Maia Elizbarashvili

Academic Doctor of Science

Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University

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Data and place of birth: 11.06.1970, Tbilisi, Georgia; Education: 1987-1992 – Tbilisi State University, Radiophysics and electronics, speciality Quantum Radiophysics; Ph.D. – 2005 Tbilisi State University (DIPLOMA No. 004928); Employment: 2003 till present – researcher and senior researcher at Vladimir Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University; Publications: 16 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Area of expertise: longitudinal response in coupled spin-systems, spin relaxation in non-common metals, electron and nuclear dynamics in doped lanthanum manganites, dynamics of spin triplet states, superradiance. Language Proficiency: Georgian (native); Russian (well), English (sufficiently).

Free Induction Decay, Spin Echo Signals, Pure Superradiance, and Rabi Oscillations from Spin Triplet States in Zero Constant Magnetic Field: Application of Single Transition OperatorsN. Fokina, M. ElizbarashvilitextbookB P International/ Scientific Research, New Technologies and Applications, 2024/Vol. 4, pp. 164-1930 Print ISBN: 978-93-48119-91-9, eBook ISBN: 978-93-48119-79-7 Targeted Program
Polariton peaks from the coupled system of the spin triplet transition and cavity, classically considered in the linear approximationN. Fokina, M. Elizbarashviliconference proceedings0 ISBN - 978-625-367-765-7 Targeted Program
Pure Superradiance at the Inhomogeneous Broadening of Inverted Transitions of Spin-Triplet StatesN. Fokina, M. Elizbarashviliconference proceedingsIKSAD GLOBAL PUBLISHING HOUSE/International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of "Georgian Technical University - GTU", Proceeding book, 2022/pp. 437-447 0 ISBN: 978-625-8323-63-4 EnglishState Targeted Program
Determination of Magnetization Dynamics of the Material with Spin Triplet States under the Action of a Weak Varying Field and Spin-Lattice Interaction in Zero Constant Field.Determination of Magnetization Dynamics of the Material with Spin Triplet States under the Action of a Weak Varying Field and Spin-Lattice Interaction in Zero Constant Field.textbookB P International/ Newest Updates in Physical Science, August 2021/ vol.15, chapter 14, pp. 145-152 0 ISBN: 978-93-91882-51-8 eBook ISBN: 978-93-91882-58-7 EnglishState Targeted Program
Pure Superradiance from the Inverted Levels of Spin Triplet States Coupled to Resonator. N. P. Fokina, M. O. ElizbarashviliarticleSpringer/Applied Magnetic Resonance, May 2021/vol 52, No. 7, pp.769-780 Impact factor: 0.831 ISSN: 0937-9347 Targeted Program
Free Induction Decay and Spin Echo Signals from Spin Triplet States of Axially Asymmetric Objects in Single Crystals in Zero Constant Magnetic Field: Application of Single Transition Operators. N. P. Fokina and M. O. ElizbarashviliarticleEUROPA Publishing/ EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science, July 2020/ vol. 5, No.7, pp. 813-821.0 ISSN: 2506-8016 EnglishState Targeted Program
Magnetization Dynamics of the Material with Spin Triplet States under the Action of a Weak Varying Field and Spin-Lattice Interaction in Zero Constant Field. N. P. Fokina and M. O. Elizbarashviliconference proceedingsIOP Publishing (UK)/ Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019/vol 1353, 012010 (6 pp.)Impact factor: 0.547 ISSN: 1742-6588 Targeted Program
Anisotropic Evolution of the Spin-Triplet States Under the Action of the Varying Fields and the Lattice in a Nonzero Constant Field. N. Fokina, E. Khalvashi, M. ElizbarashviliarticleSpringer/ Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, October 2019/ vol. 32, No10, pp. 3093-3095.Impact factor: 1.506 ISSN: 1557-1939 Project
Anisotropic Evolution of the Spin-Triplet States at Magnetic Resonance Conditions in the Non-Weak Constant Field: Application of Single Transition Operators.N. Fokina, E. Khalvashi, M. Elizbarashvili. articleGeorgian Technical University/GESJ: Physics, 2018.07.01/ No.1 (19), pp. 86-960 ISSN: 1512-1461 EnglishGrant Project
The low-frequency method to measure the longitudinal relaxation rates of the separate transitions of the spin-triplet statesN. Fokina, E. Khalvashi, M. Elizbarashvili. articleGeorgian Technical University/GESJ: Physics, 2017.12.31/ No.2 (18), pp. 93-970 ISSN: 1512-1461 EnglishGrant Project
Angular and temperature dependencies of EPR linewidth and Gorter relaxation rates in concentrated paramagnets: Application to La0.9Sr0.1MnO3 and La0.875Sr0.125MnO3 E. Kh. Khalvashi, N. P. Fokina, M. O. ElizbarashviliarticleDepartment of Theoretical Physics, Physics Faculty, Kazan State University/ Magnetic Resonance in solids. Electronic journal (MRSej), 2017/ vol. 19, No 1, 17101 (17 pp.)SJR:0.170 ISSN: 2072-5981 EnglishGrant Project
Angular and temperature dependencies of EPR and paramagnetic relaxation characteristics in KCuF3 single crystal. N. P. Fokina, E. Kh. Khalvashi, and M. O. Elizbarashvili article"IJESIT / International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT), May 2016/ vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 20-28. "0 ISSN: 2319-5967 EnglishGrant Project
Nanotechnology and semiconductor devices.T. Laperashvili, O. Kvitsiani, D. Laperashvili, M. Elizbarashvili, A. Chanishviliconference proceedingsNekeri/ Nano Studies, 2014/№10, pp. 83-890 ISSN:1987 – 8826 EnglishState Targeted Program
Nanostructured III-V Semiconductor solar cellsT. Laperashvili, O. Kvitsiani, M. Elizbarashvili. articleGeorgian Technical University/ Georgian Engineering News (LTD), 2014/ vol. 72, № 4, pp. 29-340 ISSN: 1512-0287 EnglishState Targeted Program
55Mn spin relaxation with the participation of mobile carriers in doped perovskites.N. P. Fokina, M. O. ElizbarashviliarticleSpringer/ Physics of the Solid State (S-Petersburg), March 2005/ vol. 47, pp. 513–516 Impact factor: 0.895 ISSN: 1063-7834; E-ISSN: 1090-6460 EnglishState Targeted Program
Spin Relaxation of Quadrupole Nuclei in Paramagnetic and Magnetically Ordered Insulators. N. P. Fokina, M. O. ElizbarashviliarticleSpringer/ Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, December 2004/ vol. 99, pp No. 6, pp. 1233–1243Impact factor: 1.290 ISSN:1063-7761 Targeted Program
Longitudinal Response of the Spin System of a Metal to Modulated EPR Saturation at Arbitrary Modulation Frequency and Detuning of the Saturating field. N. P. Fokina, M. O. Élizbarashvili, V. A. Atsarkin, V. V. DemidovarticleSpringer/ Physics of the Solid State, November 2003/ vol. 45, pp 2017–2024Impact factor: 0.895 ISSN: 1063-7834, E-ISSN:1090-6460 Targeted Program


Electromagnetic field-matter interaction in cavities gives rise to Rabi oscillations, which are used for numerous technologies such as atomic clocks, sensors, qubits, and computing. Our report is devoted to the almost completely classical consideration of free and forced Rabi oscillations in the coupled system "fictitious spins 1/2 + cavity" from the point of view of the general oscillation theory. Here, we limit ourselves to the case when the resonator and two-level system are tuned to each other. As a result of such consideration, the following results are obtained: i) normal frequencies and normal decays of free and forced Rabi oscillations are calculated; ii) at certain conditions level anticrossing can disappear, iii) the evolution of transfer function signals with changing spin-photon coupling is studied, and this evolution includes single-peak signals, the vicinity of the critical point, and double-peak signals. Our analytical results, presented also in the form of plots, agree with the experimental results of a number of studies where free Rabi oscillations were observed in both the frequency (polaritonic peaks) and time domains (damped output oscillation with the Rabi frequency). Since resonant oscillating external fields are used for manipulations of qubits, our "forced" results can be useful for it.

Investigation of the spin-cavity polaritons (SCP) is important since they play a decisive role in creating long-storage quantum memories and optical interfaces, polaritonic chemistry, and masers, especially those which operate at room temperature, being of great significance for a lot of different applications. In this report, we suggest an almost completely classical model for the description of the polaritonic peaks conditioned both by free and forced Rabi oscillations of the SCP system. Our investigation is based on the linearized coupled differential equations we derived semi-classically for the magnetization component of the transition of the spin triplet states and the varying field in a cavity when the empty cavity is exactly tuned to the transition. The normal frequencies of this system of equations were found, and the corresponding graphs were constructed for the appropriate values of the parameters. It is shown that the increase in the spin-photon coupling can cause both the pushing apart of normal frequencies at a mutual decay rate (which is the known effect) and the merging together of normal decay rates at a mutual frequency (which is the predicted effect here). Polariton peaks, observable by the cavity transmission function and by EPR in the form of absorption and dispersion signals, were also investigated, and corresponding graphs were constructed. At that, instead of a transition of spin triplet states, a variety of other two-level systems (atoms, molecules, excitons, and so on) can act as emitters. Since the value of the spin-photon coupling is of great interest for applied scientists, obtaining this value by comparing our results with experimental data is of great importance
9th International New York conference on evolving trends in interdisciplinary research & practicesNew York, USA 202301/10/2023 - 03/10/2023IKSAD Institute (Turkey)Broadening of Maser Emission Line by the Limit Cycle Arising Due to the Stark dynamical frequency shift of spin triplet levelsoral

The purpose of this investigation is to clarify the following question: can the appearance of a limit cycle (LC) cause broadening of the line of stationary maser emission? To answer this question, we assumed that the maser output could affect the sample emitting it. This effect is similar to the effect on the emitting sample of an electromagnetic field from an external source, leading to Stark dynamic frequency shift (SDS). Using nonlinear dynamics methods, we carried out a bifurcation analysis of a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) describing massing on spin triplet states taking into account SDS. It was found that at a certain value of the detuning of the maser cavity frequency from the inverted transition frequency, the resulting system has an unstable saddle-node (SN) singular point with a stable nodal sector. With an arbitrarily small decrease in this detuning, SN bifurcation occurs ─ SN disappears and a stable LC appears. The angular frequency of this LC is calculated and its phase portrait is constructed to a first approximation using the well-known procedure for obtaining analytical periodic solutions of ODE system. It is shown that the presence of LC leads to the appearance of two harmonics in addition to the main line of maser emission. If they merge with it, they can widen the masing line in its central part. A similar broadening was observed in experimental work, where it was noted that it was caused by the appearance of LC. Since broadening of the maser output is an undesirable phenomenon, our results can help get rid of it
“International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of Tbilisi, Georgia202224/06/2022 - 26/06/2022IKSAD Institute (Turkey), GTU (Georgia), Association of Science and Technology (Georgia)Pure Superradiance at the Inhomogeneous Broadening of Inverted Transitions of Spin-Triplet Statesoral

Maser Group of the Imperial College of London was able to use spin-triplet states (STSs) of photoexcited pentacene in p-terphenyl for the creation of a maser, which operated in zero constant magnetic field (ZF) at room temperature in pulse regime. Some of their experimental results were earlier interpreted by us, as a single pulse of the pure superradiance (the initial state of spins was assumed to be incoherent) from the coupled system "inverted transition of STS + resonator". At that, the homogeneous broadening of the inverted STS transition was supposed. The obtained analytical results were successfully applied for the comparison with the experiment. However, in a number of cases the EPR lines of STSs had signs of the inhomogeneous broadening (IB). Therefore, now the effect of the IB of the inverted transition of STSs on the character and parameters of the single-pulse pure superradiance (SR) from them is investigated in ZF. At that, it is assumed that the bandwidth of the resonator exceeds both the inhomogeneous linewidth of the STS transitions and the inverse value of the radiation damping time of the resonator with a sample. The dynamics of spins with the full zero field splitting of their levels is described with the help of the single transition operators. The coupling between spins and resonator is described semi-classically, as well as the motion of the full magnetization of a sample. The conditions for SR development from the "embryo" thermal photons and the time-domain shape of the SR pulse are obtained. Parameters of SR, monitored with the help of both the voltage and radiated power measurements are calculated: the pulse intensities, their delay times and widths. The measurable results of the paper can be of interest for investigators of masers using transitions of STSs and operating in ZF at room temperature.
International Conference "High-tech and Innovations in Research and Manufacturing (HIRM-2019)Krasnoyars, Russian Federation201906-05-19AeroSpace schoolMagnetization dynamics of the material with spin triplet states under the action of a weak varying field and spin-lattice interaction in zero constant fieldoral

The anisotropic dynamics of spin triplet states (STS) of molecular single crystals in zero constant and weak varying magnetic fields (weakness means the absence of saturation at the steady state and of the nutation at the pulse EPR) directed along the molecular axes, is analytically investigated. The equations are derived for the free motion of the sample magnetization, describing its linear oscillations along that molecular axis, along which its nonzero initial value was created. The tensor of the steady-state dynamical susceptibility to the varying field is found. The result of the action of a short MW pulse on STS is analytically described, containing a periodic dependence on the pulse duration and its detuning. Abovementioned results can be applied also to I=1 NMR, what is important for nitrogen-containing explosives and narcotics monitoring. The anisotropic dynamics of electron spin-lattice relaxation (SLR) at its one-phonon mechanism is investigated without the high temperature approximation over the phonon temperature; the SLR rates of the separate transitions of STS are calculated; the corresponding SLR probabilities are written in the form, which supposes the fractal dimensionality d of a lattice; the results with d=4/3 agree well with the experimental data in STS of the buried tryptophan of ribonuclease T1.
6th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism. Antalya, Turkey201829/04/2018-04/05/2018International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)Anisotropic Evolution of the Spin-Triplet States under the Action of the Varying Fields and the Lattice in a Non-Zero Constant Field.oral

Some questions of the dynamics of the spin-triplet states (STS) are investigated. The equations of motion of the magnetization components related to the separate transitions of the EPR fine structure (FS) under the action of the constant and varying field are derived in the common case. Further consideration of the magnetization motion effects, including EPR, is restricted to the case of a non-zero constant field. It is demonstrated that at the definite condition fulfillment, the free motion of the sample magnetization after the excitation of one of the FS transitions is the precession at the frequency of the excited transition with an ellipse in the plane transverse to the constant field. At that, the square module of the magnetization vector contains as the constant part, so the part, oscillating at the double frequency of the excited transition. The tensor of the dynamic susceptibility of the spin-system (SS) to the microwave field is written at the creation of the resonance conditions for each transition of the well resolved FS. At the same condition, as above, the matrix elements of this tensor reflect the elliptical character of the magnetization precession at the stationary excitation by the transverse microwave field. Some aspects of the spin-lattice relaxation (SLR) of STS are analytically studied in the common case. The rate of the one-phonon SLR is obtained under conditions when SS is described by a single spin temperature. The SLR rates of the separate transitions of the FS are calculated at the same one-phonon mechanism. The low-frequency method of their finding is proposed with the help of the Gorter type experiment in the constant field, transforming the three-level SS into the two-level one. Three non-zero diagonal elements of the corresponding low-frequency susceptibility tensor are analytically obtained.
VIII International Conference of Georgian Mathematical UnionBatumi, Georgia201704/09/2017-08/09/2017Georgian Mathematical UnionDynamics of the Electron Spins S = 1 with the Zero-Field Level Splitting in the Molecular Crystals in a Strong Constant Field. oral

Some questions of the dynamics of the electron spins S=1 possessing the zero-field splitting are investigated in a strong constant magnetic field. The equations of motion of the magnetization components related to the separate transitions of the EPR fine structure (FS) are derived. It is demonstrated that the free motion of the sample magnetization is the precession at the frequency of the excited “allowed” transition with an ellipse in the plane transverse to the constant field, which is accompanied by the longitudinal magnetization component oscillation at the frequency of the “forbidden” transition. The tensor of the dynamic susceptibility of the spin-system (SS) to the microwave field is written at the creation of the resonance conditions for each transition of the well resolved FS. The matrix elements of this tensor reflect the elliptical character of the magnetization precession at the frequency of the very same transition, for which the resonance conditions are created. The SLR rates of the separate transitions of the FS are calculated at the same mechanism. The low-frequency method of their measurement is suggested with the help of the Gorter type experiment in a strong constant field transforming the three-level SS into the two-level one with the analytically derived expressions for the three non-zero diagonal elements of the low-frequency susceptibility tensor at the three directions of the constant field.
"II International Conference - ""Innovation Challengers of the Maritime Industry: Maritime Transport, Engineering, Technology, Logistics, Tourism."Batumi, Georgia201608/09/2016-09/09/2016Batumi State Maritime Academy Angular and temperature dependencies of the weak field EPR and paramagnetic relaxation characteristics in KCuF_3 and lightly doped Lantanum Manganite single crystals.oral

The EPR broadening model conditioned by the one-phonon mechanism of the anisotropic spin-spin reservoir spin-lattice relaxation in the weak constant field is suggested by us for the concentrated paramagnets with the dominating exchange interaction. It is shown in the given presentation that under the definite conditions the EPR linewidth by this model can be presented as the EPR linewidth by the Kubo-Tomita (KT) exchange narrowing theory, multiplied by the spin-phonon factor, proportional to the lattice temperature. The analytical results are reduced to the form suitable for the application to the obtaining of the anisotropic Dzyaloshinski-Moriya (DM) and crystal field (CF) interaction constants in materials with such interactions. The plots of the temperature and angular dependencies are built for the weak field EPR in the lightly doped lanthanum manganite (LM) single crystals agreeing with the experimental ones. The corresponding angular dependencies of the zero-field relaxation rates measurable in the Gorter type experiments are also plotted allowing at the availability of such experiments duplicating the EPR results. Тhe temperature and angular dependencies plotted according to the KT exchange narrowing theory with the subsequent account for the short range spin correlations in the case when the nature of the EPR broadening is of the pure spin-spin type (DM interaction) well agree with the experiment in KCuF3.
3rd International Conference "Nanotechnology"Tbilisi, Georgia201420/10/2014-24 /10/2014Tbilisi Technical UniversityNanotechnology and semiconductor devicesposter

Nanotechnology is defined as the manipulation of matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. Although modern semiconductors manufactured are measured in nanometers, production of semiconductors is not traditionally classed as nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is likely to manifest itself in the semiconductor industry as semiconductor devices. The examples of modern semiconductor technology are quantum dots, quantum wires or nanotubes and quantum wells. The physical properties and various methods of fabrication III – V semiconductor QD’s are described early. Because of its dimensions nanostructured materials are useful to interact with light, and it is thought that twenty-one century will be the era of photons. Although one use of III – V semiconductor QD’s is high effective light emitted devices, as well as and wavelength conversion changing emitted light to the desired spectrum, the resent works show that two main field of application QD are: a new class of fluorescent materials for biosensor, and energetic materials for new generation solar cells. The method of electrochemical deposition of metals (In, Ga, Al, Sb, Bi, Cu, Ni, Ag, Pt, Pd, Fe) on semiconductor surface was used for fabrication of various semiconductor devices. By deposition of the III group metals (In, Ga) on III – V semiconductor GaP, followed with heat treatment in hydrogen, it was obtained the nanostructured layer InxGa1–xP on GaP surface, and the possibility of application of obtained structures for quantum dot solar cell was theoretically investigated. The current research is an attempt of obtaining spintronic material by original method of electrochemical deposition of ferromagnetic metals on the GaAs surface and investigation of their

electrical and photoelectric properties. The process steps are improved and novel process techniques are developed for manufacturing of GaAs-based devices.
Study of non-common metals of practical interest: ESR investigations, Workshop, EPF LausanneLausanne, Swiss200410/06/2004-11/06/2004École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne55 Spin Relaxation of Quadrupolar Nuclei in Paramagnetic and ordered Isolators and that Realized with the Participation of Mobile Carriers in the Doped Perovskitesoral

Analytical expressions are derived for the rates of longitudinal and transverse nuclear spin relaxation under conditions of fast modulation of the magnitude and direction of a hyperfine field induced by unpaired electrons of an ion. The results obtained are used to explain the data available in the literature on the 55Mn spin relaxation in the ferromagnetic metallic phase of doped perovskites, in which the modulation of the hyperfine field is caused by the hopping of eg electrons between Mn3+  and Mn4+ ions. It is demonstrated that, within this model, the rates of longitudinal and transverse relaxation are characterized by the same temperature dependence and their ratio is independent of temperature, which is in agreement with the experimental data.

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Electron spin relaxation and dynamics study in the strongly anisotropic new materials – La1-xMexMnO3 (e Me= Ca, Pb, Sr), high technological compouunds (LaGa1-x MnxO3, KCuF3, ...), and spin triplet compounds.Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia. საქართველო Key personnel

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Determination of Magnetization Dynamics of the Material with Spin Triplet States under the Action of a Weak Varying Field and Spin-Lattice Interaction in Zero Constant Field, Newest Updates in Physical Science, 2021, vol.15, chapter 14State Target Program

The objective of this investigation was to study both regular and irregular dynamics of spin-triplet states (STSs) in the case of one-photon and one-magnon interactions with the varying magnetic field and the lattice, respectively. The anisotropic regular dynamics of STSs of molecular single crystals in zero constant and weak varying magnetic fields (weakness means the absence of saturation at the steady state and of the nutation at the pulse EPR) directed along the molecular axes, was analytically investigated. The equations were derived for the free motion of the sample magnetization, describing its linear oscillations along that molecular axis, along which its nonzero initial value was created. The tensor of the steady-state dynamical susceptibility to the varying field was found. The result of the action of a short MW pulse on STS was analytically described, containing a periodic dependence on the pulse duration and its detuning. The anisotropic irregular dynamics of electron spin-lattice relaxation (SLR) at its one-phonon mechanism was investigated without the high temperature approximation over the phonon temperature; the SLR rates of the separate transitions of STS were calculated; the corresponding SLR probabilities were written in the form, which supposes the fractal dimensionality d of a lattice; the results with d=4/3 agreed well with the experimental data in STS of the buried tryptophan of ribonuclease T1.
Free Induction Decay, Spin Echo Signals, Pure Superradiance, and Rabi Oscillations from Spin Triplet States in Zero Constant Magnetic Field: Application of Single Transition Operators, 2024, BP InternationalState Target Program

The present study highlights about free Induction Decay, Spin Echo Signals, Pure Superradiance, and Rabi Oscillations from Spin Triplet States in Zero Constant Magnetic Field. Anisotropic dynamics of the spin triplet states (STSs) in single crystals with the zero field splitting (ZFS) of their levels by the axially asymmetric Hamiltonian is investigated in zero constant magnetic field (ZF) under the action of the canonically oriented varying magnetic fields. The equations of motion for single transition operators (STOs) corresponding to the definite transition of ZFS are derived. The obtained equations written in terms of one averaged equation for STO vector appeared to be a particular case (for STS) of the universal equation of Feynman et al, which is valid for any kind of perturbation affecting only two levels of any quantum mechanical system. As well as that, our equation is analogous to the Bloch equation without decay for the usual magnetization components of the Zeeman system in a constant magnetic field and a transverse to it varying field. However, the motion of the observable macroscopic sample magnetization, which follows from our equations, has quite different character than that of the motion of the STO vector. Here, in terms of this magnetization the signals of the free induction decay, of the two-pulse spin echo, the parameters of the pure superradiance and Rabi oscillations are calculated in ZF. Rabi oscillations observable both in the frequency domain and in the time domain are investigated classically in the linear approximation. At that, a variety of two-level systems (spin transitions, magnons, atoms, molecules, excitons and so on) can act as emitters. The “fork” effect is predicted for normal decays at the decreasing of the value of the spin-photon coupling, in contrast to the known “fork” effect of normal frequencies with increasing spin-photon coupling.

Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

55Mn spin relaxation with the participation of mobile carriers in doped perovskites, Physics of the Solid State (S-Petersburg), March 2005, vol. 47, pp. 513–516, SpringerState Target Program

Analytical expressions are derived for the rates of longitudinal and transverse nuclear spin relaxation under conditions of fast modulation of the magnitude and direction of a hyperfine field induced by unpaired electrons of an ion. The results obtained are used to explain the data available in the literature on the 55Mn spin relaxation in the ferromagnetic metallic phase of doped perovskites, in which the modulation of the hyperfine field is caused by the hopping of eg electrons between Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions. It is demonstrated that, within this model, the rates of longitudinal and transverse relaxation are characterized by the same temperature dependence and their ratio is independent of temperature, which is in agreement with the experimental data.
Angular and temperature dependencies of EPR linewidth and Gorter relaxation rates in concentrated paramagnets: Application to La0.9Sr0.1MnO3 and La0.875Sr0.125MnO3, Magnetic Resonance in solids. Electronic journal (MRSej), 2017, vol. 19, No 1, 17101 Grant Project

The angular and temperature dependencies of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) linewidth in the weak constant field and of the relaxation rates measurable by the Gorter type experiments in zero constant magnetic field (Gorter RRs) are analytically investigated in magnetically concentrated

paramagnets with the dominating exchange interaction. The consideration is restricted to the experiments, where the EPR linewidth is both anisotropic and linear over the temperature. It is suggested that under such conditions the EPR broadening is caused by the spin-lattice relaxation of the anisotropic interaction via the one-phonon mechanism. The analytical results are brought to the form suitable for the extraction of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya and the crystal field interaction constants from the experiment. It is shown that the EPR linewidth at the constant field direction along any crystal axis is equal to the half sum of the zero-field RRs for the two other crystal axes. The obtained results are successfully used for the interpretation of the EPR experimental results in the La0.9Sr0.1MnO3 and La0.875Sr0.125MnO3 single crystals in the Jahn-Teller strongly distorted phase in the definite temperature interval. The angular dependencies of the Gorter RRs and the EPR linewidth are presented graphically at the constant field continuous rotations in the three crystallographic planes in La0.9Sr0.1MnO3.
Pure Superradiance from the Inverted Levels of Spin Triplet States Coupled to Resonator., Applied Magnetic Resonance, May 2021, vol 52, No. 7, pp.769-780, Springer State Target Program

The theory of the pure superradiance (SR) from the coupled system "inverted transition of the spin-triplet states (STSs) plus resonator" is developed in the case, when the linewidth of the agnetic resonance of the transition is less than the bandwidth of the resonator. The magnetic resonance of the STS transition is described with the help of the single transition operators. The initial state of spins is assumed incoherent. The interaction of spins with a resonator is taken into account in the frames of the semiclassical model. If the initial negative polarization of spins is above the threshold, this interaction leads to the coherent motion of spins and to the delayed pulse of the radiation from the resonator, the power of which is proportional to the radiator number squared ─ i.e. to the pure SR. The parameters of SR are calculated: the time dependence of the pulse power, the delay time, the pulse width, the power dependence on the detuning of the resonator natural frequency with respect to the transition resonant frequency. The results obtained are in the qualitative and quantitative agreement with the experiment on photoexcited pentacene molecules in p-terphenyl. The article is devoted to 85th birthday of V.A. Atsarkin.

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus

Spin Relaxation of Quadrupole Nuclei in Paramagnetic and Magnetically Ordered Insulators, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, December 2004, vol. 99, pp No. 6, pp. 1233–1243, SpringerState Target Program

The longitudinal and transverse spin relaxation through a (generally anisotropic) electron-nucleus interaction in paramagnetic and magnetically ordered insulators is theoretically studied for nuclei with a resolved quadrupole structure. Expressions are derived for the relaxation rates of both the transverse nuclear magnetization components when individual transitions are excited in the quadrupole structure and the total longitudinal nuclear magnetization component. These expressions are reduced to a form that contains the Fourier transforms of the time correlation functions only for the electron spins. Given the specific form of these correlation functions corresponding to different phase states of the electron spins and different origins of their fluctuations, the temperature dependences of the nuclear relaxation rates are ascertained in various cases, including those for dipole and isotropic hyperfine interactions. Calculations are performed for arbitrary electron and half-integer nuclear spins by taking into account the possible quadrupole splitting of the NMR spectrum without any restriction on the smallness of the ratio ћωs/kBT (ωs is the resonance frequency of the electron spins). The derived expressions are compared with available experimental data on the longitudinal and transverse nuclear relaxation in colossal-magnetoresistance lanthanum manganites in the part of their phase diagram where the corresponding samples are either paramagnetic or magnetically ordered insulators and near the points of transition to an ordered state. Interpretations alternative to the existing ones are offered.;
Anisotropic Evolution of the Spin-Triplet States Under the Action of the Varying Fields and the Lattice in a Nonzero Constant Field, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, October 2019, vol. 32, No10, pp. 3093-3095, SpringerGrant Project

The equations of motion of the magnetization components related to the separate transitions of the EPR fine structure (FS) of the spin-triplet states (STS) under the action of the constant and alternating fields in the case of a nonzero constant field are derived. It is demonstrated that at the definite condition fulfillment, the free motion of the sample magnetization after the excitation of one of the FS transitions is the precession at the frequency of the excited transition with an ellipse in the plane transverse to the constant field. The tensor of the dynamic susceptibility of the spin-system (SS) to the microwave field is provided for the creation of the resonance conditions for each transition of the well-resolved FS. The possibility of the elliptical character of the magnetization precession at the steady-state excitation by the transverse varying field is revealed. The rate of the one-phonon spin-lattice relaxation (SLR) is obtained under conditions, when SS is described by a single spin temperature. At that, the possibility of the presence of the fast motion in the SS is provided for. The SLR rates of the separate transitions of the FS are calculated at the same one-phonon mechanism.
Magnetization Dynamics of the Material with Spin Triplet States under the Action of a Weak Varying Field and Spin-Lattice Interaction in Zero Constant Field, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, vol 1353, IOP Publishing (UK)State Target Program

The anisotropic dynamics of spin triplet states (STS) of molecular single crystals in zero constant and weak varying magnetic fields (weakness means the absence of saturation at the steady state and of the nutation at the pulse EPR) directed along the molecular axes, is analytically investigated. The equations are derived for the free motion of the sample magnetization, describing its linear oscillations along that molecular axis, along which its nonzero initial value was created. The tensor of the steady-state dynamical susceptibility to the varying field is found. The result of the action of a short MW pulse on STS is analytically described, containing a periodic dependence on the pulse duration and its detuning. Abovementioned results can be applied also to I=1 NMR, what is important for nitrogen-containing explosives and narcotics monitoring. The anisotropic dynamics of electron spin-lattice relaxation (SLR) at its one-phonon mechanism is investigated without the high temperature approximation over the phonon temperature; the SLR rates of the separate transitions of STS are calculated; the corresponding SLR probabilities are written in the form, which supposes the fractal dimensionality d of a lattice; the results with d=4/3 agree well with the experimental data in TS of the buried tryptophan of ribonuclease T1.