dependence of the shape memory effect on the degree of preliminary deformation for all the investigated alloys is shown in Fig.2. Four-component alloys seem to be the most promising. A characteristic difference of these alloys, in addition to high values of h, is the small width of the reverse martensitic transformation interval (Af – As » 50°) as compared to ternary alloys. The values of the reactive strains were also measured at various degrees of preliminary deformation. There was selected according to the degree of metastability of the β-phase for values of Kβ ~ (0.9 – 1.2). The alloys were tempering after an hour exposure at 1000°C. The initial phase composition corresponded to (α˝) or (α˝+ β). " | http://www.issp.ac.ru/ebooks/conf/Vologda-2005.pdf |
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