Tamaz Medoidze

Academic Doctor of Science

Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University

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Laser induced fluorescence of skin: superposition of spectral intensitiesZ. Jaliashvili, T. Medoidze, Z. Melikishvili, A. Chanishvili, G. Petriashvili, L. LomidzearticleGeorgian Medical News/2021, 318 (9), 151-1560.3/0.137 1512-0112 PAST ISSUES (geomednews.com)EnglishState Targeted Program
Laser-induced fluorescence of oral mucosa cancerZ. Jaliashvili, T. Medoidze, Z. Melikishvili, K. GogilashviliarticleLaser Physics/2017, 27(10), 105602 (3pp)1.366/0.377 1054-660X / 1555-6611 https://doi.org/10.1088/1555-6611/aa828dEnglishState Targeted Program
Influence of Boron-containing Dopants on Superconducting Properties of (Bi,Pb)-2223 HTSN. Margiani, Z. Adamia, T. Medoidze, N. Papunashvili, D. Dzanashvili, M. ChubabriaarticleJ. Supercond. Nov. Magn. / 2013, 26(4),965-9681.506 / 0.330 1557-1939 / 1557-1947 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10948-012-1886-5 EnglishGrant Project
Phase evolution and superconducting properties of boron-doped (Bi,Pb)-2223 HTSsN. Margiani, I. Metskhvarishvili, T. Medoidze, N. Papunashvili, D. DzanashviliarticleJ. Phys.: Conf. Ser. / 2012, 400, 022067 1742-6588, 1742-6596 http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/400/2/022067EnglishGrant Project
სამედიცინო დიაგნოსტირებისთვის: ბიოლოგიური ქსოვილის ოპტიკური სპექტროსკოპიაR. Gvamichava, Z.V .Jaliashvili, K.M. Mardaleishvili, T.D. Medoidze, Z.G. Melikishviliconference proceedingsPublishing house "Technical University"/ Proceeding of International Scientific Conference Physical ResearchMethods inMedicine/ 2011, 171 - 175 / / 978-9941-14-995-5 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Enhancement of (Bi,Pb)-2223 HTS formation by boron-dopingN. Margiani, T. Medoidze, N. Papunashvili, V. Zhghamadze, D. Dzanashvili, V. AliyevarticleJ. Supercond. Nov. Magn. / 2010, 23(7),1241-12431.506 / 0.330 1557-1939 / 1557-1947 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10948-010-0808-7EnglishGrant Project
The Study of Blood Plasma and Tumor Tissue by Laser Induced Fluorescence in Patients with Prostate TumorsT. Chigogidze, M. Alibegashvili, L. Ramishvili, T. Medoidze, Z. Melikishvili, Z. Jaliashvili, N. Chiqovani, L. Managadze and N. KotrikadzearticleUrology / 2009, 74 (Supplment 4A), S1992.649 / 0.6 0090-4295, 1527-9995 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.urology.2009.07.540EnglishState Targeted Program
Optical Spectroscopy of Parotid Gland in Case of AdenopathyZ. Jaliashvili, T. Medoidze, Z. Melikishvili, N. Merkviladze, P. TushurashviliarticleGeorgian Medical News / 2008 164(11), 80-830.3/0.137 1512-0112 PAST ISSUES (geomednews.com)EnglishGrant Project
Study of Distribution of the Vitamin A After Overdose Feeding Along the Digestive Tract of Rats Intestine by LIFSK. Akhmeteli, E. Ekaladze, T. Medoidze, Z. Melikishvili, P. Tushurashvili articleGeorgian Medical News / 2008 157(4), 75-790.3/0.137 1512-0112 PAST ISSUES (geomednews.com)EnglishGrant Project
Study of vitamin A distribution in rats by laser induced fluorescenceK. Akhmeteli, E. Ekaladze, Z. Jaliashvli, T. Medoidze, Z. Melikishvili, N. Merkviladze, M. Papava, P. TushurashviliarticleLaser Physics Letters / 2008, 5(6), 471-475 2.016 / 0.492 1612-2011 / 1612-202X https://doi.org/10.1002/lapl.200810012EnglishGrant Project
Laser induced fluorescence model of human goiterZ. Jaliashvili, T. Medoidze, K. Mardaleishvili, J. Ramsden and Z. MelikishviliarticleLaser Physics Letters / 2008, 5(3), 217-219 2.016 / 0.492 1612-2011 / 1612-202X https://doi.org/10.1002/lapl.200710102EnglishGrant Project
Measurement of the abnormality degree in the biological tissue by the laser induced fluorescenceG. Giorgadze, Z. Jaliashvili, K. Mardaleishvili, T. Medoidze, and Z. MelikishviliarticleLaser Physics Letters / 2006, 3(2), 89-91 2.016 / 0.492 1612-2011 / 1612-202X https://doi.org/10.1002/lapl.200510056EnglishState Targeted Program
Laser-exited fluorescence from normal and abnormal human thyroid cells: a pilot studyZ. Jaliashvili, T. Medoidze, Z. Melikishvili, K. Mardaleishvili, J. RamsdenarticleLaser Physics Letters / 2004, 1(10), 521-5242.016 / 0.492 1612-2011 / 1612-202X https://doi.org/10.1002/lapl.200410112EnglishState Targeted Program
Ultraviolet and Visible Emission Cross-sections for Tm3+:YLiF4 Laser SystemT. Medoidze, Z. MelikishviliarticleLaser Physics Letters / 2004, 1(2), 65-682.016 / 0.492 1612-2011 / 1612-202X https://doi.org/10.1002/lapl.200310021EnglishState Targeted Program
Optical Information Recording on a Luminescent Dye Doped Cholesteric Liquid Crystal StructureG. Chilaia, T. Medoidze, Z. Melikishvili, G. Petriashvili, G. TsintsadzearticleProceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics of GAS / 2004, 3(1,2), 259-263 EnglishState Targeted Program
Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Transitions in UV-Excited Tm3+:YLiF4 Laser System, In: Focus on Lasers and Electro-Optics Research T. Medoidze, Z. Melikishvili, G. TsintsadzemonographNova Science Publishers, New York / 2004, 93-147 (289 p) ISBN-10‏:‎ 1594540217, ISBN-13 : ‎ 978-1594540219 https://isbnsearch.org/isbn/9781594540219EnglishState Targeted Program
Branching ratios and radiative lifetimes for 3P2, 3P1, 3P0 and 1I6 manifolds of Tm3+ in YLiF4 crystalT.D. Medoidze, Z.V. Jaliashvili, Z.G. Melikishvili, G.A. Tsintsadze and M.F. Reidarticleსაქართველოს მეცნიერებათა ეროვნული აკადემიის მოამბე / 2003, 167 (3), 437-441 Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Moambe) / 2003, 167 (3), 437-4410.27 0132 - 1447 EnglishState Targeted Program
Laser-Excited Ultraviolet Fluorescence in Tm3+:YliF4article1.366/0.377 1054-660X / 1555-6611 EnglishState Targeted Program
Absorption and Luminescence Spectra of Tm3+ Doped YLiF4 Crystal: 1I6 and 3P0,1,2 LevelsD. Buchsianidze, Z. Jaliashvili, T. Medoidze, Z. Melikishvili, A. Papashvili, T. Sanadze, G. TsintsadzearticleBulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Moambe) / 2001, 164 (1), 41 -440.27 0132 - 1447 EnglishState Targeted Program
Properties of superconductive ceramics type Y1Ba2Cu3O7-δ in the low magnetic fieldsM. Chubabria, Z. Jaliashvili, N. Kavlashvili, T. Medoidze, G. TsintsadzearticleBulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Moambe) / 2001, 164 (1), 54-580.27 0132 - 1447 EnglishState Targeted Program

"International Conference on Global Practice of Multidiciplinary Scientific Studies Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of ""Georgian Technical University - GTU"""Tbilisi, Georgia202224 - 26 ივნისიGeorgian Technical UniversitySimultaneous multi-wavelength photoplethysmography of wristoral

Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a photometric technique which is widely used in the detection of time-dependent blood volume changes in the peripheral tissues of the body. Despite the long history of research, the detailed mechanism of this phenomenon is still a matter of debates. This applies to such important body locations as the projection of the radial artery on the wrist. Based on the above, our goal is to determine the mechanism of the PPG-signal formation at this particular location. In this paper, we analyze a series of observations obtained using reflection-mode PPG. In our experiments, photoplethysmograms were recorded in the wavelength range of 400 – 1000 nm (with a step of 1 nm). Recordings were made for 10 s and the time step was 16.5 ms. Measurements were carried out in vivo on the projection of the radial artery of the wrist. The observed photoplethysmograms are described by modification of the physiological model of the interaction of light with living tissue proposed several years ago. This model provides a reasonable explanation for all observations. According to this model, it is the pulsating transmural pressure of the radial artery that increases/decreases the density of capillaries in the dermis, thereby modulating the volume of blood in the capillary bed. The photoplethysmogram observed in the green/blue range of the optical spectrum was due to modulation of the blood volume in the capillary bed. In the yellow-red and near infrared ranges, the PPG signal was a modulated blood volume in the capillary bed and artery. For these ranges, differences in the PPG signal shapes are not observed. Differences are observed only in intensities, which is proportional to the amount of blood in the area of interaction. The PPG signal is also modulated by the respiratory rate.

3rd International Conference “Nanotechnologies”, Nano-2014Tbilisi, Georgia201420-24 ოქტომბერიNanoscale nonradiate energy transfer between intercalator molecules in DNA duplexposter

The goal of the present research is development and application of laser induced fluorescence excitation energy transfer method to donor–acceptor intercalator pair for quantitative and qualitative study of stability quality DNA double helix in solution, in real time. The approach is based on the example of acridine orange molecule (donor) and ethidium bromide (acceptor) intercalated in DNA. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) radii were experimentally estimated in background electrolyte solution (0.01 M NaNO3) and proved to be 3.9 ± 0.3 nm and the data are in satisfactory agreement with the theoretically calculated value R0 = 3.5 ± 0.3 nm. Concentration of DNA sites, exposed to Cu(II), Cu(I), Ag(I) ions, AgNPs and temperature, which are applicable for intercalation, were estimated in relative units. FRET method allows estimating the concentration of double helix areas with high quality stability applicable for intercalation in DNA after it was subjected to stress effect. It gives the opportunity to compare DNAs of 1) different origin; 2) with various damage degrees; 3) being in various functional states.

3rd International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM2012)სტამბოლი, თურქეთი201229 აპრილი - 4 მაისიანკარის უნივერსიტეტიInfluence of Boron-containing Dopants on Superconducting Properties of (Bi,Pb)- 2223 HTSoral

The effect of addition of lead borate Pb(BO2)2 and boron oxide B2O3 on the phase evolution and superconducting properties of (Bi,Pb)-2223 high-temperature superconductor has been studied. Obtained results could enable us to develop a cheap and energy efficient fabrication technology for significant amount of high purity (Bi,Pb)-2223 superconducting materials via doping with boron-containing compounds.

26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics–LT26Beijing, China201110-17 აგვისტოInstitute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOP-CAS)1) Phase Evolution and Superconducting Properties of Boron-doped (Bi,Pb)-2223 HTSs; 2) Superconducting Properties of Boron-doped Eu-123 HTSsposter

1) Samples of the nominally pure and boron-added (Bi,Pb)-2223 high-temperature superconductor were prepared by the solid state reaction method and influence of B2O3 addition on the formation of (Bi,Pb)-2223 HTSs was investigated. Obtained results indicate that B2O3 additive drastically accelerates the formation of (Bi,Pb)-2223 superconductor; 2) Nominally pure and B2O3-added Eu-123 HTSs were prepared by the solid state reaction method. The decrease of the unit cell volume and Tc indicate a possibility of the added boron occupying the positions in the structure.

1st International conference "Nanochemistry-Nanotechnology, NANO-2010"Tbilisi, Georgia201023-24 მარტიSt. Andrews Georgian UniversityAn effective way to make nanoparticlesoral

An effective way to obtain nanoparticles of solids (metal oxides) by microwave heating of samples is discussed.

International scientific conference "Physical Research Methods in Medicine"Tbilisi, Georgia201127-27 ოქტომბერიGeorgian Technical UniversityOptical spectroscopy of biological tissues for medical diagnosticsoral

An effective method of medical diagnosis based on the analysis of reduced form-factorization of fluorescence spectra in biological tissue with a sensitivity and specificity exceeding 90% is presented for turbid and fluorescent environment. Relevant device - laboratory optical / laser biospectrometer is described.

International Seminar "Perspectiveof usageofbacteriophages preparations forprevention andtreatmentof infections caused bypathogenic andconditionedpathogenic microorganisms" Tbilisi, Georgia200510-11 ნოემბერიBiochimpharm and George Eliava Institute of Bacteriophage, Microbiology and Virology Topology of DNA in bacteriophageoral

We present another point of view to the problem of randomness and chirality of the packed DNA. Our consideration related to the algorithms that generate the random distribution of equivalent polygons with zero volume and confined to spherical volumes, as well as Alexander polynomials, which does not distinguish completely among some kntted chains and so are not a good invariants. We present the new invariants based on Vassiliev polynomials, which are free of above mentioned constraints.

SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Georgian Crossroads: Politics, Economy, BusinessPalo Alto, USA20034-5 დეკემბერიAmerica-Georgia Buisness Council, Stanford Institute for International StidiesUltraviolet solid state lasers and their applications in biology and medicineoral

We present the homemade laser spectrometer. An important part of this spectroscopic system is ultraviolet coherent and non-coherent radiation. It is obtained by converting the fundamental mode of the YAG: Nd3 + laser radiation to the third (by mixing the basic and second harmonics) and the fourth (by doubling the 2nd harmonic) harmonics and the nitrogen laser, while the non-coherent source is YLiF4: Tm3 + system. This range of optical radiation allows to realize the laser-induced and / or non-coherent-source fluorescence of biological objects, which is the most informative method for studying electromagnetic interactions along with other methods of laser / optical spectroscopy. Therefore our UV system is very effective for medical diagnosis.

International Quantum Electronics Conference IQEC/LAT 2002Moscow, Russian Federation200222-28 ივნისიRussian Academy of Sciences, MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, Europian Physical Society, IEEE / Lasers and Electro-Optics Society , International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, OSA, SPIETm3:YLiF4as an ultraviolet lasing systemoral

Absorption and fluorescence spectra, radiative lifetimes and manifold to manifold transitions branching ratios for 1I6, 3P2, and 3P1 multiplets in Tm3+:YLiF4 at the room temperature pointed out the following: 1I6 manifold can serve as upper laser level as effectively as the well known 1D2 and 1G4 levels.

NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Creatine kinase and brain enrgy metabolism: Function and disease."Tbilisi, Georgia200114-18 ივნისიTbilisi State University; Harvard Medical School, Massachusets General Hospital, Boston MA; Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston MAExperimental equipment for laser-excited fluorescence and light scattering in biological objectsposter

A light scattering and laser-induced fluorescence device built in the laboratory of the Coherent Optics and Electronics Department of the Institute of Cybernetics is presented. The device can study the optical properties of bioobjects in a non-invasive, real-time mode.


Web of Science: ციტირების ინდექსი-39, H ინდექსი-4
Scopus: ციტირების ინდექსი-32, H ინდექსი-4
Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-63, H ინდექსი-5

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნივერსიტეტიGeorgian Technical University

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Selective Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter Activated by Rare-Earth Elements and Dynamics of Optical TransitionsGeorgian National Academy of Sciences07.03.2000 - 07.03.2001 Main Contributor
Tm3+ - Ion-activated fluoride crystals and glass spectroscopy and transition dynamicsGeorgian National Academy of Sciences 21.03.2002 - 21.03.2003Main Contributor
Tm3 +, Ce3 +: YLiF4 solid-state ultraviolet laserGeorgian National Academy of Sciences 21.04.2004 - 21.07.2005Main Contributor
Laser canceroscopeShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia 16.10.2006 - 16.10.2008Main Contributor
Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia 07.04.2010 - 09.04.2012Main Contributor

Patent authorship

GE P 2013 5966 BNational Intellectual Property Center SAKPATENTI GENikoloz Margiani, Tamaz Medoidze, Natela Papunashvili, Meliton Chubabria, Guranda Shurgaia, Dali DzanashviliHigh Temperature Superconducting CeramicsSuspended17.11.2011
GE U 2013 1752 YNational Intellectual Property Center SAKPATENTI GENikoloz Margiani, Tamaz Medoidze, Natela Papunashvili, Meliton Chubabria, Guranda Shurgaia, Dali DzanashviliHigh Temperature Superconducting CeramicsSuspended15.09.2011

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Laser Physics / 2001, 11(12), 1262-1269State Target Program

Spectroscopic and dynamic properties of Tm3+ : YLiF4 as an visible and ultraviolet lasing material are presented. Absorption and fluorescence spectra at room temperature were used to determine the transitions between the crystal filed levels of 3H6, and 1D, 1I, 3P0, 1, 2 manifolds of Tm3+. The fluorescence intensities, branching ratios and fluorescence decay curves at different concentration of Tm3+ are measured. The most favorable fluorescence channel for ultraviolet lasing is observed.

Laser Physics Letters / 2004, 1(2), 65-68State Target Program

We present the measured values of emission cross sections for 1I6 manifold of Tm3+ embedded in YLiF4. For these measurements the original experimental equipment for laser exited fluorescence spectroscopy is used. The outcomes have potential applications to ultraviolet and visible, including tunable lasing based on 4f → 4f intra-configurational transitions in Tm3+ : YLiF4 systems.

Laser Physics Letters / 2004, 1(10), 521-524State Target Program

The fluorescence spectra have been measured from endogenous (native) fluorophores in normal, diseased and tumor thyroid tissues. They were found to be sufficiently different for the technique to be used as the basis for tumor diagnosis.

Measurement of the abnormality degree in the biological tissue by the laser induced fluorescence - IOPscience
Laser Physics Letters / 2006, 3(2), 89-91 Grant Project

We have applied the Laser-Induced Fluorescence technique to thyroid tissues. A close correlation between spectral shapes and the degree of tissue abnormality have been found. In some cases fluorescence spectrum is formed by linear superposition of ”healthy” and ”pathological” basic spectral shapes. This allows to determine unambiguously the state of the tissue by means of any single spectral measurement.

Laser induced fluorescence model of human goiter - IOPscience
Laser Physics Letters / 2008, 5(3), 217-219 Grant Project

Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) with wide area surveillance for resected thyroid tissue solid chunks is presented. The characteristic LIF spectra of goiter were established. The state of tissue at each point represents a superposition of normal and pathology states. To our knowledge two co-existing pathological effects were observed optically for the first time. It is demonstrated that the LIF spectral functions and their intensities well-labeled such areas and represent a good tool for medical diagnostics of goiter and for the definition of the degree of abnormality and geometrical sizes of these areas.

Study of vitamin A distribution in rats by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy - IOPscience
Laser Physics Letters / 2008, 5(6), 471-475 Grant Project

We applied the laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIFS) to investigate intestinal and liver tissues of normal male Wistar rats fed with vitamin A. The special procedure based on intensity spectral functions fitting was developed for the recognition of vitamin A in different tissues. Based on this procedure it is demonstrated that the LIFS can be used to monitor vitamin A deposition and distribution in the body of rat, which is essential for understanding the mechanism of formation of the vitamin A rich droplets, as the mechanism of vitamin A mobilization.

med 157.pmd (geomednews.com)
Georgian Medical News / 2008 157(4), 75-79Grant Project

Distribution of vitamin A after overdose feeding along the digestive tract of rat’s intestine was studied by LIFS. Purpose of our pilot study was to investigate possible usage of LIFS for real time monitoring of vitamin A digestion

and storage in intestine as in liver and to identify regions of intestine where vitamin A droplets are formed. Animals: normal male Wistar rats (250-300 g, n=5) were fed on vitamin A enriched diet during the experimental 21 days’ period (totally -82.56 mg. vitamin A). The control group (250-300 g, n=5) was maintained by ordinary diet. All rats used in our studies were sacrificed in the morning between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Liver and intestinal regions of duodenum, jejunum, ileum and cecum were examined in this experiment. LIF spectra in all parts of intestine as well as in liver demonstrates characteristic fluorescence peaks at approximately 390 nm and at 470 nm. It is clearly demonstrated, that after overdose feeding rats on vitamin A, retinol-rich regions can be found in all, but in cecum part of rat intestine. Obtained results demonstrate that LIFS can be used for study of metabolism and real-time monitoring of intratissue retinol.

Georgian Medical News / 2008 164(11), 80-83Grant Project

Reflectance and laser induced fluorescence spectroscopies were employed for the first time in a limited pilot study to probe freshly excised human parotid tissues (adenomatous and adjacent). In human parotid tissue, measurements were associated with endogenous fluorophores NADH and collagen, as well as tissue optical properties, with larger relative collagen content detected from normal to adenomatous tissues. The observed significant differences between the fluorescence and reflectance properties of normal, and adenomatous tissues present an opportunity for future statistical validation on a larger patient pool and indicate a potential application of multimodal optical spectroscopy to differentiate between pathological and normal parotid tissue states at different stages of disease.

UP-1.093: The Study of Blood Plasma and Tumor Tissue by Laser Induced Fluorescence in Patients with Prostate Tumors - Urology (goldjournal.net)
Urology / 2009, 74 (Supplment 4A), S199State Target Program

The change of spectrum form and appearance of collagen peak in blood plasma spectra of patients with benign tumor with PING3-4 regions allow us to differentiate prostate benign tumors, that’s very important in clinical medicine. As for prostate tissue fluorescence, The changes of collagen and Nicotinamide Coenzymes peaks intensity in obtained spectra eflects the type of metabolism that is typical to prostate malignant tumour cells.

DNA and nanophotonics: original methodological approach (degruyter.com)
Laser Physics/2017, 27(10), 105602 (3pp)State Target Program

The laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectra have been measured for cancer-infused and control mice mucosa tissues. It was established that there is quite a difference between their LIF spectral shapes. These spectral shapes are used to express the diagnostic of different states of tissues: from normal to cancer.

Georgian Medical News/2021, 318 (9), 151-156State Target Program

The aim of the work was to determine the possibility of assessing the state of human health by the method of optical spectroscopy of skin and nail. To achieve this goal, Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy was used. A special probe was designed, which makes it possible to record differential spectra and, as a result, to compare the shapes of spectral fluorescence lines. In vivo spectra of LIF intensities of the human finger pad and nail were measured. These spectra can be used to determine and characterize the state of human health, and it’s also further monitoring in real time. When processing the spectra of different volunteers, it was found that the fluorescence spectra of the skin of physiologically healthy and pathological (in this case, type 1 and 2 diabetes) volunteers significantly differed from each other. Moreover, the analysis of these spectra makes it possible to assess the degree of pathology. It was also found that any of the three experimentally recorded fluorescence spectra is a superposition of the other two. A theoretical analysis of the multilayer model of human skin fluorescence has shown that this principle is always valid when the same chromophores are involved in fluorescence.


Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus