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Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals THE INFLUENCE OF PRELIMINARY NONPOLARIZED EXPOSURE ON THE PHOTOANISOTROPY OF MORDANT AZODYES, 2002, Proceedings of I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University/ Series Physics, vol. 38, pp.3-6 | State Target Program | The influence of nonpolarized preillumination on photoanisotropy of media on the basis of Mordant azodyes in polimeric matrix has been experimentally investigated. It is shown that such action on the material increases the value of photoanisotropic sensitivity and also the absolute value of photoanisotropic parameters. The possible mechanizm of influence of nonpolarized preillumination has been discussed. | |
Photoanisotropy in media on the basis of isomeric dyes Metanilic Yellow and Tropeolin 00, 2002, Proceedings of I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University/ Series Physics, vol. 38, pp.8-14 | State Target Program | Photoanisotropy of media on the basis of isomeric monoazodyes Metanilic yellow and Tropeolin 00 introduced into different polymeric matrices has been investigated. It is shown that the material on the basis of the dye Tropeolin 00 in PVP matrix with molecular mass 35000 has great photoanisotropic sensitivity compared with other discussed dyes and matrices. The influence of structural factors of molecular structure of dyes and their possible complex formation with PVP matrix on the value of photoanisotropic sensitivity is discussed. | |
Влияние ИК засветки на фотоанизотропию в Трифенилметановых красителях, 2003, საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის მაცნე/ქიმიის სერია, ტომი 29, გვ. 47-54 | State Target Program | The influence of nonpolarized preillumination by infrared radiation of CO2 lazer (λ=10.6 μm) on photoanizotropic properties of layers of dichromated gelation coloured by trifenilmethane (TFM) dye has been investigated. It shown that such influence results in appreciable increase of photoanisotropic properties of the material and also in sharp increase of light induced birefrigense after actinic polarized illumination of He-Ne laser. | |
Kinetics of photoanisotropy in relaxing medium on the basis of azodye Demethyl Yellow, 2004, Georgian Academy of Sciences/Bulletin, 2004/vol. 170(2). pp. 249-252 | State Target Program | The results of experimental investigations of photoanisotropy in polarization-sensitive media with dark relaxation on the basis of azodye Dimethyl Yellow is presented. The dependence of the value of photoanisotropy and time of dark relaxation on the intensity of acting radiation and on the relaxation coefficient is shown. | |
Фотоанизотропная композиция с расширенным спектральным диапазоном анизотропии, 2004, ФТИ им. А.Ф. Иоффе /ЖТФ, том. 74(6). С.123-125 | State Target Program | Experimental data are presented on the creation of two- and three-component compositions (dye mixtures in gelatin and polymer matrices), sensitivity Weigert the action of polarized radiation in a wide spectral range. A significant effect of the matrix on the photoanisotropic properties of the resulting compositions is shown. | |
Кинетика вейгерт-эффекта азокрасителей в полимерных матрицах с разной степенью активности, 2005, ФТИ им. А.Ф. Иоффе /ЖТФ, 2005/ том. 75(2).С. 89-93 | State Target Program | Experimental data on the kinetics of photoanisotropy of azo dyes introduced into various polymer matrices are presented. The dependence of the Weigert effect of these dyes in various matrices, taking into account their structure, on actinic polarized illumination, as well as their dark relaxation, are shown. | |
К исследованию структурных факторов, влияющих на Вейгерт-эффект в азокрасителях, 2006, ФТИ им. А.Ф. Иоффе /Оптика и спектроскопия, том. 101(4).С. 582-587 | State Target Program | Experimental data that make it possible to correlate the photoanisotropic properties of materials based on azo dyes with their molecular structure are reported. Conclusions are drawn allowing one to predict, based on the structural formulas of dye molecules, their ability to induce photoanisotropy. Specially synthesized dyes were used and predictions are made regarding optimization of dyes with required photoanisotropic parameters. | |
The Polarization-sensitive compositions of organic Dyes. 2009, OSA/Applied Optics, vol. 48, pp 2793-2798 | State Target Program | We present the results of our investigation of photoanisotropy and photogyrotropy in the compositions of several dye mixtures in a polymer matrix. A variety of light-sensitive media are available today in which polarized light induces photophysical and photochemical processes that result in photoanisotropy and photogyrotropy. Among these media the materials on the basis of organic dyes in a polymer matrix are available. The photochemical behavior of single dyes usually differs from their behavior in mixtures; it is, therefore, natural to assume that photoanisotropic properties of dye mixtures will also differ. Based on these assumptions we created several compositions of organic dyes from different classes. The physical and chemical properties as well as the mechanisms responsible for anisotropy of the dyes used in this investigation differ significantly. A special technique was needed to make the most of their photoanisotropic properties. | DOI:10.1364/AO.48.002793 |
Влияние кислосности на поляризационную чувствительность регистрирующих сред на базе азоиндикаторов. 2012, Институт физики имени Б. И.Степанова НАН беларуси /Журнал прикладной спектроскопии, том 79(6). C. 971-976 | Grant Project | Of the various polarization sensitive media, those based on organic azo-dyes continue to attract the interest of researchers because of an entire range of advantages: a large assortment of manufactured dyes, polarization sensitivity over a broad spectral range, the possibility of controlling the photoanisotropy and photogyrotropy parameters by physical and chemical processing, the ability to synthesize new dyes with predictable polarization sensitivity parameters, etc. These studies have shown that the polarization sensitivity of these media depends on many factors, primarily on the structure of the dye and the chemical activity of the matrix, but also on the technology used to fabricate the media, the form of solvent, rigidity of the matrix, latensification, spectral composition of the activating radiation, etc. [4, 5]. Here we study photoanisotropy and photogyrotropy in media based on mono-azo-dyes vof methyl orange and its homologs, including specially synthesized one, in order to clarify the effect of the complication of the molecular skeleton on the photoanisotropy and photogyrotropy of dyes in a neutral medium, as well to clarify the effect of the acidity of a Solvent on the polarization sensitivity of these molecules when they are exposed to actinic linearly polarized light. The resulting data are analyzed. | |
Effect of acidity on the polarization sensitivity of azo-indicator based recording media. 2013, Springer Science+Business Media/ Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, vol. 80(6). pp. 969-974. | Grant Project | This is an experimental study of the photoanisotropic gyrotropic properties of recording media based on azoindicators ‒ homologs (five dyes) of methyl orange ‒ introduced into the polymer matrix. Samples were prepared by a technology we have developed employing solvents with different acidities (pH 1.68–12.48). The samples were exposed to actinic radiation (λ= 488 nm) from an argon laser, and the photoinduced anisotropy measured in real time. The circular dichroism and circular birefringence in the layers under study are calculated for a neutral medium and at different pH levels. | DOI: 10.1007/s10812-013-9709-4 |
Поляризационная память голограммы Ю.Н. Денисюка, сформированной в неполяризованном свете. 2014, Институт физики имени Б. И.Степанова НАН беларуси /Журнал прикладной спектроскопии, том 81(1). C. 73-78 | Grant Project | The polarization properties of reflection Denisyuk holograms produced in a photo-anisotropic gyrotropic material by an unpolarized coherent light source are studied experimentally. The polarization state of the reconstructed image is found to depend on the polarization of the reproducing beam (polarization holographic memory). This effect is examined theoretically. Under certain limiting conditions on isotropic, anisotropic, and gyrotropic reactions of a polarization sensitive medium, the recovered image can be adequate with respect to the state and degree of polarization. When unpolarized light is used, the Jones matrix of the hologram responsible for the reconstructed image is equal to the Jones matrix of the object itself to within a constant factor; that is, illuminating the hologram with a wave of specified polarization yields a reconstructed field of the object that is identical, in terms of polarization, to the field of the object illuminated a priori with this wave. This method has been used to reproduce the degree of polarization of a partially polarized wave field and to study the polarization holographic characteristics of a photoanisotropic gyrotropic material. | |
К вопросу об оптимизации характеристик поляризационно-чувствительных сред на базе галогенидов серебра. 2014, Институт физики имени Б. И.Степанова НАН беларуси /Журнал прикладной спектроскопии, том 81(6). С. 836-842 | Grant Project | Sensitized photoanisotropy induced in fi ne-grained silver-halide photoemulsions was investigated using VRP photoplates as an example. Various factors including the photoemulsion type and the preliminary treatment of unirradiated layers (hypersensitization and/or heat treatment), actinic exposure by polarized radiation, development, and fixing were shown to influence the photoanisotropy parameters (light-induced birefringence and anisotropic absorption). | |
Фотоанизотропные свойства поляризасионно-люминесцентных сред для голографии на базе красителей нового типа. 2017, ФТИ им. А.Ф. Иоффе /Оптика и спектроскопия, том. 123(3). С. 458-462 | State Target Program | The luminescence polarization properties of new recording media obtained by directed synthesis—disulfochlorides of luminescent dyes (homologues of 1,7-diamino-3,9-dihydrodibenzo-[1,2,3de:4,5,6- d'e']diquinoline-2.8-dione (1,5-diaminoanthradipyridone) series), with the general structure (ClSO2)2-1,5-di-AAP-di-R—are investigated. Polarized photoluminescence spectra are recorded, and spectral dependences of the degree of anisotropy of phosphor on its chemical structure at different acidities of the medium are plotted. | DOI: 10.7868/S0030403417090288 |
Поляризационная память в фотоанизотропных средах для голографии на базе битуминозных материалов. 2018, ФТИ им. А.Ф. Иоффе /Оптика и спектроскопия, том. 125(4). С. 535-540 | State Target Program | The photoanisotropic properties of polarization sensitive luminescent media applied in holography based on bituminous materials are studied. The effect of photoluminescence memory of the excitation linear polarization in Georgian crude oils and motor gasolines with different octane numbers is revealed. Photoluminescence and polarization spectra are obtained, and polarization characteristics of media depending on their chemical structure and composition are measured. A Denisyuk reflectance hologram is obtained in a luminescent photoanisotropic gyrotropic material using the linearly polarized coherent light, and its polarization characteristic is studied. | DOI: 10.21883/OS.2018.10.46707.18-18 |
Качественный анализ вин и виноматериалов методами поляризованно-люминесцентной голографии на основе использования их оптических поляризационных спектров. 2020, ФТИ им. А.Ф. Иоффе /Оптика и спектроскопия, том. 128(3). С. 351-357. | State Target Program | Wines have been identified and classified on the basis of joint processing of various types of polarization spectra of Denisyuk multiplex dynamic luminescent holograms obtained from samples of studied wine products (specific wine brands). The luminescence spectrum of the restored imaginary image of the object, spectrum of the degree of anisotropy of the luminescence of the object reconstructed field, and spectrum of the ellipticity coefficient of the luminescence of the object reconstructed field have been selected for the analysis. An experimental study of the polarization properties of Denisyuk multiplex holograms obtained in a luminescent photonisotropic–gyrotropic material using a linearly polarized coherent light source has been conducted. Polarization-holographic memory has been observed. An experiment on the identification of samples that was conducted to test the possibility of using polarization spectra for wine recognition has been described. | DOI: 10.21883/OS.2020.03.49063.307-19 |
Поляризационно-чувствительные трирующие среды для голографии на базе красителя – флуорофора lucifer yellow. 2020, ФТИ им. А.Ф. Иоффе /Оптика и спектроскопия, том 128(2). С. 229-235 | State Target Program | Polarization-sensitive hologram media based on polyvinylpyrrolidone and gelatin matrices, into which the Lucifer Yellow and Coumarin 466 dyes have been introduced, have been created. A Denisyuk multiplex dynamic hologram has been recorded using linearly polarized LSR 405 NL-50 laser radiation (λ = 405 nm) in a luminescent photoanisotropic gyrotropic material. The photoanisotropic characteristics of the beam corresponding to the reconstructed virtual image of the object field have been measured by polarization-luminescent holography. The polarization spectra and photoluminescence intensity spectra of the reconstructed image have been measured, depending on the recording medium composition. The possibility of multiplex recording and observation of several images of an anisotropic gyrotropic object simultaneously if they are encoded by different emission frequencies and/or polarization state, has been shown. The combination of nondestructive polarization-luminescent holographic measurement method with other luminescent spectroscopic methods significantly expands the scope of this method and dramatically increases the overall information content of the study. | DOI: 10.21883/OS.2020.02.48966.238-19 |
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus აზოსაღებარების ფოტოქიმიური ქცევები სხვადასხვა პოლიმერულ მატრიცებში, 2008, კიბერნეტიკის ინსტიტუტი, ინფორმაციის ჰოლოგრაფიული ჩაწერისა და დამუშავების ლაბორატორია/თეზისების კრებული, HOLOOPTO-2008, გვ. 21-24. | Grant Project | The results of experimental investigations of photo anisotropy in organic dyes embedded in different polymer matrices are reported. All the matrices used in this work can be subdivided into those entering into a chemical reaction with dye molecules and those that are chemically inactive (neutral). In this investigation we used 24 water-soluble azo dyes, among them -4 newly sinthesized and accordingly water-soluble matrix, such as: gelatin, Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), caprolactam (CL) and polyacrylic acid (PA). | |
ელიფსომეტრული გაზომვები საღებარი-პოლიმერის ასიმეტრიულ სისტემებში, 2008, კიბერნეტიკის ინსტიტუტი, ინფორმაციის ჰოლოგრაფიული ჩაწერისა და დამუშავების ლაბორატორია/თეზისების კრებული, HOLOOPTO-2008, გვ. 25-27 | Grant Project | The results of the investigation of photo anisotropy and photo gyrotropy in the asymmetric systems dye-polymer are presented. As it is known under the influence of linearly or circular polarized light the anisotropy and gyrotropy in the light sensitive media can appear. In the solid solutions of the sequence of azo dyes in the light absorbing molecule the series of trans- cis- conformation transition can undergo. Through the rigidity of the matrix deal prevalence cis- forms is appeared. That is the reason of the macroscopic anisotropy and sometimes gyrotropy to be reduced. | |
The Photoanisotropy and Photogirotropy in compositions of organic Dyes. 2008, COTA/ Optica Publishing Group, paper JMB1 | Grant Project | Several compositions of organic dyes, embedded in polymer matrix were created. Experimental results of investigation photoanisotropy and photogyrotropy in these compositions are presented. It was shown that they are polarize-sensitive in a wide spectral range. | |
The influence of chemical activities polymer matrices on photo anisotropy of azo dyes. 2008, SPIE OPTO/ Proc. SPIE., Vol. 7100, Practical Holography XXV: Materials and Applications; 71001P | Grant Project | In this article the results of experimental investigations of photo anisotropy in organic dyes embedded in different polymer matrices are reported. All the matrices used in this work can be subdivided into those entering into a chemical reaction with dye molecules and those that are chemically inactive. The results of this investigation are suggested that the matrix is of crucial importance of the creation of photo anisotropic materials. | |
The photoanisotropy in the holographic media on the basis of silver halide emulsion. 2011, SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications/Proc. SPIE., Volume 8126, Optical Manufacturing and Testing IX; 81261H | Grant Project | The results of investigation of the phenomena ISPh was reported. It was shown that in the given layers after the irradiation of the polarized light with wave-length actinic for the given sensitizer and of the following specific development the photo-induced anisotropy was visualized. It turns out that weakly expressed anisotropy of the latent image multiplied more than on the two order of magnitude. As it was shown in this investigation, the value of the photo anisotropic parameters can changed in wide-ranging after the specific physicochemical treatment: hypersensitizing, specific worked out developers, thermal treatment, fixing (in case of need). Each of the procedure has such essential value, that the separated examination was needed. For example, 20 developing agent per se and large quantity of the different compositions, and also the quantity hypersensitizers was investigated. The photo induced anisotropy maybe measured on the modified spectrophotometers SF-10 or SF-18. To receive experimentally the dependence of the anisotropic absorption, and the light induced birefringence it is necessary to carry out not less than 6 measurements of transmission of the differently oriented irradiated samples (0°; 45°; 90°), placed between parallel and crossed polarizers in the spectrophotometer. Some technological regimes which reduced to the optimization of the parameters of the photo anisotropy are presented. The high stability, the possibility of working in the red region and with the low power energy sources, with the wide controlled characteristics are represented the main advantage of such media. In addition he Schwarzchild effect in the ISPh phenomena is considered. | DOI:10.1117/12.894625 |
Light induced anisotropy and gyrotropy in the media on the basis of azo indicators. 2011, SPIE OPTO/ Proc. SPIE., Volume 7957, Practical Holography XXV: Materials and Applications; 79570U | Grant Project | Azo indicators are well known in which when changing aciditythey changes their properties. It was natural to expect also their appreciable changes of their polarization properties. The results of the carried out experimental research in recording media on the basis of azo indicators– homolog of the Methyl orange introduced into the polymeric matrix are presented in this work. According to the technology developed by us, the samples for the reception of which solvents with various degree of acidity, within values pH 1.68-12.45 have been created. Samples were irradiated by the light of argon laser (488 nm) actinic for them. Measurement of light induced anisotropy was carried out on a registering recorder and can be described by means of one parameter- the effective anisotropy. As standards the samples of dyes for the reception of which neutral solvent was used have been considered. In a number of dyes the values of effective anisotropy in alkaline and acid media exceed its values concerning corresponding standards. The higher homolog – Heptyl orange and Benzyl orange which are weak or insoluble in water, become water-soluble when using solvents both with acid and alkaline reaction. The interval of appearance of light induced anisotropy has been expanded. We have used the method of the zero-ellipsometry for the research arising in the same samples light induced gyrotropy. Values of circular dichroism and circular birefringence in investigated layers in neutral media have been calculated also at various values pH. In the work the received results are discussed and analyzed. | DOI:10.1117/12.873172 |
Weigert-effeсt in the recording media on the base of the polarization-sensitive compositions. 07/2015, THE ELECTROMAGNETICS ACADEMY Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC /proceedings, pp. 2031-2034 | Grant Project | The paper discusses the polarization properties of the compositions of the photosensitive media. The compositions have been developed - the transparent polymer in which activators were added: photoanisotropy, chiral and fluorescent impurities. Activators photo anisotropy were based on the organic dyes of different classes. Optical schemes have been created, which allows us to explore the polarized luminescence, and conduct the ellipsometric measurements of the photo anisotropic parameters obtained compositions. For polarized radiation were used standard lasers with wavelengths: (λ = 405, 441.6, 532) nm. | |
The recording media for holography based on a new type of fluorescent dyes: butyl – substituted aminoantropiridone. 07/2016, Science KNOW/Global Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics Proceedings, pp. 1-4 | Grant Project | Nowadays, the holographic methods of information saving and processing is one of the most attractive and efficient. The advantage of the holographic method lies in the feature of holograms – ability to reconstruct information arrays, recorded throughout the hologram volume, at a high speed. This provides reliable and high-density information recording. This method enables making recording and reconstruction of the object wave polarization state, and thus has greatly increased the possibilities of holographic science. In our opinion, the next step in the development of polarization holography could be a polarization-fluorescent holography. The implementation of the polarization-fluorescent holography will enable to record information almost for any spectrum region (within the absorption spectrum of the particular medium) and its reconstruction in the desired spectral range (within luminescence spectrum), according to the given task. As known, the analysis methods based on the polarization fluorescence phenomenon, are the most sensitive and highly effective tools for modern researches. For solving problems of polarization-fluorescent holography we need a fluorescent recording medium that should have high values of quantum efficiency, high photosensitivity and must show the notable polarization-luminescent properties in the required spectral range. It is known, that the luminescent emission of many substances is, fully or partially, polarized either linearly or circularly due to the anisotropy emergency at elementary acts of light quanta absorption and emission, during the luminescence process. In most cases, the luminescence of the complex molecules is linearly polarized (as a rule, partly linearly). In case of the gyrotropic substances, characterized by ability to rotate the polarization plane, and which reveal a circular dichroism, the partially circular polarization of the luminescence is detected as well. The aim of this work is to create a new type of recording media for fluorescent -polarization holography and study of their polarization- luminescent properties. | |