Paata Tsereteli
Doctor of Science
Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics
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On the Mathematical Model of Drug Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis | Odisharia K., Odisharia V., Tsereteli P., Janikashvili N. | article | Springer International Publishing, Mathematics, Informatics, and their Applications in Natural Sciences and Engineering, Chapter No: 10, pp.161-168, 2019 | WoS: Scopus: Scholar: 2 | ISBN 978-3-030-10419-1 | DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-10419-1_10 | English | State Targeted Program |
Implementation of the mathematical model of rheumatoid arthritis | K.Odisharia, P.Tsereteli, V.Odisharia,N.Janikashvili | conference proceedings | Reports of Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics Volume 31, 2017,pp.107-110 | WoS: Scopus: | ISSN | English | State Targeted Program | |
Development Of Tools For Visualization Of Parallel Program Execution Process | Svanadze G., Tsereteli P | article | Proceedings of Georgian University, v.3, 2017, pp.224-228 | WoS: Scopus: | ISSN | English | State Targeted Program | |
Development of Tools for Tracing of Parallel Programs | Svanadze G., Tsereteli P | conference proceedings | “Internet-Education-Science” Proc. Of Tenth International Scientific-Practical Conference, October 11-14, 2016, Vinnitsa, Ukraine, p.222-224 | WoS: Scopus: | ISBN 978-966-641-491-8 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Three-Layer Factorized Difference Schemes and Parallel Algorithms for Solving the System of Linear Parabolic Equations with Mixed Derivatives and Variable Coefficients | F.Criado-Aldeanueva, T.Davitashvili, H.Meladze, P.Tsereteli, J.M.Sanchez | article | Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2016, V.15, #1, pp.51-66 (with Impact Factor 0.452, Thomson Reuters) | WoS: Scopus: | ISSN | English | State Targeted Program | |
Aplication of ACA Algorithm and BICGSTAB Solver for Acceleration of MOM Computations of Large Scale Problem | G.Gabriadze, V.Tskhovrebashvili, F.Bogdanov, P.Tsereteli, R.Jobava | conference proceedings | Proc. of the 2nd International Scientific Conference “Advanced Lightweight Structures and Reflector Antennas”, October 1-3, Tbilisi, 2014, Georgia, pp.116-122 | WoS: Scopus: | ISSN | DOI:10.13140/2.1.5154.1768 | English | Contract |
Fast iterative calculation of large body mounted antenna radiation using adaptive cross approximation | G.Gabriadze, F.Bogdanov, P.Tsereteli, R.Jobava, V.Tskhovrebashvili | conference proceedings | Proceedings of International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, DIPED, 2014, pp. 116–120 | WoS: Scopus: 5 Scholar: 5 | ISSN | English | Contract | |
Parallel Algorithms of Numerical Solution of One dynamic Problem for Quasi-linear System of Equations of Elasticity Theory, | H.Meladze, T.Davitashvili, R.Kakubava, P.Tsereteli | conference proceedings | Proceedings of 9-th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT'2013), September 23-27, 2013, Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 236-239 | WoS: Scopus: | ISSN | English | State Targeted Program | |
Using Hybrid GPU Algorithm for Solving of EMC Problems | R.Jobava, P.Tsereteli, K.Odisharia | conference proceedings | Proc. of XVI International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2011), September 26-29, 2011, Lviv, Ukraine, pp. 156-160 | WoS: Scopus: 1 | ISSN | English | Contract | |
ACAMethod and SPAI Preconditioner foe Acceleration BiCGStab Solver in MoM based solver TriD | G.Gabriadze, F.Bogdanov, P.Tsereteli, R.Jobava, E.Yavolovskaya | conference proceedings | Proc. of XVI International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2011), September 26-29, 2011, Lviv, Ukraine, pp. 151-155 | WoS: Scopus: 2 | ISBN: 978-1-4577-0897-8 | English | Contract | |
Computational Techniques for Automotive Antenna Simulations | Faik Bogdanov, Roman Jobava, David Karkashadze, Paata Tsereteli, Anna Gheonjian, Ekaterina Yavolovskaya, Detlef Schleicher, Christoph Ullrich and Hicham Tazi | article | New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering, Marcello Chiaberge (Ed.), InTech, pp.585-610 | WoS: Scopus: Scholar: 8 | ISBN: 978-953-307-517-4 | DOI:10.5772/13047 | English | Contract |
Advanced computational techniques to simulate up-to-date automotive antenna EM/EMC problems | F. G. Bogdanov, R. G. Jobava, D. D. Karkashadze, P. Tsereteli, A. L. Gheonjian, E. A. Yavolovskaya, I. Oganezova | conference proceedings | Proc. of XV International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2010), September 27-30, 2010, Tbilisi, pp. 139-143 | WoS: Scopus: | ISBN: 978-1-4244-7790-6 | English | Contract | |
Application of FEM/MoM Approach for Investigation of Vehicle Glass Antennas | Lomidze, P. Tsereteli, Z. Sukhiashvili, R. Kvaratskhelia, R. Jobava | article | Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Vol.174 (1), 2006 | WoS: Scopus: | ISSN | DOI:10.1109/DIPED.2005.201618 | English | Contract |
Optimization of the performance of the method of moments by decomposition of the impedance matrix | Stephan Frei, Roman Jobava, P. Tsereteli, F. Bogdanov, A. Gheonjian | conference proceedings | International Exhibition and Congress for Electromagnetic Compatibility - March 7th to 9th, 2006, Düsseldorf, VDE-Verlag, 2006, pp.113-120 | WoS: Scopus: | ISSN | German | Contract | |
MoM Scheme for Treating EMC Problems on Series of Geometries with a Predominant Common Part | F.Bogdanov, R.Jobava, P.Tsereteli, S.Frei | conference proceedings | Proceedings of the 16th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, 2005, pp.415-418 | WoS: Scopus: Scholar: 5 | ISSN | English | Contract | |
An iterative method for solving a boundary value problem for a system of first-order ordinary differential equations with a parameter for cluster computing systems | T.Davitashvili, H.Meladze, V.Sahakyan, P.Tsereteli | article | Computational Methods and Programming, 2005, Sec.1, pp.239-248 | WoS: Scopus: | ISSN 0507-5386 | Russian | Grant Project | |
Development of FEM/MOM aproach for investigation of vehicle class antennas | G.Lomidze, P.Tsereteli, Z.Sukhiashvili, R.Kvaratskhelia, R.Jobava | conference proceedings | Proc. of X International Seminar/Workshop DIPED-2005, September, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine, pp. 212-215. | WoS: Scopus: | ISSN | DOI:10.1109/DIPED.2005.201618 | English | Contract |
Automation of Digital Seismologycal Data Processing Using the Methods of Fuzzy Analysis | J.Gachechiladze, T.Gachechiladze, H.Meladze, P.Tsereteli, N.Jorjiashvili, I.Amanatashvili | conference proceedings | Proc. of the conference “Computer Science and Information Technologies”, Sept. 19-23, 2005, Yereven, Armenia, pp. 615-619 | WoS: Scopus: | ISBN 5-8080-0631-7 | English | Grant Project | |
On Linear Equation System Solver for Electromagnetic Compability Problems | P.Tsereteli, R.Jobava, F.Bogdanov, A.Radchenko | conference proceedings | Proc. of the conference “Computer Science and Information Technologies”, Sept. 19-23, 2005, Yereven, Armenia, pp. 464-467 | WoS: Scopus: | SBN 5-8080-0631-7 | English | Contract | |
On One Numerical Method for Solving the Boundary Value Problem of the First Order System of Ordinary Differential Equations with Parameter for Cluster Systems | T.Davitashvili, H.Meladze, V.Sahakyan, P.Tsereteli | conference proceedings | Proc. of the conference “Computer Science and Information Technologies”, Sept. 19-23, 2005, Yereven, Armenia, pp. 414-418 | WoS: Scopus: | ISBN 5-8080-0631-7 | DOI:10.1080/00207160008804923 | English | Grant Project |
Solving Large Scale EMC problems using Linux cluster and parallel MoM. | R.Jobava, P.Tsereteli, F.Bogdanov, A.Radchenko | conference proceedings | Proc. of IX International Seminar/Workshop DIPED-2004, 2004, Tbilisi, pp.83-86 | WoS: Scopus: 1 | ISBN 966-02-3253-5 | DOI:10.1109/DIPED.2004.242675 | English | Contract |
A partitioned MoM scheme for solution of EM/EMC problems on assembles of geometries with a substantial common part | F.G.Bogdanov, R.G.Jobava, P.Tsereteli | conference proceedings | Proc. of IX International Seminar/Workshop DIPED-2004, 2004, Tbilisi, pp.57-60 | WoS: Scopus: | ISBN 966-02-3253-5 | DOI: 10.1109/DIPED.2004.242569 | English | Contract |
Experience in creating a computing cluster for electrodynamic calculations | P.Tsereteli, R.Jobava, A.Radchenko | conference proceedings | Proceedings of the Scientific Conference "Scientific Service on the Internet", Novorossiysk, September, 2004, Moscow, Moscow University Press, pp.118-120 | WoS: Scopus: | ISSN | Russian | Contract |
X Annual International conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union | Batumi, Georgia | 2019 | 2-6.09 | Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Georgian Mathematical Union | On the Numerical Solution of a Problem of a Nonlinear Timoshenko Plate | oral | In the present report we consider the static deformation problem of the plate, described by the nonlinear Timoshenko equations system. The existence of the generalized solution for the described problem and the convergence of the projection method is proven. The numeric solution for the concrete cases is implemented in the parallel computing system and its convergence against exact solutions is shown. | http://gmu.ge/Batumi2019/ |
X Annual International conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union | Batumi, Georgia | 2019 | 2-6.09 | Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Georgian Mathematical Union | On the General Mathematical Model of Autoimmune Diseases | oral | In this report we propose the general mathematical model of autoimmune diseases obtained by generalization of mathematical model of rheumatoid arthritis. According the model, there are target cells that are recognized as “foreign” cells by immune system and it begins to attack them. In this process B-, Treg- and Th- lymphocytes are involved. The model is a system of non-linear ordinary differential equations. Equations determine change of size of target cell population, B-, Th-, Treg- cell populations and amount of drug in the blood. The model assumes that the disease occurs when the number of B-lymphocytes exceeds the limit value. The model involves the drug, that promotes target cells proliferation and/or reduction of B-lymphocytes to the limit value by influence on Th- and Treg- cells. | http://gmu.ge/Batumi2019/ |
X Annual International conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union | Batumi, Georgia | 2019 | 2-6.09 | Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Georgian Mathematical Union | Different Approaches to the Parallelization of the Program for Solving of Electromagnetic (EM) Problems | oral | The conventional method for solving electromagnetic problems is the method of moments (MoM), which leads to the solution of a system of linear equations with complex coefficients. Numerical solution of large such industrial problems is very time-consuming. One of the possibilities of speeding up the process is the parallelization of the algorithm and the usage of modern multiprocessor computing cluster systems. The MoM algorithm is quite complex and it may be divided into the following parts. Moreover, these actions, except of data reading and processing of geometry, can be repeated several times for different wave frequencies. The structure of the algorithm allows different approaches to parallelization to be applied. For example, process of filling and solving of system of equations for individual frequency can be parallelized or whole frequency loop can be parallelized. In the both cases, memory of the cluster node may be shared (or not) between different parallel branches. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. These approaches are discussed in this report. | http://gmu.ge/Batumi2019/ |
VIII International Conference of Georgian Mathematical Union | Batumi, Georgia | 2017 | 4-8.09 | Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Georgian Mathematical Union | About the Fast Direct Solution of DGTD Equation | oral | In recent years the discontinuous Galerkin time domain method (DGTD) is widely used for applications arising in electromagnetics. The main difference is that in DGTD the basis functions are only defined on a single element without any overlap with the neighboring elements. Usage of the spatial discretization based on unstructured, tetrahedral finite elements is one of the main advantages of DGTD. The explicit time integration schemes, such as Runge-Kutta and Leap-Frog are easily applicable, but unfortunately computationally expensive due to restriction of time step size (Courant– Friedrichs–Lewy condition). Thus it is required to use implicit time stepping scheme that is unconditionally stable and allows usage of larger time step, which in turn reduces the calculation time. However, efficiency of this approach depends on inversion of huge sparse matrices. This report presents an optimized implicit time integration scheme for DGTD based on fast direct inversion of matrix. For solution of the equation the same approach is used as in Fast Direct Solver (FDS), which was reported on the last conference. Along with full and compressed blocks we introduce zero blocks, and newly obtained during solution non-zero blocks we compress by SVD method | http://gmu.gtu.ge/Batumi2017/ |
VIII International Conference of Georgian Mathematical Union | Batumi, Georgia | 2017 | 4-8.09 | Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Georgian Mathematical Union | Parallel Algოirthm For Kirchhoff’s One Non-Linear Problem | oral | A great number of works are devoted to Kirchhoff equation both from the standpoint of its solvability and from the standpoint of construction and investigation of numerical algorithms. We represent the parallel algorithm of task that approximates the exact solution and results obtained by parallel computer. Convergence of approximate solution to the exact solution is also proved. This approach was used before for Timoshenko equations . | http://gmu.gtu.ge/Batumi2017/ |
VIII International Joint Conference of Georgian Mathematical Union | Batumi, Georgia | 2017 | 4-8.09 | Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Georgian Mathematical Union | About the Mathematical Model of Progression and Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases | oral | We herein report our attempt to establish the mathematical model and its computational implementation for autoimmune diseases. Mathematical models of immune mediated disorders provide an analytic framework in which we can address specific questions concerning disease immune dynamics and the choice of treatment. Now we present a generalized and improved model. The improvement includes estimation of model coefficients and the software that solves the Cauchy problem for this system and visualizes the obtained solution is developed. We also add a drug component to the model. | http://gmu.gtu.ge/Batumi2017/ |
South-Caucasus Computing and Technology Workshop, SCCTW’2016 | Tbilisi,Georgia | 2016 | 4-7.10 | European Organization For Nuclear Research, CERN, GeorgianTechnical University, Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathemetics | Mathematical Modeling of Immunopathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis | oral | We present a novel mathematical model that describes the immunopathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis using non-linear differential equations. The model explores the functional dynamics of cartilage destruction during disease progression, in which a system of differential equations deciphers the interactions between autoreactive B lymphocytes and T helper cells. Immunomodulatory relation between pro-inflammatory and regulatory T lymphocyte subsetsis also solved in these equations. Of importance, our model provides a mechanistic interpretation of targeted immunotherapy which deals with the intervention of pathophysiological immune processes in rheumatoid arthritis. | https://www.cadcamge.ch/2016/index.php?do=pro |
VII International Joint Conference of Georgian Mathematical Union & Georgian Mechanical Union | Batumi, Georgia | 2016 | 5-9.09 | Georgian Mathematical Union, Georgian Mechanical Union | Mathematical Modeling of Immunopathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis | oral | Mathematical models of immune-mediated disorders provide an analytic framework in which we can address specific questions concerning disease immune dynamics and the choice of treatment. Herein, we present a novel mathematical model that describes the immunopathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis using non-linear differential equations. The model explores the functional dynamics of cartilage destruction during disease progression, in which a system of differential equations deciphers the interactions between autoreactive B lymphocytes and T helper cells. Immunomodulatory relation between pro-inflammatory and regulatory T lymphocyte subsetsis also solved in these equations. Of importance, our model provides a mechanistic interpretation of targeted immunotherapy which deals with the intervention of pathophysiological immune processes in rheumatoid arthritis. | http://gmu.gtu.ge/Batumi2016/ |
VII International Joint Conference of Georgian Mathematical Union & Georgian Mechanical Union | Batumi, Georgia | 2016 | 5-9.09 | Georgian Mathematical Union, Georgian Mechanical Union | Application of Low Rank Approximation for Solution of Large Scale Electromagnetic Problems | oral | The given report describes some ways for the acceleration of solution of large scale and complex electromagnetic (EM) problems by Method of Moments (MoM), which is generally used technique and finally lead to the solution of linear system of equations with complex coefficients. Solution of such system when number of unknowns is very large (100,000 and more) requires big computational time and large amount of computer mem ory. For reducing required memory and speed up calculation time we use ACA (Adaptive Cross Approximation) algorithm. This method divides a matrix into blocks and the most part of them are decomposed via ACA, requiring significantly less memory. Com pressible matrices and their low-rank approximations fundamentally mean that most of the blocked MoM system matrix equation elements, before compression, contain very lit tle physical information. After such decomposition system may be solved iteratively or directly. As an iterative solver BICGSTAB (BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized) method is used. In order to improve the convergence of iterative process SPAI (Sparse Approximation Inverse) the preconditioner is applied. In some cases many right-hand sides of system are obtained and the efficiency of iterative solver can fall. In such cases direct methods may be more effective. After ACA decomposition LU-factorization and LU-solve may be ap plied | http://gmu.gtu.ge/Batumi2015/ |
VI Annual International conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union | Batumi, Georgia | 2015 | 12-16.07 | Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Georgian Mathematical Union | About Solving of Large Scale Electromagnetic Problem | oral | The given report describes some ways for acceleration of solution of large scale and complex electromagnetic (EM) problems by Method of Moments (MoM), which is gen erally used technique and finally lead to the solution of a linear system of equations with complex coefficients. Solution of such system when the number of unknowns is very large (100,000 and more) requires big computational time and a large amount of computer memory. For reducing required memory and speed up calculation time we use ACA (Adaptive Cross Approximation) algorithm. This method divides a matrix into blocks and the most part of them are decomposed via ACA, requiring significantly less memory. Com pressible matrices and their low rank approximations fundamentally mean that most of the blocked MoM system matrix equation elements, before compression, contain very lit tle physical information. After such decomposition system may be solved iteratively or directly. As an iterative solver BICGSTAB (BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized) method is used. In order to improve the convergence of iterative process SPAI (Sparse Approximation Inverse) preconditioner is applied. In some cases many right-hand sides of system are obtained and the efficiency of the iterative solver can fall. In such cases, direct methods may be more effective. After ACA decomposition LU-factorization and LU-solve may be applied | http://gmu.gtu.ge/Batumi2015/ |
VI Annual International conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union | Batumi, Georgia | 2015 | 12-16.07 | Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Georgian Mathematical Union | Parallel algorithm for Timoshenko Non-linear Problem | oral | The plate problem described by Timoshenko system is considered. The system of equations is reduced to one non-linear integro-differential equation. Using the pro jection method the infinite-dimensional task is replaced by finite-dimensional one. Existence of generalized solution and convergence of Galerkin method are proved. Re sulting system of cubic equations is solved by iterative method. Parallel computing system is used for getting numerical solution | http://gmu.gtu.ge/Batumi2015/ |
Workshop “ArmCluster” | Tsakhadzor,Armenia | 2005 | 21.09 | National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems | On Linear Equation System Solver for Electromagnetic Compability Problems | oral | https://csit.am/2005/sp5.php |
Web of Science: 31 Scopus: 18 Google Scholar: 81 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee
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