Tamaz Sulaberidze
Academic Doctor of Science
Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University
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Mini Review of Prostate Cancer Diagnostics | B.Partsvania, T.Sulaberidze, A.Khuskivadze, S.Abazadze | article | Novel Approaches in Cancer Study, 2019, 3 (5), 27-32 | 3.154 | ISSN 2637-773X | DOI:10.31031/NACS.2019.03.000573 https://crimsonpublishers.com/nacs/ | English | State Targeted Program |
An alternative method for prostate cancer diagnosis | B.Partsvania, A.Khuskivadze, S.AbazadzeT.Sulaberidze, K.Chubinidze | article | European Urology Supplements 2019.18(12):e3626-e3627 | 3.12 | ISSN: 1569-9056 | 10.1016/S1569-9056(19)35013-4 | English | State Targeted Program |
New Method for Enhancement of Histo-Pathological Diagnoses of Prostate Cancer | G.Kochiashvili, A.Khuskivadze, B.Partsvania, K.Chubinidze, T.Sulaberidze, | article | Journal of Medical Biomedical And Applied. VOL 6 NO 4 (2018) Sciences | 4.527 | http://jmbas.in/index.php/jmbas/article/view/104/72 | doi:10.15520/jmbas.v6i4.104 | English | State Targeted Program |
Transillumination imaging of the isolated prostate in polarized infrared light as cancer diagnosis preface | B.Partsvania, A.Khuskivadze, T.Sulaberidze, K.Chubinidze | conference proceedings | Gynecology & obstetrics 2017, 7:5 | Journal cite score : 3.71 | ISSN: 2161-0932 | https://www.longdom.org/proceedings/transillumination-imaging-of-the-isolated-prostate-in-polarized-infrared-light-as-cancer-diagnosis-preface-38099.html | English | Grant Project |
Near infrared transillumination detection of prostate carcinoma in vitro | B.Partsvania, T.Sulaberidze, G.Petriashvili, A.Khuskivadze, L.Shoshiashvili | article | Cancer Science & Therapy. 2016 8:9 (Suppl). https://cancer.global-summit.com/europe/abstract/2016/near-infrared-transillumination-detection-of-prostate-carcinoma-in-vitro | 2.1 | ISSN 1948-5956 | https://www.hilarispublisher.com/proceedings/near-infrared-transillumination-detection-of-prostate-carcinoma-in-vitro-28476.html | English | Grant Project |
Infrared light enables visualization of the prostate carcinoma after radical prostatectomy | B.Partsvania, T.Sulaberidze, A.Khuskivadze, L.Shoshiashvili, K.Chubinidze | article | Oncology Discovery. 2016. 4:2 , 5-42 | peer review | ISSN 2052-6199 Corpus ID: 55281577 | "https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Infrared-light-enables-visualization-of-the-after-Partsvania-Sulaberidze/07664e06d6e37223a04fc071f4fc274a893def09 http://dx.doi.org/10.7243/2052-6199-4-2" | English | Grant Project |
Near Infrared Trans illumination Technology as Additional Tool for Prostate Cancer Detection in itro after Prostatectomy | B.Partsvania, T.Sulaberidze, A.Khuskivadze, L.Shoshiashvili, K.Chubinidze | article | International Journal of Research Studies in Medical and Health Sciences 2016 1, (1), 17-25 | peer review | ISSN 2456-6373 | doi.org/10.22259/ijrsmhs.0101006 | English | State Targeted Program |
Visualization of Human Prostate Cancer Using Infrared Radiation | B.Partsvania, A.Khuskivadze, G.Kochiashvili, G.Koberidze, T.Sulaberidze, V.Papava | conference proceedings | Urology. 2014. ,84 (4 Supplement 1 October ) pp. S 304 | 2.649 | ISSN : 0090-4295 | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268455331_Vizualization_of_Human_Prostate_Cancer_Using_Infrared_Radiation | English | State Targeted Program |
Luminescence enhancement in nanocomposite consisting of polyvinyl alcohol incorporated gold nanoparticles and Nile blue 690 perchlorate | K.Chubinidze, B.Partsvania, T.Sulaberidze, A.Khuskivadze, E.Davitashvili, N.Koshoridze | article | Applied Optics. 2014. vol. 53, pp. 7177-7181 https://opg.optica.org/viewmedia.cfm?r=1&rwjcode=ao&uri=ao-53-31-7177&html=true | 1.98 | PMID: 25402873 ISSN: 1559-128X ISSN (Online): 2155-3165 | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25402873/ DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.007177 | English | State Targeted Program |
Compact Description of the Segments on the Segmented Digital Image | T. Sulaberidze, O. Tavdishvili, T. Todua, Z. Alimbarashvili | article | Springer International Publishing Switzerland /Advances in Visual Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014/ Volume 8887, pp. 250-257 | 1.36 | ISBN: 978-3-319-14249-4 | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-14249-4_24 | English | State Targeted Program |
Effect of high SARs produced by cell phone like radiofrequency fields on mollusk single neuron | B.Partsvania, T.Sulaberidze, L.Shoshiashvili | article | Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. 2013. V. 32 (1) pp 48-58 | 2.882 | ISSN :1536-8378 | DOI:10.3109/15368378.2012.701190 | English | Grant Project |
Changes of the Mollusk Neuron Action Potential Parameters Over the Recurrent Intracellular Stimulation | B.Partsvania, T.Sulaberidze, Z.Alimbarashvili | article | Cybernetic Letter. 2013. V. 13, N 1. Pp 1-9. | peer review | ISSN :1802-3525 | http://cybletter.cz/ojs/index.php/cybletter/issue/view/2 | English | Grant Project |
An approach to the improvement of the result of segmentation | T. Sulaberidze, O. Tavdishvili, T. Todua | article | Georgian Engineering News, 2013/#2(66),pp. 20-24 | ISSN: 1512- 0287 | http://www.tech.org.ge/gen | English | State Targeted Program | |
Is Action Potential Waveform Constant? | B.Partsvania, T.Sulaberidze | article | Neuroscience 2012., edited by Thomas Heinbockel | peer review | 978-953-51-0617-3 | https://www.worldcat.org/title/is-the-action-potential-waveform-constant/oclc/1154275017&referer=brief_results | English | Grant Project |
Acute Effect of Exposure of Mollusk Single Neuron to 900-MHz Mobile Phone Radiation | B.Partsvania, T.Sulaberidze, L.Shoshiashvili, Z.Modebadze | article | Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. 2011. , Vol. 30, (3), pp.170-179 | 2.2 | 1536-8378 | doi.org/10.3109/15368378.2011.596245 | English | Grant Project |
Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields effects on the Snail Single Neurons | B.Partsvania, T.Sulaberidze, Z.Modebadze, L.Shoshiashvili | article | Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. 2008. .V27 (4), 409-418 | 2.2 | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19037790/ | DOI: 10.1080/15368370802473513 | English | Grant Project |
Region-based Segmentation Algorithm and Its Performance | O. Tavdishvili, T. Sulaberidze | article | Publishing House “Technical University''/Trans. of the GTU,2007/#1 (463), pp. 24-27 | ISSN 1512-0996 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
On the recurrent method for forecasting the average annual river runoff | M.Piranashvilii, R.Bakuradze, Z.Piranashvili, T. Sulaberidze | article | Periodical scientific journal | ISNN 1512-333 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Predictive model of average annual river runoff, presented as a stationary sequence with a trend | M.Piranashvilii, R.Bakuradze, Z.Piranashvili, T. Sulaberidze | article | Periodical scientific journal "Intellecti", 2006 №2 (25), pp.97-99. | ISNN 1512-333 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
The task of optimal displament | G. Lezhava, T. Sulaberidze, R. Tevzadze, Sh. Tsetskladze | article | Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics. Vol. 3, № 1-2, 2004 | ISSN: 1512- 1372 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
About linear and nonlinear methods of prediction and their application in Hydrology | M.Piranashvili, G.Grigolia., Z.Piranashvili, T.Sulaberidze | article | Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics. Vol. 3, № 1-2, 2004 | ISSN: 1512- 1372 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Scene Analysis Using Segmented Image | O. Tavdishvili, T. Sulaberidze | article | International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Orlando,Florida,USA/ Proceedings of The 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2003/ v.IV, pp. 291-293 | ISBN 9806560019 9789806560017 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Segmentation Method of 3D Segments Extraction On the Scene Image | O. Tavdishvili, T. Sulaberidze | article | Horwood Publishing Ltd, Chichester/ IMAGE PROCESSING III: Mathematical Methods, Algorithms and Applications, 2001/ pp. 82-88 | ISBN 1-898563-72-1 | English | State Targeted Program |
II International Congress of the Georgian Oncology Urology Association | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2018 | 26-27 October | Georgian association of urology | An alternative method for prostate cancer diagnosis | oral | Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is known to be one of the most well-established and highly specific antigen in the prostate epithelial cell membrane. PSMA is a type II transmembrane zinc metallopeptidase belonging to the M28 peptidase family. It has hydrolyzing enzyme activity and is also known as FOLH1 (leaf hydrolysis. The combination of a nanoparticle platform for tumor cell surface biomarkers with target ligands is a promising architecture for selective drug delivery and uptake into target cells. Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) tend to attach to many biological probes, such as antibodies, enzymes, lectins, glycans, nucleic acids, and receptors. In this study, as a biomarker of prostate cancer (CaP), We offer GNPs that work with PSMA and fluorescent dyes. We investigated the possibility of receiving an increased 382 fluorescence signals received from GNPs conjugated to fluorescent dye and PSMA. The electric charge on GNPs, the distance between the GNP and the fluorescent dye molecules, has a significant effect on the luminescence intensity, and this amplification is highly dependent on the excitation wavelength of the laser pump source. A charged antigen, such as PSMA, can be absorbed by GNP through electrostatic interaction. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337696510_An_alternative_method_for_prostate_cancer_diagnosis |
10th World Symposium on Focal Therapy and Imaging in prostate and Kidney Cancer | Noordjuik, Nederlands | 2018 | 11-13 თებერვალი | Société Internationale d'Urologie | New optical modality for prostate cancer visualization (See: Prostate Imaging) | oral | 56 cancerous prostate specimens were used for examination. Experiments have shown that the intensity of infrared light passing through a tumor is lower than the intensity of passing it into a non-tumor healthy tissue of prostate . Tumors are discriminated as dark spots on a relatively white background. | https://erasmus.gr/microsites/1110/poster-presentations |
3rd Annual Conference on Gynecologic Oncology & Preventive Oncology | Chikago, USA | 2017 | 20-21 ივლისი | conferenceseries.com | Transillumination imaging of the isolated prostate in polarized infrared light as cancer diagnosis preface | poster | It has been shown that the penetration of infrared rays into cancerous tissue differs significantly from this penetration into healthy tissue. In particular, this radiation penetrates healthy tissue much better than tumor. We conclude from this that the optical density of prostate tumor tissue is much higher than the optical density of healthy tissue. For this reason, the tumor appears on the infrared image in the form of dark areas on a light background. | https://www.longdom.org/proceedings/transillumination-imaging-of-the-isolated-prostate-in-polarized-infrared-light-as-cancer-diagnosis-preface-38099.html |
12th World Cancer Conference | London GB | 2016 | 26-28 September | https://www.omicsonline.org/conference-proceedings/world-cancer-2016_scientifictracks-abstracts.digital/files/assets/common/downloads/world-cancer-2016_scientifictracks-abstracts.pdf | Near Infrared transillumination detection of prostate carcinoma in vitro | oral | Prostate cancer is the second cause of cancer death in men worldwide. The existing methods of prostate cancer imaging are: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET). However, main drawback of these methods is that they are not able to detect small volumes of cancerous outgrowths. Besides, these methods are highly complicated and partially invasive. This circumstance resulted in searching of amore simple, non-invasive method for the detection of prostate cancer at early stage of its development when tumor dimensions are small. In the present work we show that near-infrared irradiation (NIR) can be used for visualization and diagnosis of cancer outgrowth in the prostate in vitro. Experiments were carried out on the prostates derived from radical prostatectomy. After operation a prostate was examined with the use of infrared rays and transillumination images were obtained. For this purpose prostate was illuminated with near infrared radiation (NIR) by the means of light emitting diodes (850-920 nm). NIR passing through the prostate was captured by charge-coupled device (CCD camera) which in turn was connected to PC. Intensity of near infrared light passing through the noncancerous prostate tissue is nearly homogeneous. Intensity of near infrared light passing through the cancerous outgrowth is lower than the intensity passing through the non-cancerous tissue of the same prostate; thereby, cancerous formations are differentiated as the dark areas in the relatively white background. Specially developed software analyzes and processes a distribution of intensities of the grayscale images, measures the ratios of their strength, and determines the rate of prostate malignancy. | https://cancer.global-summit.com/europe/2016 |
34th Congress of the International Urology Society | Glasgou GB | 2014 | 12-16 October | International Urology Society | Visualization of Human Prostate Cancer Using Infrared Radiation | oral | The penetration of near-infrared (NIR) radiation into biological tissues (human wrist, chicken muscle and skin, mollusk muscle) was studied. We explored the possibilities of visualizing various objects in biological tissues. It is found that: a) it is possible to see small objects of millimeter and submillimeter dimentions; And b) using NIR rays it is possible to distinguish different parts of inhomogeneous biological tissues. NIR may be a possible tool in the near future to make visible millimeter tumors located in the cavities of the human body. This will make it possible to diagnose cancer at an early stage of development. | "https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268455331_Vizualization_of_Human_Prostate_Cancer_Using_Infrared_Radiation https://www.siu-urology.org/themes/web/assets/files/congress_images/scientific_programme/siu2014_abstractbook_final.pdf" |
ICNIRP 7th International Non-Ionizing Radiation Workshop | Edinburg GB | 2012 | 2-11 მაისი | ICNIRP | Investigation into influence of high SARs on neuron excitability | poster | The spatial distribution of SAR in the human head depends on many different parameters, including frequency, telephone model, and telephone position relative to the head. A specially designed generator was used as the source of RF EMF. The nerve ganglion was placed in a small 1 cm vessel containing Ringer's solution. The FDTD model included an RF source, a TEM cell for a plastic container and its contents, and an appropriate load. The calculation of SAR in one neuron gave us a value of 8.2 W / kg. The calculated temperature increase was 1.21 ° C. The isolated nervous system of the mollusk Helix Pomatia was used in the experiments. After exposure to EMF for 60 minutes in the TEM, the nervous system was transferred to a screened camera. The threshold action potential (AP) firing and the time of habituation were examined. Was placed in a neuron two glass microelectrodes (ME). One microelectrode served for registration and the other for intracellular stimulation. Intracellular current injection was selected to stimulate neurons. At the beginning of each recording, the stimulus threshold value was determined to trigger the a single AP. This value depends on the excitability of the neurons. In order to force a neuron to generate several APs, a slightly higher stimulus must be supplied. During this type of stimulation, the neuron habituates to the stimulus. This is manifested by the neuron stopping the AP firing. The stimulus curve is a random variable. Its mathematical expectation (mean value) is unknown. For this reason, we calculated a 95% confidence interval for the unknown mean value of the stimulus threshold. The calculations were based on experimental measurement data. We found that these intervals are 0.21nA-0.38nA for control and 0.11nA-0.19nA for irradiated neurons, respectively. The intervals do not match. This means that the mean value of the threshold stimulus is lower for exposed neurons than for control neurons. | https://www.icnirp.org/en/workshops/article/workshop-nir2012.html |
Web of Science: ციტირების ინდექსი-22, H ინდექსი-4 Scopus: ციტირების ინდექსი-17, H ინდექსი-3 Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-36, H ინდექსი-4 |
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