Teimuraz Gogoladze

Academic Doctor of Science

Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University

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Decoration of photocatalytic TiO2 particles by cobalt clusters" E.Chikvaaidze, T. Gogoladze "articleNanotechnology Perceptions. 2020. Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 336-3470.19 ISSN 16606795 EnglishState Targeted Program
Magnetic Properties and Photocatalytic Activity of the TiO2 Micropowders and Nanopowders Coated by Ni NanoclustersD. japaridze, T. Gogoladze, E. chikvaidze T. GogoladzearticleJournal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 2019. volume 32, pages3211–3216 3211–3216 doi.org/10.1007/s10948-019-5088-2EnglishGrant Project
Determination of antioxidant activity of wines and wine,s major phenolic com-pounds by electron spin rezonans,using spin-traps metodsE.Chikvaidze, T.Gogoladze, A.MiminoshviliarticleGeorgian medical News. 2018 RussianGrant Project
Kinetics of photo induced free radicals in The human hair chestnut color after short period of red green, blue and white light exposureN.Tskhvediani, E.Chikvaidze, I.Kvachadze, T.Gogoladze A. KatsitadzearticleGeorgian medical News. 2016. 253 (4) pp 94 – 97 EnglishState Targeted Program
Creating a standard source for studying the effects of visible light on human hair and skin, and its physical characteristics determining the heatTsxvediani N. Gogoladze T. Cibadze A.articleExperimental and Clinical Medicine. 2015 № 5 gv. 25 - 28 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Electron spin resonance (ESR/ EPR) of free radi-cals observed in human red hair: A new, simple empirical method of determination of pheomelanin/eumelanin ratio in hairE.Chikvaidze, T. Gogoladze T.PartskhaladzearticleMagnetic Resonance in Chemistry 2014 RussianState Targeted Program
Effect of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) on theEPR spectra from the black and red hairT.Gogoladze E.Chikvaidze, A.Miminoshvili, S.KiparoidzearticleGeorgian medical News 203( 2) pp 57-60 2012 EnglishState Targeted Program
Free radical products of bilirubin photooxidationT.Gogoladze E.Chikvaidze articleInternational Conference Physical Methods of Research in Medicine. 2011 91-100, EnglishState Targeted Program
ESR spectra of blask and red hair and the effect of vitamin C(ascorbic acid) on the photo- induced free radicals in the hair T.Gogoladze E.Chikvaidze monograph Oxidants and Antioxidants in Biology Santa Barbara, California p 84 2010 EnglishState Targeted Program
Ternary complexes of of albumin Mn(II)- bilirubin and electron spin-resonance studies of gallstones.T shioshvili, T. GogoladzearticleGeorgian medical News № 3 (168) 11-15 20090.25 ISSN 15120112 EnglishState Targeted Program
Study of melanin photo-induced free ra-dicals using EPR methodE.Chikvaidze T.Gogoladze articleTSMU Scientific works Collection of T. VI pp. 34-37 2008 EnglishState Targeted Program
Химическая дес-трукция предстательной железы растворами «простализер-1» и «простализер-2»Shioshvili T. Gogoladze T. Chikvaidze E. articleУРОЛОГИЯ Т 6 стр. 18-22 2005 RussianState Targeted Program
Paramagnetic composition of gallstones and the role of bilirubin in their formationT.Gogoladze, E.Chikvaidze, A.Miminoshvili, S.KiparoidzearticleTSMU Scientific works Collection of T. 40 pp. 143-148 2004 GeorgianGrant Project
The paramagnetic center center of gallstonesT.Gogoladze, E.Chikvaidze T.Partsxaladze articleBulletin of the Georg. Acad. Scien v 167 #1 pp 126-130 2003 EnglishState Targeted Program
2 Free radical products of bilirubin photooxidationT.Gogoladze, E.Chikvaidze, A.MiminoshviliarticleBulletin of the Georg. Acad. Scien 2002. v.166 #2 pp 327 EnglishState Targeted Program
Ternary complex albumin - Mn(II)- bilirubin and In vestigation of gallstones byEPRE.Chikvaidze, T. Gogoladze, T.PartskhaladzearticleBulletin of the Georg. Acad. Scien. v 163 #1 pp 153-156 2001 EnglishState Targeted Program
Photosensitired formation by visible light free radicals of Bilirubin T. Gogoladze, Z. Sekhiashvili, E. SvanidzearticleGeorgian Engineering News. 2001, 1: p 115 – 119 RussianState Targeted Program
Role of para-magnetic ions information of gallstonesE.Chikvaidze, T. Gogoladze, T.Partskhaladzearticle“Magnetic resonans in Chemistry and Bioligy” XIth Internanational conference p. 254- 256, 2001 EnglishState Targeted Program
Iodine metabolism physiology and pathophysiologyZ. Sekhniashvili T. Gogoladze, E. SvanidzearticleScientific conference devoted to 1000 year of Bedia temple. 2000, pp 159-162 GeorgianState Targeted Program

3rd International Conference on organic chemistryTbilisi, Georgia201425-28 სექტემბერიVitamin C) on the ESR Spectra of the Red and Black Hairoral

II International Conference on Organic Chemistry: "Achievements in Heterocyclic Chemistry"Tbilisi, Georgia2011 Determination of antioxidant activity of major phenolic compounds of wine by spin-traps using electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR) method.oral

International Conference "Physical methods of research In Medicine "Tbilisi, Georgia2011 oral

Oxidants and Antioxidants in Biology Tbilisi, Georgia2010 ESR spectra of blask and red hair and oxidants and antioxidants the effect of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) on the photo-induced free radicals in the hairoral

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Effect of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) on the EPR spectra from the black and red hair. Georgian medical News. 2012. 203(2) pp 57-60State Target Program

The EPR spectra of melanin"s free radicals in natural black and hair have been investigated. It is show that the EPR spectrum of black hair is slightly asymmetric singlet with g=2.0035. The EPR spectrum of red hair with g=2.0053 differs frpm the spectru, of black hair.Under the influence of visible in both typs of hair (black and red), the protoinduced free radicals appear, wich indicates an increase in the intensity of already existing EPR spectrum of hair.

Electron spin resonance (ESR/ EPR) of free radicals observed in human red hair: A new, simple empirical method of determination of pheomelanin/ eumelanin ratio in hair . Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 2014 State Target Program

The definition of the concentration of pheomelanin in the skin is an issue of great interest because in the case of being influenced by UV radiation, it manifests itself as a prooxidant, causing various skin disorders including melanoma that might help to explain the relatively high incidence of skin cancer among individuals with red hair. The ESR spectra of red hair samples were investigated. It was found that at low microwave power, they are characterized by two types of spectra. Red hair ESR signals result from a superposition of two spectral shapes, a singlet spectrum as a result of the existence of eumelanin and a triplet spectrum as a result of the existence of pheomelanin. At high microwave power, only triplet spectra shape was detected, caused by saturation of the eumelanin singlet. Using different concentration ratios of black to red hair, we measured ESR spectra and plotted the ratio values in each sample against a measured 'g-factor' (experimental). We found that there is a linear relationship between these two parameters. So, it is evident that using these results, the concentration ratio of pheomelanin to eumelanin in a sample of hair can be easily determined by an almost noninvasive method. This can be considered a potential advantage for many practical activities compared with other invasive methods. The concentration dependence curve of pheomelanin (µg/mg) on gexp-factor in an ESR spectrum of hair has been designed, which allows the determination of the amount of pheomelanin in hair of any color.


A wide progress of a photodynamic and laser therapy stimulates a study of an influence of a visible light on human’s skin and hair. The study aimed to create a standard source of a light making it possible to obtain a stable visible light of different frequency spectra – white, red, green and blue. A matrix of four light diodes was used asasource of a light allowing to create almost monochromatic emission of a proper spectrum without any parasitic, infrared or ultraviolet emanations.The device constructed was examined in experimental conditions by means of paramagnetic resonance for a study of an influence of a visible light on free radicals’ processes in dark hair of a human.

Kinetics of photo induced free radicals in the human hair chestnut color after short period of red, green, blue and white light exposure. Georgian medical News. 2016. 253(4) pp 94 – 97 State Target Program

The aim of the study was to investigate the kinetics of photo-induced free radicals in the human hair chestnut color with short-term exposure to visible light in different frequency ranges.Studies carried out on human volunteers aged 17-21 years (n=37). Hairs of volunteers of the study were not treated with dyes and other active cosmetic preparations. Hairs bundled in a bun had a length - 1.5 cm, weight - 40 mg.At the beginning background EPR-spectrum of a sample was measured and then hairs were irradiated with visible light (blue, green, red and white) of different wavelength subsequently; exposure duration - 60 minutes; after the exposure the kinetics of photo-induced free radicals was measured within 60 minutes.The radiation source was selected LED array of the four crystals that provides a nearly monochromatic radiation spectrum having no parasitic infrared and ultraviolet radiations

Evaluation of residual lesions fo;;owing conservative treatment of high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.Georgian medical News. Georgian medical News. No 11, (284), 2018State Target Program

The research aimed at the assessment of diagnostic value of screening tests, evaluation of efficiency of the excisional treatment and determination of predictor risk factors for residual lesions

Determination of antioxidant activity of wines and wines major phenolic com-pounds by electron spin resonant using spin-traps methods. Georgian medical News No 5, (278), 2018 State Target Program

Our results showed, that EPR method using DMPO spin-trapping is characterized with high sensitivity, wich enables to define anti oxidative activity of very sma;; concentration of major antioxidants in Georgian and foreign red and white wines and in red wine. It was concluded, that red as well as white wines have very high anti oxidative activities. Herewith it has to be mentioned, that anti oxidative activity of red wine does not always correlate with the total concentration of phenol in it and mostly depends on the concentration of different major antioxidants. This was showed up in the results of modeling process for the wine "Nika", a good correlation with the total anti oxidative activity was showed up.

Magnetic Properties and Photo catalytic Activity of the TiO2 Micro powders and Nan powders Coated by Ni Nan clusters. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 2019 State Target Program

In this work, TiO2 micropowders and nanopowders coated by Ni nanoclusters have been prepared by original electroless deposition method. The presence of Ni nanoclusters at the surface of TiO2 grains was confirmed by measuring the temperature dependence of magnetization. Optical spectroscopy measurements showed significant increase of light absorption in Ni-coated TiO2 nanopowders. Photocatalytic properties of TiO2/Ni powder were studied with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy as well. It was found that deposition of Ni nanoclusters on a mixture of anatase (76%) and rutile (14%) nanopowder provides best results and the optimal Ni deposition time was determined.

Decoration of photo catalytic TiO2 particles by cobalt clusters. Nanotechnology Perceptions. 2020 Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 336-347.State Target Program

Titanium dioxide particles coated by cobalt nanoclusters have been prepared by a novel electroless deposition method. The presence of the Co clusters on the TiO2 surface was confirmed by measuring the temperature dependence of magnetization. Optical spectroscopy revealed a significant increase of light absorption due to the Co clusters. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to quantify the photocatalytic production of radicals, which measurement could be used to determine the optimum cobalt deposition time for maximizing photocatalytic radical production.


Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus